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Taxes - paid in -or- got refund?


Taxes - Paid in -or- got refund?  

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  1. 1. Taxes - Paid in -or- got refund?

    • Paid In
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idk my wife does our taxes I have an extra 20 taken out a paycheck every week. I bought a secondary fuel system for my car which I have yet to dyno and see what it did. A new motor for my blazer that doesn't tap. Upgraded to a 42" and leather living room set. It lasted about 4 days.

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i got $1200 back from the feds. Half of it was thanks to moving out this summer so now I can get the $600 "stimulus" payment on my taxes for 2008. Basically negated all the taxes I owed so I got all the withholdings back. Sadly, it all went to paying rent/utilities/bike payment while i was unemployed Jan/Feb/March. would have been great if i'd had a job then I could have paid off my R6 completely.

Edited by smashweights
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