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PreWorkout Diet and/ or Supplement Advice.


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So I finally decided to get back in the gym and put some meats back on my bones after a few years of being lazy. The issue that I seem to be having this time around is that Im really lacking the endurance I used to have during my workout. Im assuming its partially because Im still "reconditioning" my body and muscles but, it seems weird that Im pretty much exhausted after 20-30 minutes of a not very difficult routine. So Ive tried what I used to do which is eating a couple meat sandwiches about an hour or two before the gym which helps a little but, not enough. Then I went to GNC and told them my issue and the guy sold me on some cellucor c4 which seems to really wake up my brain but, has no effect on my physical endurance. So should I try something different or just wait a few weeks and see if my stamina just naturally gets better?
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This would be my recommendation. I've been doing it for a few months now. It's worked great for me. Definitely was a great change of pace from the standard, bodypart-specific training. My endurance has increased dramatically. And when I say endurance, I mean how long I am able to have sex with my wife. And do stuff in the gym.

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Dude, try increasing your endurance...Run. Or walk. Or play a sport on your off days. Use stairs.


I suppose I should probably do more cardio type work. I walk/ stand all day and my job is fairly physical so Its not like Im just sitting on my ass all the time. But, once I start lifting I just burn out quick. Whats a typical amount of cardio to be doing per day or week? Is there any type of standard when lifting or is it just how ever much you feel like? Even though I did alot of lifting a few years ago, I never really learned good habits and am still basically a newb as far as knowledge on this type of stuff.

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Ive got a buddy who did this pretty steady for a long time and loved it but, I dont know if Im in the right condition to do something that intense yet. My plan was to do some basic conditioning first and then look into crossfit or something similar.


Thats not even working for me. Maybe I just need more cocaine.

This would be my recommendation. I've been doing it for a few months now. It's worked great for me. Definitely was a great change of pace from the standard, bodypart-specific training. My endurance has increased dramatically. And when I say endurance, I mean how long I am able to have sex with my wife. And do stuff in the gym.

Does it start off mild or do they just kick your ass from the get go?

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Hey Steve guess what you're not a kid anymore, and like me you work on your feet all day. Having a lot of stamina after a day's work isn't as easy as it was when we were teenagers.


However, Cocaine + some long drawn out cardio workout= your goals of stamina ....or death, but I think its worth the risk.

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Hey Steve guess what you're not a kid anymore, and like me you work on your feet all day. Having a lot of stamina after a day's work isn't as easy as it was when we were teenagers.


However, Cocaine + some long drawn out cardio workout= your goals of stamina ....or death, but I think its worth the risk.


Yeah, thats part of why Im getting back into it. Not that I think Im getting old by any means but, I want to develop some good habits asap. And I FUCKING LOVE COCAINE!!!

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Does it start off mild or do they just kick your ass from the get go?


Good question, and I'm not exactly sure how to answer it.


Crossfit workouts are designed to be ingeniously simple, yet brutal. Like, for instance, one that I do is called the "Chelsea" - it involves doing 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, and 15 squats in succession each minute on the minute. So, basically, you do 30 rounds of that - 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, and 15 squats - for 30 minutes. The first 5 rounds or so you'll be like, "Hey, this is whack - I fucking own this shit." By round 15, you will want to punch yourself in the dick for being so stupid to try this.


There are a bunch of crossfit routines - just do a Google search for "crossfit routines" for examples. The nice thing about them is that you can lower or raise the intensity of them at will by doing fairly simple things, like adding weigh or trying to complete the routine in less time. This would work well for you: you could go slow/easy/less weight to begin and kind of work your way up.


The stuff you see on Insanity and P90X is basically crossfit stuff. It's all about doing full-body stuff in a shorter period of time for an intense workout. Another nice thing about the crossfit stuff is that you don't have to be in the gym for 90 minutes. Rather, you can complete a great workout in 20 minutes, even less.


Does it kick your ass? Yes. But I've found - for me - that unless I'm drenched in sweat and feel like I want to puke/die/quit, then I'm not doing it right.


