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Martial Law


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What's do you guys think of it? I just learned today that the gov't declared it during Katrina..I can understand why it might be beneficial during a natural disaster, but all the crime that happened afterwards like looting and raping wouldn't you want a firearm to protect yourself and your family? It just blows my mind that the gov't can send the military to a city, search houses and vehicles at will, remove all guns, and take you to jail with no charge or trial. I can somewhat understand the others but taking away our 2nd amendment?!? If we pick up the phone for 911 and get no answer, hear :bangbang: and see fire outside how the hell is someone going to coupe with that. And it's to my understanding that it can be called whenever.... didn't Obama sign something a year or so ago about putting it into effect?


I know the patriot act is similar but they can't remove your firearms for no reason can they? Like by the mass? Taking our right to bear arms and protect ourselves that defeats the bill of rights. I'm about to start burying my guns

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In March of 2012, Obama signed the National Defense Resources Preparedness (NDRP) executive order that declared peacetime marital law. Obama granted himself authority over all domestic energy, production, transportation, food and water, all in the name of National Security.

The NDRP has roots in the Defense Production Act of 1950 wherein the US government was empowered to dispense “national resources” in the event of a national emergency that would define any or all Americans as a challenge to the government.

Control over all US citizens would be required to maintain continuity of government.

The president and advisors would be able to use this directive as they saw fit if the situation warranted it.

It was no mistake that the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) declared the domestic US a “battlefield”. The ability to detain any American citizen without charge or trial, solely on suspicion is key to the power of the NDAA.


From this:http://theintelhub.com/2012/08/27/russian-expert-predicts-obama-will-declare-martial-law-in-america-by-end-of-2012/

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can't chime in on those points but I will add that I'm not too worried that if there were a disaster like that here in the burbs that the military is going to give two shits that I'm armed and obviously protecting my property and family. I don't see them telling me and my neighbors to hand over our shotguns and pistols and trashing what may be left of our homes.


Honestly, I wouldn't likely stick around or give a shit about looting at that point. I'd have likely evacuated with most all that's important to me knowing insurance will cover whatever happens to my home or TV or anything left for the looters. We certainly don't have more than a minivan full of jewelry or anything anyway.


If I haven't evacuated and someone tries to come in or rob us, good luck to them as they will likely be the ones wishing the military would be there to save them.

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and Obama is the only person to have a US citizen killed/executed without trial.


So if these terrorists kill more innocent Americans because Obama didn't stop them, are you going to blame Obama too?




They were killed during an armed conflict. Have you ever heard about the American Civil War? How many Americans died in that war without trial?

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What's do you guys think of it? I just learned today that the gov't declared it during Katrina..I can understand why it might be beneficial during a natural disaster, but all the crime that happened afterwards like looting and raping wouldn't you want a firearm to protect yourself and your family? It just blows my mind that the gov't can send the military to a city, search houses and vehicles at will, remove all guns, and take you to jail with no charge or trial. I can somewhat understand the others but taking away our 2nd amendment?!? If we pick up the phone for 911 and get no answer, hear :bangbang: and see fire outside how the hell is someone going to coupe with that. And it's to my understanding that it can be called whenever.... didn't Obama sign something a year or so ago about putting it into effect?


I know the patriot act is similar but they can't remove your firearms for no reason can they? Like by the mass? Taking our right to bear arms and protect ourselves that defeats the bill of rights. I'm about to start burying my guns



Martial Law was never declared during Katrina. That was a tip of the iceberg compared to true Martial Law. True Martial Law is when Civil authorities/government is unable to function effectively, so the military would take over in that situation. These would not be Federal forces due to Posse Comitatus, thus State forces aka National Guard would take over for the failed government. As far as the confiscation of firearms during Katrina, that was a blatant violation of Constitutional Rights. I've heard some horror stories from folks that moved out of New Orleans and are in Dallas now. Law enforcement was either non existent or grossly abusing their authority. The word cluster fuck doesn't even begin to describe the aftermath.



Just know if Martial Law happens, your Rights will be swept under the rug, for you have become part of an operation. You can be detained (not arrested, but you can be held for quite a while), you can be searched, you can be disarmed, and you won't like it.

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can't chime in on those points but I will add that I'm not too worried that if there were a disaster like that here in the burbs that the military is going to give two shits that I'm armed and obviously protecting my property and family. I don't see them telling me and my neighbors to hand over our shotguns and pistols and trashing what may be left of our homes.


Honestly, I wouldn't likely stick around or give a shit about looting at that point. I'd have likely evacuated with most all that's important to me knowing insurance will cover whatever happens to my home or TV or anything left for the looters. We certainly don't have more than a minivan full of jewelry or anything anyway.


If I haven't evacuated and someone tries to come in or rob us, good luck to them as they will likely be the ones wishing the military would be there to save them.


They've done it before and im sure they would do it again given the chance. Not being pessimistic or overly dramatic but the gov't truly feels its better for everyone to confiscate all weapons regardless of who owns them.


Mind you, if you evacuate you would most likely take a weapon or two to protect yourself right? (as would i) should you get caught with that weapon in a situation like katrina you'd be arrested like any other common criminal then who will protect your family? Its fucking bullshit.

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Mind you, if you evacuate you would most likely take a weapon or two to protect yourself right?


Anyone who didn't evacuate well in advance of Katrina actually landing has a few IQ points less than I feel comfortable being around if they also have a firearm. Needless to say what was shown in the video is BS.

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If they did take away weapons from a high number of citizens, will each be returned their firearms?


If i get a knock at the door, my revolver is going in the pond ;)


No but really thats some scary shit, maybe i outta have a few samurai swords laying around

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is exactly the reason I have an AR I built off an 80% receiver using all brand new parts that has only had a dummy round chambered to check function, never fired, never even chambered a live round so that even a dog couldn't detect the scent of powder on it, kept hidden in my floor. Not cause of this video or Katrina specifically, but just I case the govt ever tries to take my guns.


Did they give the guns back? I have a 1938 mossberg from my great grandfather with no serial number that while its only about a $200 gun it's priceless to me. How would I get that back without a serial number. I know tons of people have guns with no serial number or no other identifying markings at all, what about all them? Do we all need to consider serializing all our old guns?

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This is exactly the reason I have an AR I built off an 80% receiver using all brand new parts that has only had a dummy round chambered to check function, never fired, never even chambered a live round so that even a dog couldn't detect the scent of powder on it, kept hidden in my floor. Not cause of this video or Katrina specifically, but just I case the govt ever tries to take my guns.


Did they give the guns back? I have a 1938 mossberg from my great grandfather with no serial number that while its only about a $200 gun it's priceless to me. How would I get that back without a serial number. I know tons of people have guns with no serial number or no other identifying markings at all, what about all them? Do we all need to consider serializing all our old guns?


You should consider marking them in some way. Doesn't even have to be in an obvious spot (under grips, under butt pads, etc.) But it would help. could even just be your initials . What happens if they are stolen and recovered? That's the same make and model and looks like mine doesn't cut it. One of two reasons I marked my 80% lowers with a serial number. I know most stolen guns aren't recovered but it happens from time to time. I actually have a ruger in my shop for work that was stolen and then recovered.

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and Obama is the only person to have a US citizen killed/executed without trial.



This was dumb and irrelevant. Didnt read every word but skimming through i found nothing that stated what he was actually doing. Doubtful he was killed for no reason. And did that say something about him being connected to the Airlines bombing in Detroit?

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