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Any lawyers? Problems with neighbors...


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Sorry man, can't do it. I would be spending way more on it than on a DSM and be half as fast.


Some may bring up that the vette would give me more life points than the DSM...to that I say, I am doing just fine on life points, so I will have to pass.


If I were to do a V8 instead of DSM, it would be along these lines:













So what you are saying is it's better to have a Dyno Queen rather than a Jack Stand Queen?

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So what you are saying is it's better to have a Dyno Queen rather than a Jack Stand Queen?


Dyno Queen is definitely better than jackstand queen. Though I have spent more time as the latter than the former seeing as how I have never had my car on the dyno.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This lady...is nuts. On Saturday afternoon there is a knock on the door.... Now before I get into this, let me say, as most of you know from my other thread, my car hasn't ran in WEEKS due to it having been totaled, (which she is not aware of.)


Here is a copy of an e-mail I sent to my dad immediately after the encounter was over; (I have an e-mail string documenting every encounter we have had.)


"The lady across the street came over at approximately 12:55p this afternoon and knocked on my door. She proceeded to tell me she had gotten nowhere with litigation with the HOA. She wanted to discuss my car (which hasn't ran, or left the garage in weeks). I told her again if she had an issue to take it up with the HOA or the law. She said she had already taken it up with the HOA and our HOA does nothing. She then proceeded to say she wanted to work out a time as to when I ran my car. "Maybe 30min on saturday and 30min on sunday." I stated that no one is going to dictate to me when I run my own vehicle, especially when it's not against HOA rules, not against the law, and only a couple times a year after 9pm. I also informed her that i find her filming and taking pictures of me, my wife, and my child to be threatening behavior and I advised he to not do it again. She stated she can film whoever she wants whenever she wants."


What she doesn't know, is that I have 2min of video/audio from our encounter on Saturday; further documenting her harassment of me. Now, if someone were to watch the vid, not knowing the history of this situation, I will admit I probably look like a d-bag. I didn't yell or use any profanity, but I was rather animated in my interaction which I feel is reasonable considering the fact that she is the cause of incalculable amounts of time and stress.


I am going to be looking into TX law in regards to restraining orders.

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After reading your thread thoughout these weeks I couldn't ever live with the amount of drama filled crazy ppl you have around your house. I would lose my shit. Guess i've been spoiled with not having crazy ppl around me since i've lived out in the country my whole life. Havinig an old crazy lady knocking on your door and doing looney toon shit every week would be tiring. Let's hope this all comes to an end soon. Goodluck.
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She brought up again that her lawyers, yes, plural, had advised she sure me directly and that he husband didn't want to do that as he doesn't believe in suing neighbors. And, yet again, I told her to do what she needed to do. If only you all could have been there for the entire duration of the conversation. She said my car is a nuisance because I have a glass pack on it, (which I don't; I laughed at her and asked if she knew what a glass pack was), she said I have had my car running up to 6hrs at a time, she told me I have no integrity because I know I am violating HOA rules and I am taking advantage of my ability to do so because our HOA doesn't do anything, etc, etc, etc.


I also laughed at her and said my car doesn't hold enough fuel to run for 6hrs straight. She said, "yes it does, and I have heard you run it for 3hrs at a time as well." Ha ha ha. This has NEVER happened.


FACT: The guy right next door to me, Randy, had a late 80's t-top camaro (forgive me f-body guys, I don't know american muscle too well), that is WAY louder than mine.


FACT: Randy also works on other peoples cars both in his garage, AND in the street.


FACT: Randy did the brakes on a truck that was not his, in his garage, with the garage door open because the truck was too long to fit all the way in his garage, and he borrow my jack to boot! In fact, she was walking out of her door and across the street as Randy was walking from my driveway to his pulling the jack along!


But noooo, she doesn't b*tch at Randy; in fact she tries to get Randy and his wife to help her make a case against me.



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Doing nothing different than you normally do that is not against the law will do nothing but piss her off even more, and hopefully cause her to just move in the end. It sounds like she just doesn't like you for some reason. I hope things turn out well in the end for you though.
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Doing nothing different than you normally do that is not against the law will do nothing but piss her off even more, and hopefully cause her to just move in the end. It sounds like she just doesn't like you for some reason. I hope things turn out well in the end for you though.


I am actually looking into moving myself. Not because of this. In fact, the dark side of me wants to stay just to spite her; however, I am not going to stay in this neighborhood just for the sake of spiting someone. I know that if/when I move though, she will take it as a "victory" so to speak. Really in the end though, it doesn't matter and who cares what she thinks.

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I am actually looking into moving myself. Not because of this. In fact, the dark side of me wants to stay just to spite her; however, I am not going to stay in this neighborhood just for the sake of spiting someone. I know that if/when I move though, she will take it as a "victory" so to speak. Really in the end though, it doesn't matter and who cares what she thinks.


Good way to think about it, life is too short to put up with people like her anyway.

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I am not a lawyer but here are a few well-reasoned arguments for her to take to her lawyers to waste her money.


FACT: TX is a one-way consent state for wiretapping, but the one party consenting MUST BE A PART OF THE CONVERSATION. Thus, you are legally allowed to record your communication with her, but she is not allowed to record you if she is not party to your conversation. Strike one against her recording your conversation at the end of your driveway.


