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car painting


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Some people were born into car families where they had a parent or sibling teach them the answers to all the retarded questions that come with being a car noob, some people must learn on their own on car forums etc. This guy is either the latter, or a troll of the former.
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I fail to see anything that has changed after Anthony posted this in his last thread:


Some of you "Moderators" need to pull your heads from your respective asses.


Someone that obviously knows very little about form over function makes a legit thread looking for some advice. Instead of assisting, moderating the bullshit posts, and trying to make things work, YOU FUCKING ADD TO THE FIRE.


I expect better. People wonder that other than the core group of CR people, everyone outside of CR thinks we're a bunch of assholes and doesn't want anything to do with us?


You sorry fuckers are the reason. Instead of making this a better place, you retards that are supposed to help me run the place instead run people out of the place thinking you're fucking funny. You're not. It's sad when I have to go bust my ass all day just to come home and see how destructive the "kids" have been. My dog has better house manners than you idiots.


I'm tired of the negativity associated with CR because the "Moderators" decide they're above everything else and everyone else. You sit back and laugh at yourself while I watch over a decade of my hard work and they hard work of those that give a shit fall to pieces.


I'm done with the bullshit. Try me.


Thread locked. Kiss my ass.


So now because of the choice of color he wants to paint his car it's ok to move his thread into the kitchen and have everyone pile on?


Ok then....

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I fail to see anything that has changed after Anthony posted this in his last thread:




So now because of the choice of color he wants to paint his car it's ok to move his thread into the kitchen and have everyone pile on?


Ok then....


I cut you a break the first time. If you're trying to troll, you're on your own.


Trolling or not he's on his own in here.



Anthony isn't going to take you back. Just drop it and move on with your life. You only got 1 chance bro and you blew it.

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I fail to see anything that has changed after Anthony posted this in his last thread:




So now because of the choice of color he wants to paint his car it's ok to move his thread into the kitchen and have everyone pile on?


Ok then....


Is this really the place for that?


I'm inclined to agree with you, hence why I posted the way I did, but you're just derailing the thread further. :wtf:

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