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Who is at fault?


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Whitehall police officer chases car accident happens, and innocent driver dies. Who is at fault?


Obviously the guy running caused it all, but do you think the officer should have let the radio chase the guy instead of unsafe speeds and putting lives at risk?






Disclaimer : I'm not always a cop hater, unless we're talking about Gahanna cops. They abuse the shit out of their powers.

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Sadly they will likely find someway to pin the death onto the guy they were chasing. I understand that in the end he caused the situation, but like Aaron said, chases should only happen for extremely serious stuff. I'm fairly disappointed they didn't give more information on the actual crash. I see that as more serious than a guy making a threat since a life was lost. From the looks of the picture and how the story is written is that the officer either lost control, or the gentleman pulled out in front of him due to not seeing him. It seems like every officer wants their name in on the report of anything more serious than a window tint or front plate ticket.
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Any guess on how many choppers CPD have?


I think they have several, or at least they did. I recall reading a story from several years ago, and the slant was that CPD has a sizable amount of helicopters (i.e., more than just one). I also remember the story because, in it, they quoted some cop from San Diego, who said something like, "Wow, that's really surprising that a city as small as Columbus would have that many helicopters." I remember thinking that cop sounded stupid and elitist. "Wow, you mean Columbus - that little cowtown in flyover country - actually has people in it and electricity and stuff???"

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Whoa, everyone, what gives with it being the officer's fault? I just read the article, and I don't see anything that would clearly indicate the officer was at fault. For all we know, the guy who died was clearly at fault and caused the police officer to hit him, which then led to his death. Or, maybe the cop was drunk and on meth and speeding because he was suicidal and that's what caused this. Point is we don't know just from reading that article.


Also, another thought: if you were the girl being threatened by boyfriend with a sledge hammer, do you want the police speeding there to save you, or would you like them to just take their sweet ass time? I get it that cops need to be responsible - and if they aren't then they need to be penalized - but I don't see anything from this article suggesting irresponsibility. Rather, sounds like the cop was doing his job. Maybe I'll change my stance on this as more details become available. But, in the interim, I'm reading it as an unfortunate accident.

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Sounds like we need more street racing penalties.


To quote a comment on 10tv.com:


"While I'm saddened to read such a story, I can't help but wonder if the officer had lights and sirens on while responding. I see officers frequently traveling at a high rate of speed in response to calls without lights or sirens. When I've called to complain I'm told that it policy for certain types of calls not to approach the scene with lights and sirens in order to not give away they are coming."


Valid question. If his lights were off, I don't see how anyone could say the cop is innocent, policy or not.

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No way to tell with the current information, but I would say given the things they're saying about the suspect, the officers were at least justified in chasing him. Multiple active warrants, threats of bodily harm, threats of shooting up the CPD. It sounds like this guy definitely needs to be apprehended, as opposed to some moron who just blasted through a stop sign or something.
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Sounds like we need more street racing penalties.


To quote a comment on 10tv.com:


"While I'm saddened to read such a story, I can't help but wonder if the officer had lights and sirens on while responding. I see officers frequently traveling at a high rate of speed in response to calls without lights or sirens. When I've called to complain I'm told that it policy for certain types of calls not to approach the scene with lights and sirens in order to not give away they are coming."


Valid question. If his lights were off, I don't see how anyone could say the cop is innocent, policy or not.

I'm certain if they are chasing the guy he knows damn well he is being chased lol, so if he (the officer) didn't have them on during a call that doesn't require him to have them off, in my eyes he should be charged with involuntary manslaughter. It'd never happen, but just my 2 cents.

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This was in whitehall, isn't that out of CPD's jurisdiction. CPD has 4 choppers up during the day and 3 up at night. I don't know how many they have exactly, but have quiet a few. I don't see how people automatically assume it's the the officers fault. The story is vague and complete. Let's not pass judgement before we get the complete story.
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Officer has the right of way when the cruisers lights AND sirens are on. No article I've indicates whether or not that was the case. Too little information to determine fault


Ohio is not a "No chase" state.


CPD choppers will lend mutual aid in other jurisdictions.

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CPD choppers will lend mutual aid in other jurisdictions.

Beat me to it. It'd be the same thing as a small podunk little town with some psycho in it taking a hostage and barricading himself inside, the nearest SWAT team will respond to assist. It seems like anytime I'm down near campus I always hear one overhead. Not to say it is or isn't CPD's however...

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