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It was Elmo's fault


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  pdqgp said:
I will be once I have a meeting with my finance guy and attorney next week to discuss increases on our rental properties next year and what they are going to look like. I'm not taking the hit, I'm going to pass it along just like everyone else will.


Why would a business need to increase their price? You mean someone has to PAY for all this free stuff? I thought it was free?


What is done is done, I guess I will need to work even harder to just maintain my life I have now.

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Challenge of the day:


Go to Walmart and look for this person:




Ask them if they are on foodstamps, when the last time was they worked, how much education they have, and who they voted for.


Chances are it will be answered like this:

1. Yes I'm on foodstamps

2. Haven't worked in years

3. Some High School

4. Romney!

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  Wagner said:
Why would a business need to increase their price? You mean someone has to PAY for all this free stuff? I thought it was free?


What is done is done, I guess I will need to work even harder to just maintain my life I have now.


I have 2 properties in Oregon with my brother in law and sister in law running a family medical practice up there. I'd be lying if I said it didn't make sense to look into selling weed up there :gabe:


Photography is doing okay

Property investments we're good

My full time gig, business as usual

Wife retired and exercising her bing cherry ass everyday, perfect

Potentially of selling drugs legally, very enticing.

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I see people coming in everyday where i work using their ebt and we actually can see their balances .Some of their balances are more than alot of people working are even coming close to making. I am talking monthly balances around $2000. Dont forget the guy who comes in and buys vodka with cash then buys juices to put in his vodka with his ebt. I can go on and on about these people.
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  kickass said:
Challenge of the day:


Go to Walmart and look for this person:




Ask them if they are on foodstamps, when the last time was they worked, how much education they have, and who they voted for.


Chances are it will be answered like this:

1. Yes I'm on foodstamps

2. Haven't worked in years

3. Some High School

4. Romney!


That's because she's likely racist and would never vote for a black man.

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I can only hope that Obama changes his mind and makes better decisions moving forward.....Seriously though, I'm a little worried about the coming year as far as out of pocket(read taxes) costs and this stupid health care for all bs. I don't know what is going to happen, but I hope that it doesn't go through the way it could. I didn't vote for Obama, but he has been re-elected so I have to keep my fingers crossed that he pulls his head out of the sand(his ass).

I wish everyone had to work for their money :(

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Great article for you white males mad about the election. Relax fellas, a Moderate Republican was elected last night. Really give it a read. The Republican's have to be more moderate, the far right cannot win any longer, white males no longer dominate this country, Republican's better learn to play the new game where minorities are not really minorities anymore.



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  pdqgp said:
I have 2 properties in Oregon with my brother in law and sister in law running a family medical practice up there. I'd be lying if I said it didn't make sense to look into selling weed up there :gabe:


Photography is doing okay

Property investments we're good

My full time gig, business as usual

Wife retired and exercising her bing cherry ass everyday, perfect

Potentially of selling drugs legally, very enticing.


Offtopic ........but you're lucky! If you do mind me asking what part of oregon? Is that your retirement state?

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  NightHawk said:
Republican's have to be more moderate, the far right cannot win any longer, white males no longer dominate this country, Republican's better learn to play the new game where minorities are not really minorities anymore.


Sadly true. The fact that the minorities are no longer the minorities, and with that I'm fine. The part that I'm not fine with is they have brought the bar down not raised it up. It's no longer the American dream to do better for yourself. The dream is now spread the wealth and take from me to pay for those that don't have what I've earned and to hell with thinking they too can achieve those same goals. Why do that when you live off the backs of others and try and force them to accept that as a new reality.

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  boosted98gst said:
Offtopic ........but you're lucky! If you do mind me asking what part of oregon? Is that your retirement state?


Both in Springfield and the higher elevations of Eugene. The medical building is in Springfield and the house and apartments are in Eugene.


Yes, we are looking to eventually retire up there. We own 5 acres adjacent to my Brother in laws house overlooking Eugene and will likely build our retirement home up there. Costs are lower now but still crazy high. I wish I bought more up there years ago. We're staying put where we are until the kids are older. Perhaps high school age but maybe after.


It's a good tough problem I suppose, because like everyone we want more and can actually afford it but are holding firm in our decisions. I'm hoping to dump some land we have north of Zainyville but the cost per acre offered to mine it are still going up so I'm waiting for the right time. It's not marcellus shale but there is gas there. One capped well and offers coming in. Fingers are crossed.

