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Road Rage Marine - Camp Pendleton

Das Borgen

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The guy clearly needs help but when he can't control himself, not much left to do at that point....regardless of who was in the wrong.


Even then, no one was hurt and the cars don't even look seriously damaged so why was he all pissed. Serioulsy a couple $k bumper, really?


And I don't know where you guys are from but if someone repeatedly brake checks you (i.e. road rage) to cause an accident, they are at fault.





Yes he's at fault, but clearly he has issues. He needs help. Sure, he needs to be held responsible for his actions. To want someone's life ruined because they have a temper is a sad glimpse of what American life has become today. Sue happy. Take them for all they've got. It's a pathetic world we've created for ourselves.


His life wouldn't be ruined. Nothing in that video would even allow them to sue and get anything. I think he was just giving an example if the Marine assualted him or things got worse.

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His life wouldn't be ruined. Nothing in that video would even allow them to sue and get anything. I think he was just giving an example if the Marine assualted him or things got worse.


And again I quote:


I would have a heyday in court with his ass and make sure to ruin the rest of his life.


I was responding to a specific statement. That is all. Have a nice day. :)

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I think its funny how the guy acted like he needed restrained once more jar heads showed up.


Yep, this, plus screaming like a bitch, plus his monkey-arm dance performance = he wasn't gonna do shit.


Be afraid of the ones that walk up and punch through the window without saying a word.

Edited by nurkvinny
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when you brake-check someone, don't be surprised if they hit you!!! duh!! likewise, if you tailgate someone (we all know the difference between following just a bit too close and riding someone's bumper), be prepared for a brakecheck. how can you absolutely flip out when you brake check someone and they hit you??


if someone rides my ass, i usually move over, let them pass, and get behind them---how close i get depends on whether or not i'm driving my beater. i've brake checked in my past, but always when i have the trailer hitch on, and never to the point where i'm jamming on the brakes. there's a difference between sending someone a polite message they're too close, and purposely giving them no option but to hit you. either way, always be prepared for the real possibility of a collision.

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as if by coincidence


this morning, I was behind some young lady in an Impala (looked mid-late 20s) and she was left-lane hogging at 68mph or so...... Big line behind her....I eventually made my way passing on the right until I got behind her and flashed my lights at her to let me though...... She brake-checked me and started doing 60mph until we had cleared a truck in the right lane so I could pass her on the right....she then moved finally and started tail gating me.....I brake checked her back a couple of times and then I just took off


left lane hogs are turrible

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a....I brake checked her back a couple of times and then I just took off


left lane hogs are turrible


Way to show her Rich. I have never brake checked anyone, I don't want them to hit me. Even if it is their fault, I don't want the hassle of fixing my car.


To the original Topic, way out of line.

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I'm usually in the right lane because the general population thinks they are too good for the right lane. So when I get tailgated there I usually just let off the gas and coast until the fucker goes around, no brakes, I usually get down to 50ish and they go about their day and tailgate someone else.


If I am in the left or middle lane, I speed the fuck up and get right ASAP so they can get by. Never seem to have issue.

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If I am in the left or middle lane, I speed the fuck up and get right ASAP so they can get by. Never seem to have issue.


Everyone should do this. We could already be traveling long distances in space if we can stop being dicks to each other for 5 minutes. Probably won't happen in my life time :/

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It seems almost every day someone wants to cut me off on 161 on my way in to work, so these days I stay way behind the car in front of me just in case anyone wants to get in front of me in a hurry because they forget where they need to go until the last second.
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Dude should have remained in his car if he was gonna go crazy. Thats how people get shot. I've had people in my face acting all badass. Mostly they are full of it and just wanting to get some words off so I don't escalate the situation and so far they always defuse.
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if someone rides my ass, i usually move over, let them pass, and get behind them---how close i get depends on whether or not i'm driving my beater.


Lol im sorry but if you dont mind me asking, whats your beater? You got a z06, cts-v, gt-r, gt500 possibly (Dunno if you still have it), and the fox. None of which are beaters by any means and are all really nice.

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Lol im sorry but if you dont mind me asking, whats your beater? You got a z06, cts-v, gt-r, gt500 possibly (Dunno if you still have it), and the fox. None of which are beaters by any means and are all really nice.


GT500 = beater :gabe:

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