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So I'm assuming they Are cannibals, then? Figured that's what the meat was


Definitely cannibals. A lot of the episode was very good (which is rare for this show) but the flashbacks were useless (even worse if the watch was never mentioned before which I don't know or care enough to find out) and had they not been there we could have gotten a little deeper into the cannibal thing before ducking out for the season instead of not being entirely clear and building it up more even though it's extremely obvious.

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I'm betting the guy in the Caddy is Father Gabriel and actually saved Beth. Terminus is definitely a form of the hunters from the comics retooled in a way for tv. I loved the finale. Best episode of the season for sure. Nice to Rick back in bad a-- mode. The first few episodes in Oct should be great.


Did anyone notice the powdered milk? I wonder if that is a tease for Tyrese/Carol/Judith already being there (baby powdered milk). it might be nothing but it was odd that they made such a point of showing that shot.



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Just wanted to chime in that I just finished Season 1 last night. I know, STFU n00b. (I started watching it over the weekend.) I've been hearing about this show for months now and finally the wife and I decided to watch it. I'm usually a fan of most things zombies/survival/post-apocalypse and so far this series isn't disappointing.


I'd really like to read the thread and join in on the discussion, but I know there will be all kinds of spoilers and I don't want to ruin the fun for later. I'll try to get through the rest of the seasons as quickly as possible so that I'm fully up to speed.

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FYI, if anyone is looking for a show hold them over, "Jerico" is work checking out on Netflix. No Zombies, just a bit of fuck you, I need your shit; nuke fallout and conspiracy stuff. It was out a while ago and overlooked for the most part at the time.

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Just wanted to chime in that I just finished Season 1 last night. I know, STFU n00b. (I started watching it over the weekend.) I've been hearing about this show for months now and finally the wife and I decided to watch it. I'm usually a fan of most things zombies/survival/post-apocalypse and so far this series isn't disappointing.


I'd really like to read the thread and join in on the discussion, but I know there will be all kinds of spoilers and I don't want to ruin the fun for later. I'll try to get through the rest of the seasons as quickly as possible so that I'm fully up to speed.


Stop while you're ahead. Season 1 was so much better than any season since. Poor Darabont getting the shaft because AMC are a bunch of cheap fucks.

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Stop while you're ahead. Season 1 was so much better than any season since. Poor Darabont getting the shaft because AMC are a bunch of cheap fucks.


2 was boring, and 3 was predictable, but I'd say overall the show is much better overall in season 4, than it was in 2 and 3.

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Just wanted to chime in that I just finished Season 1 last night. I know, STFU n00b. (I started watching it over the weekend.) I've been hearing about this show for months now and finally the wife and I decided to watch it. I'm usually a fan of most things zombies/survival/post-apocalypse and so far this series isn't disappointing.


I'd really like to read the thread and join in on the discussion, but I know there will be all kinds of spoilers and I don't want to ruin the fun for later. I'll try to get through the rest of the seasons as quickly as possible so that I'm fully up to speed.


You should enjoy it, but in the later seasons it switches tempo. Don't worry, for in a way it'll all make sense. I just hate that I have to wait until October again.

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2 was boring, and 3 was predictable, but I'd say overall the show is much better overall in season 4, than it was in 2 and 3.






Also as someone else posted... Jericho is a great TV show. Lenny James was actually a main cast character on that show (Morgan from Walking Dead). It's a great conspiracy show. It got canceled after season one but was brought back by popular demand. It got canceled again after an abbreviated season 2 but they wrapped it up nicely with a good conspiracy plot.



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I predict they will spend the entire next season in the train car listening Glenn, still suffering from illness, has a horrid case of diarrhea and chronic crankyass. The door will open the last ten minutes of the last episode.


True Detective now that's a show worth watching.

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Is there an easy place to stream current Walking Dead episodes shortly after they air? We've about had it with TWC and we're going to cancel cable.



I use jetflicks. It's a mobile app, but I can pull the mobile site up on my ps4 or plug my phone into the TV via HDMI port. All shows come on there the day after airing, $50/year. I dropped cable and just use Jetflicks and Netflix.

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Is there an easy place to stream current Walking Dead episodes shortly after they air? We've about had it with TWC and we're going to cancel cable.


It's easy to watch here but just make sure you're using an up to date browser with AdBlock Plus to make sure nothing wonky happens...




Just select the episode you want to watch, look at the list and choose one with the highest rating (around 60% seems to be the highest which seems low but I checked several and they all worked fine and looked decent) and read what you're clicking so you don't start installing spyware or something.

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Also as someone else posted... Jericho is a great TV show. Lenny James was actually a main cast character on that show (Morgan from Walking Dead). It's a great conspiracy show. It got canceled after season one but was brought back by popular demand. It got canceled again after an abbreviated season 2 but they wrapped it up nicely with a good conspiracy plot.




Watching now. You'd better not have lied to me. :lol:

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