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ex-LA cop wages "unconventional and asymmetrical" warfare against police

Das Borgen

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Suspect's truck is a blue Titan, not Tundra.


Also, I'm no forensic expert but many of those pullet holes in the Tacoma took enough paint off for me to suspect it was not handgun fire. Am I off base in suspecting that?


If you're a large black man in California its probably not a bad idea to call in sick to work and stay indoors til they catch this dude.


from the LA times






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he just has far too much training just to catch his car on fire then hang around the area, i think its "hey look at this here i am" and he had another car set up and left knowing they would scour the area. He had this planned it seems he didnt just wake up and go well today is it.


It gives him time to regroup and plan.

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Does anyone know if any of the news organizations have followed up on the statements he's made in his manifesto? He's pretty damn detailed so it would be easy to check. Why not admit the lapd is in the wrong like he wants in an attempt to get the guy to turn himself in? I'm also disgusted by the conduct of those officers who shot up the women in the trucks. They need to be held accountable for their actions.
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Does anyone know if any of the news organizations have followed up on the statements he's made in his manifesto? He's pretty damn detailed so it would be easy to check. Why not admit the lapd is in the wrong like he wants in an attempt to get the guy to turn himself in? I'm also disgusted by the conduct of those officers who shot up the women in the trucks. They need to be held accountable for their actions.


Oh you stop it. That is not good tv. Why investigate the facts. We should just believe everything our elected officials tell us. THey are just protecting us.

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I read the entire manifesto and found it very interesting. It read less like the ramblings of a psychopath and more like a broken man's explanation.


completely agreed there.......I read it all last night. It was too cohesive and reasoned to be from a psychopath

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I read the entire manifesto and found it very interesting. It read less like the ramblings of a psychopath and more like a broken man's explanation.


I read it too, I got the same feel for it.


I do wonder if he's listening to this................


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crazy shit. Gun control supporters may as well realize creating laws will not stop a person from going on a killing spree.


And apparently will not stop cops from shooting innocent citizens.


It wasn't even a damn Nissan or GREY in color. WTH?

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Where we're picking sides for paintball, airsoft, zombie apocalypse, and/or armed insurrection -- calling dibs on Scotty.


I'm not what I used to be, that was my former life. My specialty was the art of boom boom. That was the only reason I became a Combat Engineer. Funny part is, I hate fireworks now. I fully understand their symbolism, but am also bored by them.

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Here is his manifesto


I skimmed through it. He lists the former partner that he exposed as beating a mentally handicapped suspect who wasn't being aggressive. He was then charged with lying about it, and claims the person assigned to defend him had no interest in defending him, and 2 or the 3 internal affairs people assigned to judge the case had personal relationships with either the former partner or someone else that was bringing the charges against him. So yes, he was naming names.


I'm sure there is more to the case. I have no clue if the guy is either insane and delusional, or if he's right and the LAPD is covering up all kinds of shit. I could believe either, considering the history the LAPD has had (just look at what they did in the 90's), and the fact that they have already shot up a truck with two women in it, injuring them, even though it wasn't even the correct model truck, just that it was blue. This recklessness to end the life of the guy, rather than make any attempt at arresting him tells me they want him SILENCED instead of giving him the chance to drag them out in front of a non partial judge in a real court.



"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants-TJ."


I do not condone murdering anyone-especially someone's daughter who had nothing to do with this-but the guy has a legitimate axe to grind, and he is grinding it.

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