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"Texas Soldier Arrested for ‘Rudely Displaying’ Weapon"

Otis Nice

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keeping in mind that anyone with an assault rifle in a public place immediately looks out of place.


This is not his problem.


Would you also freak out if there were evil shotguns in gun racks in public view in trucks? This is still a common sight in the majority of the country.


Or if you were standing beside me with an 18 round handgun with 2 spare 17 round mags on my hip? That adds up to way more rounds than that scary "assault machine gun evil military" rifle carried in the video.

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Because I want cops to respond to complaints about suspicious behavior. If some well-meaning citizen was alarmed enough to call the police, that's a step above a cop happening to drive by and deciding to pull a power trip.


I want them to respond as well.


And, when they respond, I want them to follow their own policies and not blatantly trample on multiple rights that you and I both share.

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This is not his problem.


Would you also freak out if there were evil shotguns in gun racks in public view in trucks? This is still a common sight in the majority of the country.


Or if you were standing beside me with an 18 round handgun with 2 spare 17 round mags on my hip? That adds up to way more rounds than that scary "assault machine gun evil military" rifle carried in the video.


What if I were wearing full body armor carrying a holstered handgun on each hip with a mossberg slung over one shoulder and an AK-47 over the other one? What if I were all done up like that walking towards a movie theater?


There's a spectrum of normal firearm behavior, and I'm sure that even jaded individuals like yourself have a point at which you'd be a little on edge. If a shotgun in a gun rack is common, then it's not exactly "unusual behavior," literally by definition. And no, that wouldn't bother me. A single holstered handgun generally doesn't bother me either, although I generally make the assumption that the person is an on- or off-duty law enforcement officer.


Fortunately, in this case we don't need to make up hypotheticals where you try to paint me like some gun-fearing pussy. We have specifics. One guy walking around with a shouldered assault rifle. Not normal. I'd be on edge. Fair enough?

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I want them to respond as well.


And, when they respond, I want them to follow their own policies and not blatantly trample on multiple rights that you and I both share.


I agree 100%. I don't think the arrest was the right move. Cops should know the law and be able to practice restraint.


I also don't think carrying an assault rifle around just to prove a point is the right move either.


Two morons. Happy?

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What if I were wearing full body armor carrying a holstered handgun on each hip with a mossberg slung over one shoulder and an AK-47 over the other one? What if I were all done up like that walking towards a movie theater?


I would call 911 and report you as suspicious.


If you were walking along a country road with a kid, I would not call. Others might, no problem.

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I agree 100%. I don't think the arrest was the right move. Cops should know the law and be able to practice restraint.


I also don't think carrying an assault rifle around just to prove a point is the right move either.


Two morons. Happy?


Educate yourself about "assault rifles" and firearms in general. What, in that story makes you think he was making a point? Have you considered he was carrying a legal gun that happens to be about the best possible tool for anything he may encounter that day?


Let's say he wanted to prove a point; I'd say he won (or will).




Sorry. Couldn't resist :)


Lots of people are suspicious without breaking any laws. It's one of the cop's jobs to investigate - without violating your rights.

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Educate yourself about "assault rifles" and firearms in general. What, in that story makes you think he was making a point? Have you considered he was carrying a legal gun that happens to be about the best possible tool for anything he may encounter that day?


Maybe, but he said:


I go up to Austin for Second Amendment rallies with my AR [rifle] all the time.


He's an activist. I'm not a mind reader but I'd put money on this being more about him making a point than worrying about feral pigs. We may have to agree to disagree here. We're also probably going to disagree about how effective this strategy is. As far as I'm concerned, the more stories I read like this, the more I think that people will eventually push for laws to make open carrying long guns illegal.


Nah, that couldn't happen, right?


eta: What have I said that's incorrect about guns that makes you think I need to educate myself? Because I use the phrase assault rifle without scare quotes? I'm well aware that gun rights activists like to think that assault rifles either don't really exist or have to be fully automatic per the US Army definition. In the real world, normal people know what I mean when I use the phrase. And yes, a Mini-14 Ranch Rifle isn't an assault rifle but an AR-15 is, and it makes no sense to you, and I understand that. Deal with it.

Edited by greg
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Resisting...okay, but what law did he break to be arrested in the first place?


My guess is the charge of resisting is being directed at when the cop tried to remove his rifle and he admittingly pulled it back and away from the officer which in turn led to the LEO pulling his gun.


In the end, while I don't condone walking around with a rifle in broad daylight unless you want to come off as a dumb ass extremist making a point, I also don't condone how the cops handled it.


Flip sides one more time, if I'm a cop am called out by Joe-Public to see what's up and I find a guy walking with an gun like that I'm not going to take many chances either. Not sure I would have even confronted the guy alone. My life as a cop > his life or even his precious bullshit rights at that point. Sue me or the city, I really wouldn't care as again, I'm first going to be concerned with my own safety.

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I would not feel in the least bit comfortable with my family around some guy walking around with a rifle. There are way too many crazy fucks that have access to guns. Since I don't know him or his intentions I would call it in every time. I could be annoying some dude who is not breaking the law, or I could be saving lives. The fact that I could be saving lives puts me calling it in every time. I know its legal, but its not the wild west. Guns don't make people uncomfortable, not knowing the person with it makes people uncomfortable. I will probably never understand open carry... I don't want people knowing I'm armed (but then again I am from the city).
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I would call 911 and report you as suspicious.


If you were walking along a country road with a kid, I would not call. Others might, no problem.




I'd say "most". I decided to take one of the horses out to the property in Cooperdale and rode around the perimeter with a glock on my hip and a shotgun in the saddle scabbard and the Sheriff showed up and said he had 5 calls about me. I saw 5 cars while riding near the road (ok on the road side of the ditch, because if you know Cooperdale, you know the hills).

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I'd say "most". I decided to take one of the horses out to the property in Cooperdale and rode around the perimeter with a glock on my hip and a shotgun in the saddle scabbard and the Sheriff showed up and said he had 5 calls about me. I saw 5 cars while riding near the road (ok on the road side of the ditch, because if you know Cooperdale, you know the hills).


Our place is just south of you off 60 north of Zainyville and no one gives a shit, even the sheriff when we ride and shoot and yes, even along the perimeter. Then it is Zainyville area :gabe:

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Our place is just south of you off 60 north of Zainyville and no one gives a shit, even the sheriff when we ride and shoot and yes, even along the perimeter. Then it is Zainyville area :gabe:


It was most likely people cutting through from 541 and 79 to get to 16.

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I see this from a lot of angles. Part of me thinks what if it was a 12 gauge and he was out rabbit hunting or something? Would the cops do that to someone walking with a shotgun to a spot to hunt?

Another part of me thinks that the world has changed and if some guy is walking down the road in front of my house with an AR strapped to him I would want the cops to stop and check him out. That same part thinks that if it were me with the gun I would have zero problems handing the firearm over to the cop and then answering whatever questions I needed to answer because if you're not breaking the law then you have nothing to worry about. Cops have a tough job.....you never know what wacko is walking around out there just looking for a reason and as the responding officer you could very well be today's reason. This all could've been easily avoided. Guy with the gun brought it on himself for the most part and is now just trying to crusade.

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