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Suburb Jurisdictional Questions


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Got picked out of a pack of speeding cars during rush hour today. Right off Fishinger well within City of Columbus limits. Everyone speeds through there, and Hilliard routinely sets up a speed trap at an unoccupied house that is for sale. Only reason I got stopped/ticketed was because I had the parents Audi (AUDI LOL) for the weekend to diagnose a groaning noise and the car has Washington plates.


Cop questioned me about drugs, guns, what I was doing in Ohio etc. Asked for consent to search, which I readily agreed to, although he never did search the car.


So cop has me sign a ticket, then gives me an envelope that he says contains "everything I need" and that I should just "mail in the fine". He then points to a date on the ticket (which is attached to his clipboard) and notes I need to show up downtown on that date if I want to contest it.


Get home and the envelope has my License,registration, and a stub noting how much the ticket was for and where to mail it, but no copy of the ticket.


Immediately call Hilliard CPD asking for my court date because I don't have a copy of the ticket, Dispatcher gets ahold of the cop, then tells me to show up at Hilliard Mayors Court on X date, I ask her "Why should I go to court in Hilliard if I was cited in the City Of Columbus?" her response "Oh, you weren't actually in Hilliard city limits?" puts me back on hold then comes back and tells me I have a court date on april 12th Downtown.


This kinda crap pisses me off because Hilliard does this sorta shit all the time (writing tickets well outside of there City Limits). I've come to avoid suburbs as a whole because CPD simply could care less about this kind of petty bullshit.


I was under the impression Suburb cops only have jurisdiction within there City limits, except in Felonious situations? Can anyone verify this?




-Got pulled over/ticketed by Hilliard PD in the City of Columbus

-Never got a copy of the ticket

-Wondering what, if any, Authority Suburb cops have outside of there city limits.

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Also before the whole "you committed a crime, pay the fine" crowd comes in, yes, I may have been speeding. If I was actually in the City of Hilliard I probably would just pay the fine, well I take that back, I never would have been speeding in the first place because I know Hilliard cops. Thats why I take City Of Columbus streets.


I absolutely can't stand pesky little bullshit Suburb cops over-extending there powers, thats more or less what im fighting against.

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I would expect they have some sort of reciprocity agreement or something. Dublin has gotten me well outside their area.


COPS LOL. I'm sure while he was looking for a speeder actual people were being victimized elsewhere in his jurisdiction.

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You sped. Pay the fine.








At the very least im going to plead not guilty then talk to the Prosecutor about the charges whilst dressed in a $500 wardrobe. Worked last time around. I mean Copper shot (radar/laser) across two lanes of westbound traffic during rush hour to get me speeding in a pack of cars going the opposite direction. His case is riddled with problems from my viewpoint.

Edited by acklac7
added radar/laser
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At the very least im going to plead not guilty then talk to the Prosecutor about the charges whilst dressed in a $500 wardrobe. Worked last time around. I mean Copper shot (radar/laser) across two lanes of westbound traffic during rush hour to get me speeding in a pack of cars going the opposite direction. His case is riddled with problems from my viewpoint.


I *believe* the way the Ohio Code is constructed that any duly sworn peace officer can cite you for a violation anywhere in the state.


You raise an interesting jurisdictional question with regards to what court you are tried in. I think Hilliard gave you the correct advice there. I also agree with a previous poster that the cop in question will likely not show up to Columbus court. They are counting on the fact that people will just pay the fines and if one or two slip by, acceptable losses from the revenue stream. Better to have that officer out making money for the city than tied up in court for hours on one violation.


With that in mind, I wouldn't ask the prosecutor for a deal right off. I'd show and see if the cop shows. If he doesn't, you're basically dismissed (woot!). If he does show, ask for a continuance (to get a copy of the ticket and review, engage legal counsel, whatever BS reason)... *then* you can decide if you want a deal or you want to try to poke holes in the case, etc. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
Cop never showed up to court.


Case dismissed :fuckyeah:


Is it that simple? You show up on the date to contest, cop doesn't show, and judge throws it out? I have always wondered about this as I have never actually gone through this before.

