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Israel attacked


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That's news? Garbage. Twinkies are NO LONGER BEING MADE! Ditto Ding Dongs, Hohos, Apple Pies, Donettes, etc.


I read this, too. This is what I'll be stockpiling for the coming armegeddon. I don't even eat them anymore... But, there'll be plenty of fatties who'll give up their guns for twinkies. :gabe:

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I read this, too. This is what I'll be stockpiling for the coming armegeddon. I don't even eat them anymore... But, there'll be plenty of fatties who'll give up their guns for twinkies. :gabe:


Trowa will trade your Twinkies for a cell phone recharge off of his homemade solar charged backpack batteries. :gabe:

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Trowa will trade your Twinkies for a cell phone recharge off of his homemade solar charged backpack batteries. :gabe:


You will never enjoy the pure pleasure of my "off the grid" hands free drildo. Have fun wacking it by yourself :dumb:

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Last time this happened, we had a semi-friendly Egypt available to help out. What just happened a few months ago? Egypt got a muslim brotherhood govt. We sent a fuckton of money to that same govt. I support Israel, but believe they can and will handle themselves. Poke a man in the chest long enough, expect an upper cut.
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x2. Me and my roommate thats in the Air Force was just talking last week what Obama would do if Israel got attacked. Supposedly everyone will turn their back to Israel in the end times..


Magic Fairy Bull shit.



You do realize that Jesus was claiming that the end times would be during his followers life time.......


It's idiots and fairytales that has caused most of the war in the middle east.

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I sooner say fuck all other countries they are all cunts wanting our help yet none help us. How many are helping us after Sandy? I haven't heard of one that is. If I'm wrong please correct me. With that said seal our borders and shoot all trying to cross the borders on site. We have stuck our noses in to many other countries business for coperate interests and have pissed many off. We have enough natural resources here to support ourseleves. Just a would have to deal with some of the creature comforts of moderen technology. Then sit back and let the shit heads kill each other off then take what we want.
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I sooner say fuck all other countries they are all cunts wanting our help yet none help us. How many are helping us after Sandy? I haven't heard of one that is. If I'm wrong please correct me. With that said seal our borders and shoot all trying to cross the borders on site. We have stuck our noses in to many other countries business for coperate interests and have pissed many off. We have enough natural resources here to support ourseleves. Just a would have to deal with some of the creature comforts of moderen technology. Then sit back and let the shit heads kill each other off then take what we want.

Who would assemble all of our electronics then if we seal the borders?

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Must have missed how he defied Pakistan to get Osama...


Woo hoo, that was such a big deal and required so much sacrifices. He was only cleaning up another persons work.


What did he do over Libya?

Edited by 10phone2
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I sooner say fuck all other countries they are all cunts wanting our help yet none help us. How many are helping us after Sandy? I haven't heard of one that is. If I'm wrong please correct me. With that said seal our borders and shoot all trying to cross the borders on site. We have stuck our noses in to many other countries business for coperate interests and have pissed many off. We have enough natural resources here to support ourseleves. Just a would have to deal with some of the creature comforts of moderen technology. Then sit back and let the shit heads kill each other off then take what we want.



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Why do people support israel?


Seriously. Do you not realize they have one of the most powerful lobbying groups in the US to win public support? Over $3 billion a year goes there without much question. Figure goes over 4 billion when you factor in military support.


Because they're the only reasonable democracy in a region full of asshats that hate us and want our way of living to rot in Hell.

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Because they're the only reasonable democracy in a region full of asshats that hate us and want our way of living to rot in Hell.


So...why do we support them? What are they doing besides costing us billions by starting shit we should have no involvement with? No doubt they would be gone if we weren't backing them, but at what point do we stop being the over protective parent?


Their current government is EXTREMELY right wing. If Mitt Romney went around stabbing abortion doctors, he'd be considered a moderate there. They spend hundreds of millions on lobbying and propaganda for us to support them - and then we do - and then they get more money. I don't see what they are doing for us though besides giving us a place to stay when we get a little drunk in the middle east and invade Iraq.


Right now they are killing innocent people who are still being pushed off land that was once theirs, people are being attacked in the street, etc. It is NO DIFFERENT than the news we see of women being attacked with acid in afghanistan, saudi arabia, etc. The difference is they are jewish, the rest are islamic.

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