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Any lawyers? Problems with neighbors...


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You live in TX and in HOA subdivision? Is Texas running out of land?


Do you like where you live? If so go over and ask her what's the problem and try to work out a compromise. My sister had the same problem like your when she lived in FL. Everytime she open her garage door more than three minutes she get a complain. The neighbor right across was a retired old lady. My sister introduced the old lady to her Mexican lawn care person, problem fixed ;).May be you should give the husband some Viagra to keep your neighbor busy and happy. If not a vibrator/ dildo should help.


You would be surprised at the # of HOA's down here. Nearly every neighborhood in the metroplex belongs to an HOA.

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With all that is going on and how she has already threatened to sue, I strongly disagree with anyone suggesting to just go talk to them. She has already drawn the line. Tell the HOA about the situation that just happened and leave it at that. Maybe talk to a lawyer and have any and everything lined up incase she goes through and does sue you.


HOA are not the law of the land. Check your local laws for any laws against what you have done. Some strange towns have strange laws. And with the HOA ruling in your favor, nothing to be done but sit and wait her to sue you and blast her back with your counter suite.

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With all that is going on and how she has already threatened to sue, I strongly disagree with anyone suggesting to just go talk to them. She has already drawn the line. Tell the HOA about the situation that just happened and leave it at that. Maybe talk to a lawyer and have any and everything lined up incase she goes through and does sue you.


HOA are not the law of the land. Check your local laws for any laws against what you have done. Some strange towns have strange laws. And with the HOA ruling in your favor, nothing to be done but sit and wait her to sue you and blast her back with your counter suite.


I feel that informing the HOA about the situation will not help anything as when the HOA conceded that my activities were within my rights, they stated that any future issues would be between the two of us. The HOA can not tell another resident to stop harassing me, that would be a legal/criminal matter.


If she tries to say anything to me or my wife again, I will get a restraining order. She was so mad when she left though I doubt she would waste her time coming over again. As for me trying to talk to her or her husband, not going to happen. Should this hit the legal system in the future, I do not see how me opening my mouth to her is going to help the situation at all.


I'm just going to sit back and see what transpires, if anything at all.

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I wouldn't be surprised if her suit got thrown out of court. She'd have to prove damages somehow by YOU working on YOUR CAR, in YOUR GARAGE and right now it sounds like she is trying to sue the HOA because she doesn't like that she misunderstood the HOA rules.

So in suing you she will complain that she doesn't like the HOA rules and that you shouldn't be allowed to work on your car in your garage.


Yeah, thats gonna go real well for her.

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Courts will rule in favor of the dependent typically when it comes to interpretation of contracts.


You have plenty of paperwork on your side. Ignore and if she approaches you again on your property,ask her to vacate or you'll call the cops for trespassing... Batty old bitch..

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You might also want to approach her husband while he's walking the dogs, just to see if there's anything you can do to help remedy the situation. As I said earlier I was literally in the exact same situation as you (car work, complaints etc) and decided to approach the husband. He turned out to be mad chill, and more or less told me to forget about the bitch and just let her go mad. I even told him "look im willing to work with you guys" and he more or less said "there's no working with her, don't worry about it". We've been friends to this day. Crazy,Old,Wealthy,Women....god help us all.
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Who would want to live somewhere where there is an HOA?


It's for some people, just not me, in retrospect.


She's bluffing. Call her on it. In the meantime document everything. Let the hoa know she came over harassing you. Don't do anything unreasonable, and it will likely pass. Can't stand assholes like that


I would agree that I believe she is bluffing. I think that's why she came over to tell me about it. She is running out of options and getting desperate.


I'm not going to complain to the HOA about it though for two reasons:


1.) They have a lawsuit against the HOA, so I highly doubt the HOA is going to send her a letter to leave me alone, or a letter for any reason for that matter.


2.) Harassment is a criminal offense, so the HOA has no power to do anything in that situation anyway as the HOA is not the law.


I wouldn't be surprised if her suit got thrown out of court. She'd have to prove damages somehow by YOU working on YOUR CAR, in YOUR GARAGE and right now it sounds like she is trying to sue the HOA because she doesn't like that she misunderstood the HOA rules.

So in suing you she will complain that she doesn't like the HOA rules and that you shouldn't be allowed to work on your car in your garage.


Yeah, thats gonna go real well for her.


This is pretty much how I envision it going.


You might also want to approach her husband while he's walking the dogs, just to see if there's anything you can do to help remedy the situation. As I said earlier I was literally in the exact same situation as you (car work, complaints etc) and decided to approach the husband. He turned out to be mad chill, and more or less told me to forget about the bitch and just let her go mad. I even told him "look im willing to work with you guys" and he more or less said "there's no working with her, don't worry about it". We've been friends to this day. Crazy,Old,Wealthy,Women....god help us all.


I agree with some people in some situations, such as yours, going that route, can, and did work. My personal point of view at this point is that I would rather not say anything and let things take their course than open my mouth and say something that seems innocent and harmless at the time, only to have it used against me down the road.


"Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue."

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We have an HOA, it maintains green areas and parks around the neighborhood. Makes sense to me. It's not city land so someone has to pay for the maintenance, we as homeowners use the green areas and parks for pets, ourselves, and kids. It's nice to have those amenities. I have found out not all HOAs are about door knockers and other things. Ours is quite tame and not expensive. Some of the houses pay more to the HOA to cover their lawn care.
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Depending on my prior relationship with this lady, my conversation would have gone the way yours did or told her to get the fuck out of driveway and don't worry about my mail. Either approach doesn't seem like it would change what's going on. I have a friend that went through this with neighbors.

I hate people sometimes

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What you did was the right thing to do. That being said i dont believe in HOA if i want to work on my car or even let it run i will. till they start paying your mortgage every month i would tell her to kiss my assand leave it at that. Thats if she keeps harassing you.
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My non legal advise: You can be sued anytime over anything. Doesn't mean they will win the case though.



^^^This^^^, you can be sued for anything, that doesn't mean that common sense won't prevail. I would contact your HOA and advise them that she has paid you a visit, I would also suspect that she isn't suing the HOA, it's all bark and no bite.


What I would do....... contact your local police or Sheriff's office, I would file for a restraining order and pursue harassment charges. I had a neighbor like this once, sometimes the above may seem like a dick move, but it is all some people understand. Good luck, let us know how it turns out

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Knowing that it was her that made the complaint, I would have told her I have not received any mail, play dumb). This would have made her even more mad and made her look like a fool when the HOA proves in court that they had sent mail to you.
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I had my garage door open all afternoon as I was putting up shelves and cleaning up the garage. I started the talon to move it back 3 feet as it was up too far, the car was running less than 2min, I turned it off, got out, and she is standing outside in her front yard taking pics/video of me. This woman is off her rocker.
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