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Another DeltaWing crash


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Black is cool and all, but I think they need to paint it a brighter color. Other cars just aren't seeing it due to its low profile.


I feel this car will become another interesting footnote in racing history, like the 6 wheel F1 cars, rather than the revolution that they are trying to make it out to be.


BUt they have to make it more visible. A brighter coat of paint will help. Maybe DRLs on the rollover pylons above the driver would help. But as it stands now, I think the other drivers are just seeing a dark smudge in their mirrors that isn't shaped like a what they are used to and are disregarding it as they focus on all of the other stimulus bombarding them.

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More than likely the Porsche lost traction on the rumble strips and pointed it over, came off the strips and gained traction. In the in car of the Deltawing at the last moment you can see the Porsche's front wheel counter left.


Highly doubt it was intentional, it's not NASCAR.

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