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PreWorkout Diet and/ or Supplement Advice.


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I could care less about cross-fit, but anything that gets people active and taking care of their body is a plus.


That's all I'm saying.


This last page has been funnier than the last 100 in the lol thread.


Agreed with a few exceptions.


I don't have to lose 140lbs because I wasn't a fat ass morbidly obese piece of living, breathing whale blubber like you were.


Comepletely fair assessment. I've high lighted my favorite part of what you said for good measure. :)


now all hazing aside, congrats on the weight loss. Definately takes heart and determination to achieve what you overcame.


Thanks man. Still a struggle, but I'll get there eventually.


Who wears gloves to do pushups? Crossfit idiots do.


Really? :dumb:

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Post up some hot juicy big ol asses pls. k thx


If everyone here were honest with themselves the CR collective workout is done one arm at a time (unless you're BBC) sitting alone naked in a pleather office chair bought 2nd hand while eating Doritos with the free hand.

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I actually think the opposite. Sure, CrossFit is becoming increasingly popular, but the principals behind it are pretty solid, the workouts are scaleable to any fitness level, and you don't need any special equipment. It's something you could do in your garage or basement without having to buy expensive machines. I could forsee some gyms having difficulty staying open beause of this, but I think the community will continue to grow.


I was mostly ranting because I have to hear about it sometimes non-stop when I hang out with this friend. But that's partially his personality too, he has a tendency to fixate. I can definitely see lots of positives and some negatives with cross-fit. My friend I'm talking about is probably in the best shape of his life right now... and probably will be right up until he gets injured doing cross-fit. The biggest possible negative being it seems like it probably has a high chance for injury, especially for beginners. Probably higher than a lot of other forms of exercise. I think it's saying a lot when I think the injury risk rate is (probably) high and I mountain bike, trail run, and ski in between tress every time I have the chance.

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Well this escalated quickly.


So, to some up things up... I still havent gotten much input on my initial question other than add more cardio. Is that what Im supposed to take away from this? I never realized working out was such a touchy subject, definitely too many schools of thought on that one.

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Taking supplements wont help you if you don't put in the work. There's no such thing as a magic pill to get you more stamina, it will come from increased training cardio/lighter weights more reps with less rest periods between sets. Again though I cant stress enough, you have to figure out whats right for you and go with that. Ive tried C4, N.O. Explode, some muscletech crap and its never helped with cardio. I just consider that stuff like an energy drink to get you over the hump or a quick cup of coffee in the morning.


Right now I'm training for the arnold pump and run and my workout consists of one day power lifting and another working on stamina. For example:

Sunday: 5x5's chest exercises and 8x3's biceps

Monday: 8x3's Lower body

Tuesday: 5x5's shoulders back triceps

Wednesday: Off

Thursday: 15x3 Chest Biceps

Friday: 15x3 Shoulders Back Triceps

Saturday: Missed stuff/rest


I start out each workout with 20min cardio on bike or elliptical. This might sound like a lot and I would try to jump right into a workout like this if your a beginner, baby steps is the way to go.

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Fap Difficulty: 8.2/10


After eating a bowl of protein powder I ventured onto CR not knowing the lifting thread would have pictures of in shape females. This caused me to change my game-plan from outdoor cardio, to fap cardio. Selecting the proper lube on this one was key as Bravo made me wonder if this was a man. At any point if the lube failed it could mimic the burn and tightness of anal. Not knowing if this was a dude ruled out any and all mental anal play.


Not having a clear view of the bewbs or adams apple made this more difficult than expected. What finally helped me climax was the pink bag and small girly shoes. Seeing as though she threw on the heels for a quick photo op and has small feet helped me to overcome the possible penis in her pants.


Fap difficulty 8.2/10

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Fap Difficulty: 8.2/10


After eating a bowl of protein powder I ventured onto CR not knowing the lifting thread would have pictures of in shape females. This caused me to change my game-plan from outdoor cardio, to fap cardio. Selecting the proper lube on this one was key as Bravo made me wonder if this was a man. At any point if the lube failed it could mimic the burn and tightness of anal. Not knowing if this was a dude ruled out any and all mental anal play.


Not having a clear view of the bewbs or adams apple made this more difficult than expected. What finally helped me climax was the pink bag and small girly shoes. Seeing as though she threw on the heels for a quick photo op and has small feet helped me to overcome the possible penis in her pants.


Fap difficulty 8.2/10





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I'm 300 lb and I do 30 to 45 min in the sauna. 30 to 45 min. Elyptical level 12 or bike . Then train for up to 1.5hr. Every day! My preworkout is food and a protein drink, post protein drink and food! Here is a great idea. Quit all energy type suplements, drinks, shots and eat more food. Promise u will get more energy from food than u will from some crap in a can. I've workedout with guys from work and they use preworkouts every time and always wonder why they can't keep up.;-)

Id also quit all soda while your at it. Water, milk, juice. In that order!

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