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Diet and Nutrition Information


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I've been using the myfitnesspal app....pretty helpful in keeping track of calories and you can look stuff up as you eat it. I've also been eating a lot of the weight watchers "smart ones". They're not terrible really, have a ton of different meals, and are ~$2 if you catch them on sale. I give myself Sunday to eat a real meal....I still try not to go crazy but I eat what tastes good and what I want instead of calorie counting so much. Best bang for the calorie buck I've found really is subway. I'm a huge hamburger person....I love the things...been hard not to go to a fast food joint but I haven't been to one in a month. I buy extra lean burger at the store and put them on a "slimwich" bun with mustard,pickle, and onions to get my burger fix. Way way less calories than fast food. Also, you can just forget about pizza forever. Ton of calories for what you get there. I'm all about bang for the caloric buck. I've lost 25lbs so far and want to lose at least 25 more. With summer coming it's going to be tough....I love to BBQ and drink beer. :D


Another thing I've been doing is getting out and moving more. I'm a stay at home dad so it's tough not to just sit on my ass and watch TV all the time. :D I've been alternating walking a couple miles a day and riding a bike a couple miles. Tough with a 6 month old here at the house so the bike riding hasn't been as often as the walking which I can do with him if the weather is halfway decent. Doesn't really bother me though because that bike seat violates me everytime I ride it. :D

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Lost 50 lbs in about 4 months and was pushing more iron at 50 yrs old than I was at 30.


Cliffs: High protein, moderate carbs but only from non grain, non "white", non simple sugar carb sources (no sugar, wheat, rice, potatoes - eat green vegetables), good fats/oils, dairy, nuts/seeds, limited fruits. No portion control/calorie counting required. It's really easy if you like meat, salads, most garden vegetables.


Once you reach your target if you do ok with 'cheating' a lot of people will eat pretty strictly paleo/primal on weekdays and then not so strict on the weekends. I also make sure a cheat day is also fuel for a workout day :)

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Where do you get all this diet, food, and other info? I need to start looking up what to cook, how to cook it and all that fun stuff.


http://www.bodybuilding.com has quite a bit of dieting info for whatever your goal is.


FYI, for anyone who golfs, a round of 18 will burn between 1500 and 2500 Calories. *shwing*


I can maybe see that on a 95 degree day, on a long course, walking and carrying your clubs the entire time. I golfed a ton last summer, and I was lazy and just took the cart lol. No way I burned 1500 calories.

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www.bodybuilding.com has quite a bit of dieting info for whatever your goal is.




I can maybe see that on a 95 degree day, on a long course, walking and carrying your clubs the entire time. I golfed a ton last summer, and I was lazy and just took the cart lol. No way I burned 1500 calories.


Keep in mind that a round of golf is at least a three hour activity. There is a lot of walking, and don't underestimate how many practice swings you take. I'm not arguing that you felt that way, I'm just telling you what the calculators I have looksd up have said.

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