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Is it that simple? You show up on the date to contest, cop doesn't show, and judge throws it out? I have always wondered about this as I have never actually gone through this before.


Yup, apparently so.


I showed up @ 10:10, (court was @ 10:00), signed in and talked to the prosecutor. At first I was going to ask for a continuance but since I didn't see the cop in the courtroom (with the rest of the other cops) I asked him (prosecutor) "is he (cop) even going to show up?" (then somewhat explained the circumstances behind the ticket). Prosector told me he gives everyone a half hour after the official court time to show up, and if the cop hadn't shown up by that time to come talk to him. 10:35 rolled around, walked up and asked him "hey he hasn't shown up yet, can I request a dismissal?" 5 minutes later dude walked up to me and said "your all set":fuckyeah: Whole thing took less then 30min.

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Very nice! I remember a few years back I got pulled over for speeding and window tint in my A4. It was broad day light and a sunny day. Cop wrote silver for the color of my car on the ticket but it was actually a gold car. I took it to court and it was dismissed. It did take 3 hours of waiting to get it dismissed though.
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Wow...read this for the first time and didn't expect to see that outcome. Congrats!:thumbup:


While I may have come off somewhat abrasive in my post I was rather cordial with Law Enforcement, so the cop really didn't have a vendetta against me if you will.


Also called the real estate agent whose house the cop was sitting at, left her a polite (SRS) message stating I didn't appreciate Prudential allowing law enforcement to set up speed traps on there clients property.


Haven't seen a cop sitting there since the day i got the ticket, prior to that I would see them maybe 3-4 times a week.

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While I may have come off somewhat abrasive in my post I was rather cordial with Law Enforcement, so the cop really didn't have a vendetta against me if you will.


Also called the real estate agent whose house the cop was sitting at, left her a polite (SRS) message stating I didn't appreciate Prudential allowing law enforcement to set up speed traps on there clients property.


Haven't seen a cop sitting there since the day i got the ticket, prior to that I would see them maybe 3-4 times a week.


I've seen them in that driveway multiple times since then. All of the times were on the weekend while driving back and forth to Lowe's.

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I've seen them in that driveway multiple times since then. All of the times were on the weekend while driving back and forth to Lowe's.


Really? I look for them there all the time, and haven't seen them since. Everyone speeds through there, must be a huge money maker for them. Also they will sit behind Lowes and get you for running the 3 way stop sign if you don't come to a complete stop. Again, that stop sign/lowes are in the City of Columbus.

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Really? I look for them there all the time, and haven't seen them since. Everyone speeds through there, must be a huge money maker for them. Also they will sit behind Lowes and get you for running the 3 way stop sign if you don't come to a complete stop. Again, that stop sign/lowes are in the City of Columbus.


It was probably two weeks ago that I saw them. He was looking at me intently as I was coming down the road. I made sure to sit at 35 while other cars flew past. I saw him as soon as I turned onto Fishinger. They usually have the black and white car there, since it seems to blend in a little better.

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They all say that :dumb:


The situation was pretty fucked up. He pulled me over, went through the schpeal, said he was going to write me a ticket. Came back with a ticket written up, had me sign it, i handed it back to him and he told me to have a good day. He never returned from his car so i drove off. He never gave me a copy of the ticket. I called OHP the next day explaining what had happened and we arranged a time and place to meet up so i could get the ticket from him. That was when i asked him.


$155.00 :mad:

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Got out of one when i totaled my dads BMW when i was 18. Went to court to contest that he wrote that the roads were dry, when there were rain spots on the ticket. waited about an hour, he didnt show, they said have a nice day and i left.


gotta have someone there to argue the other side. otherwise, if they had a "trial", you say "i wasnt speeding", no cop there to dispute it, you walk away. your word vs theirs

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Only because your white. That would never have been my luck.


Ha, I didn't know you were black or "african american"


At any rate I had another court appearance about 6 months ago for a separate traffic offense, and while I was in the court room a well dressed, clean cut, younger black man got his charges dropped doing exactly what I did today (talking to the prosecutor etc). It's all about how you dress/act in court. You show up in torn jeans and a Budweiser shirt bitching about the charges then yea, you probably won't fair well.

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