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which would be a better choice?


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Were on foodstamps... we get 350ish a month. We also have been using part of her student loans to scrape by. I have to stay at Autozone until the end of february, then i can job hunt. Hours at work have been cut like crazy. The issue with job hunting is finding a decent paying one that will work around britts school schedule so we don't have to worry about child care. Also being on government assistance means we have insurance, so if I get a really good paying job it would kick us off that and would need to pay enough to make up for that. Until Brittney graduates I'm stuck with shitty entry level low paying jobs. :(



Seriously, you need to stop doing that NOW and quit building more debt.


What is her degree/field going to be in? How much longer until shes done?


Honestly, keep what you have now and let her drive it. Save the tax return for savings/nest egg and forget another car for right now. You can't afford it until you get a better job. Start working nights or opposite of her school and improve your situation. Buying more crap should be the last priority...

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Seriously, you need to stop doing that NOW and quit building more debt.


What is her degree/field going to be in? How much longer until shes done?


Honestly, keep what you have now and let her drive it. Save the tax return for savings/nest egg and forget another car for right now. You can't afford it until you get a better job. Start working nights or opposite of her school and improve your situation. Buying more crap should be the last priority...



shes in the nursing program, when fall comes around she will have two years left. the maxima is a 5spd and she cant drive it.

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shes in the nursing program, when fall comes around she will have two years left. the maxima is a 5spd and she cant drive it.


She needs to learn. You need to both step back and evaluate what is and isn't important. Is having less room in your budget ok because she's unwilling (and don't give me that unable shit, if my annoying ass sister can learn, anyone can) to learn to drive stick, that's purely out of laziness. Laziness is the most expensive thing in the world, and you're not rich enough to be able to afford that yet.

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shes in the nursing program, when fall comes around she will have two years left. the maxima is a 5spd and she cant drive it.


So how much school debt is she going to have when done? Is she working full time now? Yes, she needs to learn to drive manual AND you need a BIG step up in YOUR job/pay...


She needs to learn. You need to both step back and evaluate what is and isn't important. Is having less room in your budget ok because she's unwilling (and don't give me that unable shit, if my annoying ass sister can learn, anyone can) to learn to drive stick, that's purely out of laziness. Laziness is the most expensive thing in the world, and you're not rich enough to be able to afford that yet.




Honestly, right out of nursing school shes not exactly going to be making bank not to mention school loans begin. You've got to step up and earn your share of the house hold income and provide a better life for your daughter. That is prority #1 here...


Do you live close to anything? Ride a bicycle to work or walk?

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What about trading the maxima for an auto?


I dont think anyone wants the maxima... I shouldn't have jumped on it so fast, it needs work that we cant afford right now. I was just happy to get rid of the honda..


I live close to autozone, I walked to work once because I locked myself out of the house. looking at mowing grass at dawes arboretum start around 10.50, I worked there when we were on the welfare stuff when I lost my job at UDF. They had me trained on the big tractor to mow the fields so hopefully that will help.

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She needs to learn. You need to both step back and evaluate what is and isn't important. Is having less room in your budget ok because she's unwilling (and don't give me that unable shit, if my annoying ass sister can learn, anyone can) to learn to drive stick, that's purely out of laziness. Laziness is the most expensive thing in the world, and you're not rich enough to be able to afford that yet.




both of you need jobs right now. plenty of people work while going through school. my wife worked while going through nursing school, and i did while going through college and grad school. make it happen. $8.94/hr is not even worth driving to work for---you can find plenty of jobs that will pay more.


get off this site, you're wasting electricity which costs money. never give up cheap reliable transportation in hopes of getting cheapER reliable transportation----you run the risk of getting burned.

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