FACT: Video recording is legal if someone is in a public place with no expectation of privacy. Thus; her recording you in your garage on your property could be illegal. Strike two.


FACT: You are entitled to civil damages up to $10,000, damages above that for legal costs/etc, and injunction against her recording you in the future under Texas law. Thus, you could conceivably BRING THE MOTHERFUCKING PAIN TO THIS BITCH.



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I am not a lawyer but here are a few well-reasoned arguments for her to take to her lawyers to waste her money.


FACT: TX is a one-way consent state for wiretapping, but the one party consenting MUST BE A PART OF THE CONVERSATION. Thus, you are legally allowed to record your communication with her, but she is not allowed to record you if she is not party to your conversation. Strike one against her recording your conversation at the end of your driveway.


FACT: Video recording is legal if someone is in a public place with no expectation of privacy. Thus; her recording you in your garage on your property could be illegal. Strike two.


FACT: You are entitled to civil damages up to $10,000, damages above that for legal costs/etc, and injunction against her recording you in the future under Texas law. Thus, you could conceivably BRING THE MOTHERFUCKING PAIN TO THIS BITCH.




Thanks for posting that info.

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Wait.... you are in TEXAS and a yelling old woman came at you on your property, and you DID NOT SHOOT HER?!?!?!?!!?!?




But serious, I would just find out what type of Atty you would need, and speak w/ them. Sure, you might have to pay a few $$$Hundred, but if you can sue HER, that might put an end to it all.




PS - I read the first, and this page ;)

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She brought up again that her lawyers, yes, plural, had advised she sure me directly and that he husband didn't want to do that as he doesn't believe in suing neighbors. And, yet again, I told her to do what she needed to do. If only you all could have been there for the entire duration of the conversation. She said my car is a nuisance because I have a glass pack on it, (which I don't; I laughed at her and asked if she knew what a glass pack was), she said I have had my car running up to 6hrs at a time, she told me I have no integrity because I know I am violating HOA rules and I am taking advantage of my ability to do so because our HOA doesn't do anything, etc, etc, etc.


I also laughed at her and said my car doesn't hold enough fuel to run for 6hrs straight. She said, "yes it does, and I have heard you run it for 3hrs at a time as well." Ha ha ha. This has NEVER happened.


FACT: The guy right next door to me, Randy, had a late 80's t-top camaro (forgive me f-body guys, I don't know american muscle too well), that is WAY louder than mine.


FACT: Randy also works on other peoples cars both in his garage, AND in the street.


FACT: Randy did the brakes on a truck that was not his, in his garage, with the garage door open because the truck was too long to fit all the way in his garage, and he borrow my jack to boot! In fact, she was walking out of her door and across the street as Randy was walking from my driveway to his pulling the jack along!


But noooo, she doesn't b*tch at Randy; in fact she tries to get Randy and his wife to help her make a case against me.





Clearly its because you drive one of them ferin cars.

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  • 1 month later...
Old car is now gone. Hauled away by scrappers at the end of last week. I bet this lady thinks she has "won" since I haven't had the care running in 2mo and her husband saw it getting hauled away. Going to be awesome when I roll back him at the beginning of next month with another one.
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  • 2 months later...

This is gets even better.


So I picked up a new DSM when I was in OH in May/June. I finally just got this project mostly done (minus putting interior back together) and I started the new one up today for the first time since I got her back here. I let the car run to get it up to operating temp. It was in my garage idling, with the garage door open about 2.5ft so I didn't die.


So i'm sitting in my car while it idle and after 10min I hear this horrible, violent banging noise on my garage door. I turn around and see a pair of old lady legs then more violent beatings on my garage door. I yell, "what the heck?" I hear her voice yell back, "shut your garage door while you work on the car!"


Idiot. Ima shut my garage door while my car runs. That's smart.


So I walk in the house, turn my phone on record, open my front door and she is no standing on the sidewalk. She turns around immediately with a camera recording me and I told her, "Get off my property. DO not step foot on my property again or I am calling the police."


Her response..."Call them. Do me a favor, and call them."


I walk back in the house. I think about it for a couple minutes, and I call them.


Officer shows up, I give her a run down of the events over the last 2 years, that I have documentation of, and told the cop, I just want her to leave me alone. THe officer told me in order for them to do anything on a trespassing charge, she has to be on the property when the cops arrive, then I have to tell the cops that I don't want her on the property again. At that point, the cops would issue her and order in writing to not come on the property again. If she were to do it again, the cops would have to show up with her on the property, at which point she would be arrested. She (the cop), then proceeded to tell me that she would go talk to the lady and tell her not to come back over, and that is usually enough to scare people into stopping their behavior.


So the cop went over and she talked to that crazy old bag and her husband for 15min, then left.


Guess we will see where it goes from here...

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Everyone has an asshole neighbor. Usually those assholes have had a beef with everyone at some point in time. I just had one start in on me today. I like to refer to my favorite quote....


"If you meet an asshole in the morning, you met an asshole. If you meet assholes all day, you're the asshole."

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