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No Moar Twinkies


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Yeah... this does seem like a "excuse" to just cut ties and take whatever money is left and run....


Fucked up part is that it was just the Baker's Union, 5000 employees, kill 18,000 jobs. Teamsters has 7500 members that are not bakers and they are miffed.


Blame cannot be placed on one side or the other. It's a joint failure. Yes, the unions are right to point out that they are being asked to give up things they've worked hard for and were promised. Yes, upper-level salaries have increased disproportionately to lower level. While the company was mismanaged, one union (not all of them, i.e. Teamsters) failed to do what was needed to remain competitive, as did upper management.


This is but a microcosm of what can potentially happen to the U.S. as a country. Everyone on all sides feels entitled, which is justified to an extent, but it times of hardship it us up to EVERYONE to make sacrifices, and to compromise.

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Blame cannot be placed on one side or the other. It's a joint failure. Yes, the unions are right to point out that they are being asked to give up things they've worked hard for and were promised. Yes, upper-level salaries have increased disproportionately to lower level. While the company was mismanaged, one union (not all of them, i.e. Teamsters) failed to do what was needed to remain competitive, as did upper management.


This is but a microcosm of what can potentially happen to the U.S. as a country. Everyone on all sides feels entitled, which is justified to an extent, but it times of hardship it us up to EVERYONE to make sacrifices, and to compromise.


Dont come in here with logic and reason, aint nobody got time for that!

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The Plant is Silent...


Sung to the tune of The Sound of Silence By Simon And Garfunkel



Goodbye Ho-Hos my old friend,

I’d like to snack on you again...

In the darkness silently feeding,

While my fat cells were breeding,

And the visions that were planted in my brain

of whole wheat grain,

But now the plant, is silent...


In frantic dreams I eat Fruit Pie...

A single Twinkie try to buy...

In desperate need of a Ding Dong,

But the factory is closed and gone.

When my mind was stabbed by the biggest loss of all

No more Sno Balls

Cause now the plant, is silent...


And in the morning light I saw,

5,000 jobless, maybe more...

People acting without thinking...

People hearing but not listening...

People carrying signs, that management never read...

Hostess is dead.

And Inside the plant, there’s silence...


“Fools” they said, “You do not know,

how to make our profits grow.

Hear our words when we tell you

We cant do it without help, from you...”

But the words, like silent breadcrumbs fell...

And echoed

in a plant, that’s silent...


And the workers bowed and prayed

No more Wonder Bread to be made...

And the Court sent out its warning,

“Be back to work by morning,”

And Court said “the words of the owners

are written on the Courthouse walls

And Union Halls.”

And whispered in the plant, that’s silent.

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Shit sucks, my Dad worked for Hostess maintaining their trucks. Got a call this morning about how he has to get his tools before they lock the doors. They had recently cut his pay by $1.50 an hour, apparently that wasn't enough. Just a shame how these things happen. Seems to me that if we as a country continue to allow people to live beyond their means, getting paid off the backs of others, then this type of scenario will continue to replay until there are far too few still out there earning a living.
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my father inlaw is/was a sales rep for them. it definitely sucks, hes only 2 years away from 30 and out and now this. the company was horribly mismanaged with greedy ass executives.


word has it though that frito-lay might try to buy hostess up again. apparently they tried a couple years ago but didnt work out.

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Shit sucks, my Dad worked for Hostess maintaining their trucks. Got a call this morning about how he has to get his tools before they lock the doors. They had recently cut his pay by $1.50 an hour, apparently that wasn't enough. Just a shame how these things happen. Seems to me that if we as a country continue to allow people to live beyond their means, getting paid off the backs of others, then this type of scenario will continue to replay until there are far too few still out there earning a living.


Sooooooo glad I declined the job offer for the fleet mechanic.


Sucks that all those people lost their jobs.. But come on, it's not the end of the world (as far as twinkies and ding dongs go)

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