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Ok the only thread about the election I am going to start.


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Uh oh so think about this for a minute, many places have electronic voting, and most people will not early vote. So we have this Storm coming next week "Sandy", places will be out of power for a week or more. Storm surge will make roads unfit for travel, subways could be flooded. This storm may impact this election. Especially since Obama is favored in densely populated areas like Philly (where it might make landfall), what if a chunk of people can't get to their polling place, or machines are damaged, and PA loses many of those Obama votes from a densely populated Philly, Romney could win PA’s electoral votes. Seeing that Obama seems to be favored in many big cities past and present. That would be a huge turn of events for him as PA is as of right now in favor for Obama in the polls.


If Ohio lost Cinci or Cleveland in the last election, McCain would have won Ohio as all of rural Ohio pretty much voted republican. The same could happen to PA, even Shittsburg, PA (that was for you Marc) may have snow to deal with... the two biggest cities in PA..... I can see shennigans being called.....


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Well, they make these things called generators...


You really think they wouldn't have some kind of backup power supply for a polling place?



Not in poor neighborhoods. :gabe:


Also if you can't get to your polling place, or it is destroyed and they change it's location to somewhere people cannot get to without transportation. Shadier things have happened in poor neighborhoods durring elections.... Just sayin'

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Well, they make these things called generators...


You really think they wouldn't have some kind of backup power supply for a polling place?


I have seen the one that operates the Licking County Admin building.... and it is not going to power much, probably little more than emergency lights and the fire alarm system.

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Not in poor neighborhoods. :gabe:


And you're counting on volunteer poll workers, most of whom are like 80 years old, to be able to both a) figure out how a generator that they've never used and barely been trained on is supposed to work, and b) manage the growing crowds of wet and disgruntled voters.


It'll be chaos; cats and dogs living together, Republicans and Democrats joining forces to loot beer stores.


I predict lawsuits.

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And you're counting on volunteer poll workers, most of whom are like 80 years old, to be able to both a) figure out how a generator that they've never used and barely been trained on is supposed to work, and b) manage the growing crowds of wet and disgruntled voters.


It'll be chaos; cats and dogs living together, Republicans and Democrats joining forces to loot beer stores.


I predict lawsuits.




Seriously think about how people in high places could make decisions that WILL impact the result....

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And you're counting on volunteer poll workers, most of whom are like 80 years old, to be able to both a) figure out how a generator that they've never used and barely been trained on is supposed to work, and b) manage the growing crowds of wet and disgruntled voters.


Who is to say they will have enough fuel to keep them running from open to close....

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Will be all out of here by Thursday evening.


here is not Philly, and even after it leaves, there will be lasting effects for a week or so. Remember our little Deracho that shut down Hamilton Rd for a week, I usually shop and buy and eat there a bunch but for a week I DIDN'T. That storm was about 20-30 seconds......

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Romney could win PA’s electoral votes. Seeing that Obama seems to be favored in many big cities past and present. That would be a huge turn of events for him as PA is as of right now in favor for Obama in the polls.


So whats the problem exactly???

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The interesting (to me at least) thought I had the other week was what happens with all these absentee ballots in Ohio? So Ohio has something like 7 mil registered voters and about 1 million have or are expected to vote absentee, which obviously doesn't get counted til a week after the election. In theory those 15% of voters will probably vote relative to the rest but I guess in a state where elections have been decided by 200,000 votes or less what happens when the election is that close and a million votes are still uncounted?
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