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Worrying about Obamacare now is fucking stupid, Congress better fucking do something about the fiscal cliff. If you don't know what that is about, you shouldn't be complaining at all about Obama or politics.


Republican tax cuts about to expire, spending that every republican wants reduced is about to happen, 1trillion over the next 9 years, 1 million jobs are at stake from the canceling of these military contracts. Oh and the Debit ceiling is coming again in Dec. Jan 1 folks, Jan 1.


These fuckers in washington better come to the fucking middle, and they should be scared about not getting it done if everyone takes note and remembers who is fucking up. Anyone who cares nothing but their own party lines not this country and it's people. Should be given the boot. This government is far larger than the fucking Potus, start voting every 2 years, get involved in those elections too. Because it seems to me those elections are far more important than the POTUS. Fucking dumb ass American people can't focus on more than 1 position.....


If you are bitching, I better see you bitching in 2 years and voting too. Otherwise you are a fucking poser.

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  NightHawk said:
Worrying about Obamacare now is fucking stupid, Congress better fucking do something about the fiscal cliff. If you don't know what that is about, you shouldn't be complaining at all about Obama or politics.


Republican tax cuts about to expire, spending that every republican wants reduced is about to happen, 1trillion over the next 9 years, 1 million jobs are at stake from the canceling of these military contracts. Oh and the Debit ceiling is coming again in Dec. Jan 1 folks, Jan 1.


These fuckers in washington better come to the fucking middle, and they should be scared about not getting it done if everyone takes note and remembers who is fucking up. Anyone who cares nothing but their own party lines not this country and it's people. Should be given the boot. This government is far larger than the fucking Potus, start voting every 2 years, get involved in those elections too. Because it seems to me those elections are far more important than the POTUS. Fucking dumb ass American people can't focus on more than 1 position.....


If you are bitching, I better see you bitching in 2 years and voting too. Otherwise you are a fucking poser.


I vote everytime. It does take more than 1 person to make things happen as well. I guess we will see if it's time to fall back into the recession or figure a way out.....time to earn that money and free everything else for those who were just elected.

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  NightHawk said:
Worrying about Obamacare now is fucking stupid, Congress better fucking do something about the fiscal cliff. If you don't know what that is about, you shouldn't be complaining at all about Obama or politics.


Republican tax cuts about to expire, spending that every republican wants reduced is about to happen, 1trillion over the next 9 years, 1 million jobs are at stake from the canceling of these military contracts. Oh and the Debit ceiling is coming again in Dec. Jan 1 folks, Jan 1.



^^ this. combined with Obamacare the above is something I have very little faith the majority of the less educated that voted for Obama have 1% understanding of nor give a shit about. That's why I'm pissed. He's was a master at rounding up voters that are less than informed. Like I said, of the 150 plus people I have working under the roof where I'm at, the majority of the worker bees voted for him and likely are going to pay a price for doing so. They have little clue. In the end, oh well I guess.....

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  Orion said:
There is so muhc of the American public that is unrepresented right now by either party that it is ridiculous.


The only vote that matters is a vote for a third party candidate, as that represents a vote AGAINST the two party system.


This. End the two party system! Sadly, no third party candidate has enough money to get his name out there. We should have election standards like in England. Each person gets X amount of dollars, X amount of air time, and the rest is all in person campaigning.

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  Orion said:
There is so muhc of the American public that is unrepresented right now by either party that it is ridiculous.


The only vote that matters is a vote for a third party candidate, as that represents a vote AGAINST the two party system.


Yup. Raise the bar and vote for someone not some party you actually want running the country.

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  Orion said:
There is so muhc of the American public that is unrepresented right now by either party that it is ridiculous.


The only vote that matters is a vote for a third party candidate, as that represents a vote AGAINST the two party system.


Voting for either of them was like voting for a punch to the dick, or a punch to the taint.


I voted 3rd party, fuck what the two party system offered.

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  DKilbourne said:
I guess we will see if it's time to fall back into the recession or figure a way out.....


that time was 12:01am and yes, IMO we're headed towards another one. but hey, the market is on sale now so buy up while you can.....

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  pdqgp said:
that time was 12:01am and yes, IMO we're headed towards another one. but hey, the market is on sale now so buy up while you can.....


I'm of the opposite opinion, if it happens the entire country is on notice of who's fault it is. Everyone knows Congress is responsible for this. They want to keep their jobs and perks. No way Congress doesn't get this done. It's too clear now that everyone is sick of party lines.

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