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Any Fish Experts


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Ok, I think I have a fish that is pregnant? I have over 15 cichlids in a tank and I'm trying to research how to keep the baby fish. I did a little bit of research on pregnant cichlids and some fish carry their baby's in their mouth. I'm sure this is what's going on, I really can't confirm this because the fish doesn't open her mouth and she's not eating and she's very protective of her area right now. I know if I keep all the fish together, the other fish will eat the babies. I've been told not to remove the mother because it could jepardise the situation. I watch a video of someone breeding fish, where the guy caught the fish, put the fish in his hand and held the fish up to a tube so the fish could spit the eggs in the tube. I was wondering if there was anyone who could give me some solid advise.
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i wish i still had the guys name who used to (and very well still might) breed them. he's just down rt33 off bixby rd. i went to his house when considering a cichlid tank, and he had probably 80-100 tanks/breeder tubs set up, tens of thousands of fish, just kept heaters running in his basement to keep the water warm, it was like 90+ degrees down there.


and he worked for DHL so he bred them and shipped them for next to nothing.


i swear the website was something like cichlidsinoh.com or something but im not coming up with anything. maybe he stopped, but he sure did seem to have a lot into it and enjoyed it too much to just give it up.

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The fish is a Melanochromis (M. Auratus). I went to the local fish store and I purchased a breeding container. The guy stated to net the fish and put her in the container. If she doesn't spit the eggs out then I would have to force the eggs out. Well she didn't spit the eggs out, I let her try for about an hour, but I think she was too protective of them. So I grabbed the fish and opened her mouth and out came 17 eggs. My daughter and my son are so excited, I told them I would get them 10 gallons tanks when the fish hatch. Now I need to do some more research on providing for the eggs if I need to.


I'll post some picture later.

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The fish is a Melanochromis (M. Auratus). I went to the local fish store and I purchased a breeding container. The guy stated to net the fish and put her in the container. If she doesn't spit the eggs out then I would have to force the eggs out. Well she didn't spit the eggs out, I let her try for about an hour, but I think she was too protective of them. So I grabbed the fish and opened her mouth and out came 17 eggs. My daughter and my son are so excited, I told them I would get them 10 gallons tanks when the fish hatch. Now I need to do some more research on providing for the eggs if I need to.


I'll post some picture later.


Most important thing now is constant, clean water flow over the eggs and of course, temperature. The parents constantly keep the eggs clean by, well, cleaning them and keeping a flow of water around the eggs with their mouths and fins so they aren't attacked and rot.


Good luck, man! It's always pretty fun.

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