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Opinions on dining and lodging near new casino.


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I'm looking at getting a sitter and taking the mrs to the new casino for the night. I'd like first-hand reviews of food available either at the casino, or close by. And, where to stay very close to the casino. After a night gambling and playing poker, the closer the lodging, the better.



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IMO: Eat at the casino food is top notch, get drunk and gamble, take $20 cab downtown, get further drunk down, get hotel downtown (the hyatt regency is awesome and cheap).


They should have put the fucking thing downtown to begin with (as initially planned). Hell if that were the case i'd probably be down there right now. There's jack shit in terms of fine dining/Hotels out in broke-dick ville. Horrible decision by the City.

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I am guessing that they were hoping that the casino would bring more $$ and people to that area.


Yea only time will tell if that plan will work, personally I won't go out there until the area is cleaned up/classy. Isn't there some cheap strip club like right across the street?


Also should add that im used to Gambling in St.Louis @ high roller Casino's like Harrah's, etc. Usually located in the floodplains of the Mississippi away from any/all potential bad-area problems. They are more or less all-inclusive, fine dining, fine lodging, a wild club with hotties dancing n cages n shit. All at one venue. I went out there all the time because they basically had everything. If Columbus would have put the casino downtown it would essentially have everything too...(or everything close by)

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The funny thing is the area around casino does look like a dump and the parking lot is packed with cars during all hours and days of the week. Give it time. I am sure the company that owns the casino will continue to buy up all the shit around it and add some hotels and such.
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The funny thing is the area around casino does look like a dump and the parking lot is packed with cars during all hours and days of the week. Give it time. I am sure the company that owns the casino will continue to buy up all the shit around it and add some hotels and such.


Yea but is it packed with "high-roller" cars or cars that look like they barely made it into the parking lot? If it's the latter the casino likely isn't going try and build anything fancy as those people aren't going to spend any additional money outside of the cheap-ass slots. Again going back to St.Louis casinos, there are several that are broke-dick and could care less about "bringing money to the area" since the area is already a piece of shit. They just feed off the unfortunate low-income individuals that routinely come in trying to get lucky in order to pay rent.

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And for the tripple I never would have voted for the casino had I known it was going to be located on the westside. The initial plan was for it to be located just south of Italian Villiage near the Arena District. After the measure was passed Penn National/City of Columbus pulled a fast one and changed the location to the westside.
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I thought i heard they were going to build a sweet hotel there


Yea, Years ago I read Cooper Park complex was supposed to be under construction or completed by spring 2012 or 2013, hotels and everything...Shady, investors/developers are shady.


If that were the case (Casino Hotel) i'd suspect it to be already under construction. The casino is probably conducting a study to determine if, given the local market, a pimp-tight hotel would be a wise investment. Based on where they are located I bet dollars to doughnuts after the study is all said and done they don't build jack.

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I must say I am in Dayton and I am exactly 1 hr from each casino, I would go to Cbus all day long over Indy though. It's a much nicer Hollywood even though Indy is all inclusive. Cbus runs the poker room so much better also. Although when I go I play poker to make money for a few hours then leave, (hit and run). I feel like with the location it's a few min closer to Dayton and other areas vs putting it on the other side or in the middle of downtown.
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Yea, Years ago I read Cooper Park complex was supposed to be under construction or completed by spring 2012 or 2013, hotels and everything...Shady, investors/developers are shady.


If that were the case (Casino Hotel) i'd suspect it to be already under construction. The casino is probably conducting a study to determine if, given the local market, a pimp-tight hotel would be a wise investment. Based on where they are located I bet dollars to doughnuts after the study is all said and done they don't build jack.


Your right they probably will not build anything, they will be happy with what they take from people, BUT using Vegas as an example, they have 5 of every high end store on the strip, Coach, Tiffanys, etc. The goal is to take people that have just hit it big and have them go "well I just won 10k lets buy the wife this or that its only 1k." This could be done on a smaller scale in Cbus, but with Indy as an example this did not happen there.

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I must say I am in Dayton and I am exactly 1 hr from each casino, I would go to Cbus all day long over Indy though. It's a much nicer Hollywood even though Indy is all inclusive. They run the poker room so much better also. Although when I go I play poker to make money for a few hours then leave, (hit and run). I feel like with the location it's a few min close to Dayton and other areas vs putting it on the other side or in the middle of downtown.