I'm a huge proponent of trying different things to see what works for you. I've done a fair amount of fitness stuff and workout things, and crossfit has been great. My body looks better than it ever has. Try it and see if it works for you. If not, oh well - there's plenty of other stuff you can try next.

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That's the beauty of cardio, doing as little as 30 mins a week or 5 hours a week, in any configuration your stamina will increase. If you try to do an hour of crossfit and you make it ten minutes, that's fine. Do it longer next time. I would say 3 days of lifting with three days of cardio, plus a day completely off (or stretch/yoga) is a good place to start.
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So it sounds like I just need to commit to a cardio routine of some sort and not rely on magic pills or supplements. I guess that does make more sense. Thanks for the input guys.


As far as the crossfit, do you go to a crossfit trainer or do you just research the workouts and do them at home or at a regular gym? Are there any places that you would recommend to look into?

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So it sounds like I just need to commit to a cardio routine of some sort and not rely on magic pills or supplements. I guess that does make more sense. Thanks for the input guys.


As far as the crossfit, do you go to a crossfit trainer or do you just research the workouts and do them at home or at a regular gym? Are there any places that you would recommend to look into?


No, I wouldn't bother with the pills or the supplements or any of that stuff. You can always look into that stuff down the line. Start simple.


Nope, no need to go to a trainer for crossfit. They are so simple that you can just do them on your own. You can do them in your home or at a gym. I think there are a few crossfit gyms in the city, though I wouldn't bother with a gym membership at this point, as there's not really any need.


My advice is to do an internet search at some point in the near future for crossfit routines. Jot down a few of them and then try them out over the next few days. Like Eli said, be sure to take a day off every so often. Don't get discouraged if you can't finish the routines - some are really difficult. But, again, like Eli said, the goal should be just to do something. The endurance will come with time.

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One thing to consider is you may need time to get use to activity after work. I would honestly start off with playing basketball for an hour or two for a month mixed in with medium treadmill work. After that, then jump into something more physically demanding so you don't burn out or get injured.


I had a teaching pro that I would play in tennis who would go in the bathroom and do lines if he thought he could get close to beating me. I would throw the second set just for the entertainment.

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This. The bee pollen actually came from my CrossFit instructor.


Ive got a buddy who did this pretty steady for a long time and loved it but, I dont know if Im in the right condition to do something that intense yet. My plan was to do some basic conditioning first and then look into crossfit or something similar.


CrossFit gyms (or "boxes" as they're sometimes called) are seriously the best environment to workout in. Hnds down. If you want to leave feeling accomplished, inspired, and part of a family join one.


Crossfit looks like death. Been watching videos on youtube for a little while. I think IM gonna try it.


You won't regret it.

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The only other gym in the area, other than Crossfit Grandview, is crossfit Polaris. But, the caliber of people at GV is hands down the best in the area. We had a male, the owner Graham, a female, Heather, and the team go the Crossfit Games last year.


Elements classes are free on Mon. Weds. And Thurs.

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I hope you don't get super into cross-fit. It's 90% guaranteed to be a fad because this one friend of mine is into it right now that is always into the workout of the month. That means most of these gyms will be shutdown in the next year or two and you won't have a gym to go to. He can pretty much single-handedly kill any new type of workout. I really don't give a shit what you do, just find something that you like because that will keep you interested. But if we ever meet unless I ask you I don't want to hear about it and I can assure you I won't ask you about cross-fit.



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I hope you don't get super into cross-fit. It's 90% guaranteed to be a fad because this one friend of mine is into it right now that is always into the workout of the month. That means most of these gyms will be shutdown in the next year or two and you won't have a gym to go to. He can pretty much single-handedly kill any new type of workout. I really don't give a shit what you do, just find something that you like because that will keep you interested. But if we ever meet unless I ask you I don't want to hear about it and I can assure you I won't ask you about cross-fit.



I actually think the opposite. Sure, CrossFit is becoming increasingly popular, but the principals behind it are pretty solid, the workouts are scaleable to any fitness level, and you don't need any special equipment. It's something you could do in your garage or basement without having to buy expensive machines. I could forsee some gyms having difficulty staying open beause of this, but I think the community will continue to grow.

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