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I'm tired of gun talk after the CT shooting, so I'm adding something I find fascinating. Hope you do too, CR...




I remember as a science- and space-fan in grade school reading a book my parents gave me about what other stars, quasars, etc are out in deep space; how times have changed! While contact with another planet is unlikely in our lifetime, it's amazing to me at what is now known about the universe from what we've discovered in the last 25 years alone. Looking forward to learning more in the next 25 years.

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So what they're saying is that they believe Tau Ceti is the closest planet they've found with an earth-like habitat? 22 light years is far as hell. But, it's crazy to imagine if such habitat is out there- I honestly think there are other life-forms we haven't encountered yet. I wonder how alike they are to us given similar habitats. Maybe far off in the future we will come across them, but like I said, far off in the future.
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Arthur C. Clark postulated that the only thing that might keep humans from killing each other is our fascination with finding and going to new places...


In that thread that asks what we would do with unlimited money, my answer would be, "Create a space exploration program, that WASN'T beholden to any government, and GET TO one of these other planets"

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Another interesting thought that you should check out is that many scientists believe that the entire core of Jupiter may be a diamond(!) the size of several earths.


While the debate about Jupiters core remains unsolved, check THIS shit out...



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