What about the quality of the people there though? Like not to sound like a smug son of a bitch but it was sorta depressing in some of the crap St.Louis casinos to see people on the far fringes of society gambling away what little money they had. Thats not the kind of atmosphere I'd like to be part of, really depressing if you ask me. Like with Harrah's and shit you had high-rollin big baller dudes out there with ballz hot womenz, just really out to have a good time, maybe make a buck or two. Thats what im all about, just like the atmosphere and all, then maybe earn a few bucks to top it off.

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Your right they probably will not build anything, they will be happy with what they take from people, BUT using Vegas as an example, they have 5 of every high end store on the strip, Coach, Tiffanys, etc. The goal is to take people that have just hit it big and have them go "well I just won 10k lets buy the wife this or that its only 1k." This could be done on a smaller scale in Cbus, but with Indy as an example this did not happen there.


See thats what I was getting at with it being downtown, say you got your womenz with you n shit and you bank $3000. Shit, im taking at least $500-$700 and using it to spend a night downtown, 5* restaurants, presidential suite, maybe some shopping the next day.


If and when I do gamble I tend to buy things locally with some of the money. But thats just me. And isn't Indy sort of a shithole compared to downtown Columbus with the riverfront and all?


Also where are the Indy casinos located?

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Didn't the business owners in the arena district throw a bitch fit when the city planned on putting the casino down there? I too thought putting it around everything else was a better idea than over on the west side. My dad does a lot of work over there and told me someone mentioned putting a shopping center such as Easton there called Weston? I imagine as others have suggested that in time more stuff will pop up over there.
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Didn't the business owners in the arena district throw a bitch fit when the city planned on putting the casino down there?


Now that I think about it I believe the dispatch owned the property where the casino was supposed to go in and maybe they had a say in things. This all was years ago though, perhaps (well most likely) someone on here can refresh my memory.

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My dad does a lot of work over there and told me someone mentioned putting a shopping center such as Easton there called Weston? I imagine as others have suggested that in time more stuff will pop up over there.


I can't imagine the upper-crust of Columbus driving out to that area to go shopping, no matter what stores/chains go in. Maybe if they bulldoze like entire apartment complexes/city blocks, but outside of that good luck.


When I was a kid (like 6 years old) my dad would often shop at the TJ Maxx on the westside near westland. In broad daylight I was walking back from an adjacent store, minding my own business; I got mugged out of knowhere by two older guys (14-16ish) they knocked me out and nearly broke my nose, didn't even attempt to steal a thing. Just beat up a 6 year old kid up for the hell of it. From what i've gathered that area hasn't changed a bit since then...

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there was a recent study on the impact of the casino on local business granted its only be open a short time its hurt businesses around there more than help. Do I go to the casino to eat at restaurants around it? Do I go to the dumpy restaurants around it on lunch when I could have some decent entertainment and good food? No to both, good job Columbus another fine decision.
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What about the quality of the people there though? Like not to sound like a smug son of a bitch but it was sorta depressing in some of the crap St.Louis casinos to see people on the far fringes of society gambling away what little money they had. Thats not the kind of atmosphere I'd like to be part of, really depressing if you ask me. Like with Harrah's and shit you had high-rollin big baller dudes out there with ballz hot womenz, just really out to have a good time, maybe make a buck or two. Thats what im all about, just like the atmosphere and all, then maybe earn a few bucks to top it off.


Oh I totally get your point, and hopefully you believe me when I say I am not a degenerate gambler, I would love to go spend some money on a vacation doing the things you mentioned above, but when I go to casinos around here it's purely a job. I try to maximize my profits and minimize my time in the casino. Although I do truly enjoy the game, from my experience "most" of the people are their on their last dime or this months rent. I don't mean to generalize but it truly is sad, at any given table I would say at least 75% of the people are hoping to "get lucky" and "not lose because the really can't afford to." I feel like it's pretty easy to spot this based on their play. I have played poker for the last 11 years and believe me I have played when I shouldn't have financially, but never gotten to the point that I couldn't pay bills, support my family or anything of that nature.

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Rooster's on west broad. /thread you're welcome


Then if you are trying for a hotel, the Holiday Inn Express is new and nice in Hilliard just off 70


Agreed. Everything else around the casino isn't all the impressive. There are a few nice restruants in Hilliard. If you like Italian there is a place called carabos ( spelling? ) over off of Truman blvd. little pricey but good. Few in old Hilliard as well.

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Rooster's on west broad. /thread you're welcome


Then if you are trying for a hotel, the Holiday Inn Express is new and nice in Hilliard just off 70


If im going for a high rolling night on the town with the future Mrs. acklac I want to take her to someplace better then a Holiday Inn Express. Those types of places I stay at while traveling on the road, not while trying to court a future wife.

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