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Need new internet provider, century link


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I've had centurylink for over 5 years and its worked great. <> $50/mo for 8mb download. Upload is under 1mb usually 700-800kbps which is fine except for when I'm uploading something huge like my client DVD backup to my online backup service. Otherwise you don't notice any lag or other problem.


Now I did have a bit of a run in with their customer service, but you'll get that with any service provider at times. These jokers at the help desk insisted we start at square one every time I called in for repair for a difficult problem that ended up clearly being on their end. So they followed their troubleshooting chart exactly even with clear notes on our account that the problem was external and needed a service call.


That went on about 2-3 weeks and I decided google is my friend and found a phone number which got me inside of the local century link office where I was able to voice my concerns to the service dept manager and now have his direct line. Problems all solved now and its working great.


Now I will say that over the past year speed has gotten more "unstable." Since we've fixed everything between my house and the century link building about a mile away, I'm going to attribute this to increased loads on the system at peak times. If do speed tests at odd hours everything checks out fine.



Summary, I like century link, if I could the stability that we had a year ago I'd be happier.

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