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Chase employees - question


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Anyone here work in the fraud department, or otherwise know why Chase is cancelling debit cards today? My girlfriend and two of her friends with Chase had their debit cards cancelled today and were told they would get a new card with a new number in 10 days due to suspected fraud. One of them called the fraud department and they refused to say why. Any idea what's going on? Has anyone else had their Chase debit card cancelled today? Could this have anything to do with the Barnes and Noble card skimming that was in the news this week, or is it something else?
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I work there and i bank there and i haven't heard/had any issues today. if they go to a branch they can get a card printed there on the spot though, no need to wait 10 days.




When the datacard machine works.


You have NO idea how many fail in a given day. It's a hit or miss if the machine is working that day. Don't ask me.. I support the piece of shit machines. :fuuuu:

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I work there and i bank there and i haven't heard/had any issues today. if they go to a branch they can get a card printed there on the spot though, no need to wait 10 days.


Ya, that's what they will tell you over the phone too. But, at least at 5/3, it's only a debit card and not a 'credit' card. IIRC you can't use a debit card at all POS places right?


It's complete BS that you have to wait 10 days or go in to get a card for their fuck up.


EDIT: Maybe it's not Chases fault in this case. But I've had 5/3 replace cards more than once with something that was their, or their suppliers fault. Every time same run around, won't tell me what happened. 10 days to get a card. Have to go into all of my bill pay stuff and change numbers. :fuuuu: Hey, maybe since this happens only all of the time you should make your systems more secure.

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i just got a call/text/email saying my card had suspicious activity, sure enough someone had tried to use it in ILL for gas twice.... FML new card time for me.


your doing it wrong.





that sucks used to bank with them, after working with them deceided banking with them would be retarded... :lol:

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Mine was cancelled as well, they claimed my info was "possibly compromised" though there's no suspicious activity on my account and refused to give any more info. Were obviously not being told something.


within the last day or so? that's weird, my gf and her friend's all checked their accounts and didn't see any strange charges

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My buddy who uses PNC and is local just had his CC# swiped some how. He never used his card online. Who ever did it even cloned his card and was buying stuff localy. He was able to get one of the stores to agree to give him there CCTV from the day the card was used....


Crazy shit

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Mine was cancelled as well, they claimed my info was "possibly compromised" though there's no suspicious activity on my account and refused to give any more info. Were obviously not being told something.


The B&N skimming is an example of why they do this; in that case, I think it was the FBI that asked them not to release any info regarding the breach so they could try to track down the people without lots of attention.


My guess is that Chase or a company that works closely with Chase has been compromised and they're trying to find the source.

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The B&N skimming is an example of why they do this; in that case, I think it was the FBI that asked them not to release any info regarding the breach so they could try to track down the people without lots of attention.


My guess is that Chase or a company that works closely with Chase has been compromised and they're trying to find the source.


your spot on. They were likely informed by a vendor that their systems were hacked. In order to protect the customer and company assets, they automatically closed large number of acct and got new numbers even if no fraudulent activity took place. This rash of closed accts happened right after Barnes and Noble realized their card readers were compromised and I have sneaky feeling the card reader has been hacked in other stores as well. Customers are never informed due to if there are 100k accts that were affected, their is no way to inform everyone in a short time span. It sucks but life moves on.

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The B&N skimming is an example of why they do this; in that case, I think it was the FBI that asked them not to release any info regarding the breach so they could try to track down the people without lots of attention.


My guess is that Chase or a company that works closely with Chase has been compromised and they're trying to find the source.


Makes sense, they said they were alerted by the "authorities" but wouldn't say who or for exactly what reason, just my info "might" be compromised. I'm not missing anything so I'm not too worried about for now.


Chase contacted me Wednesday about this.

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