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"Texas Soldier Arrested for ‘Rudely Displaying’ Weapon"

Otis Nice

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Camo use #1000098: When Randy doesn't want people to see him gardening.




Camo makes you 100% invisible. Your garden will never see you coming.


Precisely. Gotta sneak up on the weeds and attack them before they have a chance to retaliate.


Truth be told, I only have 2 pair of camo pants and 2 long sleeve shirts. Those with the coat are reserved usually for hunting season. The pants are dirty and old though so they see multiple uses. Plus, they're comfy.

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The citizen was being a fucking cocksucker. Plain and simple. He's shocked the police station got multiple calls of a guy walking around with what looks to be a machine gun? Of course the police are going to investigate it. Cockbags like this do nothing but hurt the cause for conceal carry laws.


I don't see how he's hurting the cause for CCW laws. He's hurting the OC laws. Seeing as how you can legally open carry I don't see a problem. They should've stopped him and spoken with him to see what he was dong. Once he told them what he was doing they should've been on there way.


People don't open carry because of instances like this, which sucks. I don't open carry because I don't want something like this to happen to me. If it weren't for instances like this I would open carry more often because it's more comfortable to OC than conceal IMO.

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I don't see how he's hurting the cause for CCW laws. He's hurting the OC laws. Seeing as how you can legally open carry I don't see a problem. They should've stopped him and spoken with him to see what he was dong. Once he told them what he was doing they should've been on there way.


People don't open carry because of instances like this, which sucks. I don't open carry because I don't want something like this to happen to me. If it weren't for instances like this I would open carry more often because it's more comfortable to OC than conceal IMO.


he makes all gun owners look bad regardless of method of carry. Just reinforces the general public's idea that all gun owners are fanatics and walk down the road with a machine gun strapped to their side then argue with cops about it when the cop asks to inspect the gun. If this guy was legal he had no reason not to let the cop inspect his rifle....that he shouldn't have even had with him in the first place on a eagle scout hike with his son. Who takes a frigin AR on a hike with their son? I've went on many hikes with my son and not a single time have I wished I had a machine gun with me.

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he makes all gun owners look bad regardless of method of carry. Just reinforces the general public's idea that all gun owners are fanatics and walk down the road with a machine gun strapped to their side then argue with cops about it when the cop asks to inspect the gun. If this guy was legal he had no reason not to let the cop inspect his rifle....that he shouldn't have even had with him in the first place on a eagle scout hike with his son. Who takes a frigin AR on a hike with their son? I've went on many hikes with my son and not a single time have I wished I had a machine gun with me.


He didn't have a Machine Gun.





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I'd rather have him walking around with an AR than the majority of people I see handling firearms at the range.


Since when does an 18 year war vet make gun owners look bad? He's the exact person I would want walking around with an AR. I'd trust him and his gun handling skills over the majority of police.


Also, him being a war vet, his AR is not what he would see as "Heavy Fire Power". He looks at firearms differently than a regular citizen. Most troops will say it's an underpowered weapon.


If a war vet who's served 18 years isn't trusted with an AR walking with his son, who is?


The police shouldn't have taken his weapon unless they thought he had committed a felonious crime.


Also, you live in an area with no real threats that would call for an AR. Why would you walk around with one with your son? This person has a purpose for his weapon, which is hogs. I can only assume he has larger caliber firearms at home that I would deem unnecessary, he chose the correct TOOL for the job.


I walk around with a 9mm on me when I walk by myself and with my girlfriend. If I thought I may run into feral hogs I would be carrying an AR with me too, good thing I live in the city and this isn't an issue. For his area I would deem his weapon necessary.

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Please......Timothy McVeigh was a war vet too with a Bronze Star. Many documented cases where vets have trouble coping after a war. You need an AR for a feral hog? Then I guess I need to pack up a bazooka for coyotes and bobcats when I go for a walk with my son. Hogs are also in Ohio....just not very far north yet and not in numbers that make headlines. That hog argument is weak at best. Even if he had it out for that purpose there is never a reason to argue with a cop over inspecting it. The fact he was doing that and how belligerent he got says a lot about his personality. Why would you not happily let a cop or game warden inspect your weapon? I've been checked several times by game wardens and the first thing they do is check your weapon. Why would you not expect a cop to do the same if you're wagging it down the road?
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ARs serve no purpose as "hunting, sporting, or defensive" weapons. They are only good for waging war and killing innocents, Obama said so right on the TV. That's the only purpose they could possibly serve because scary black rifle is scary.
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ARs serve no purpose as "hunting, sporting, or defensive" weapons. They are only good for waging war and killing innocents, Obama said so right on the TV. That's the only purpose they could possibly serve because scary black rifle is scary.


We all know what kind of weapons experts elected officals are. Most of them like to muzzle sweep the crowd they are talking to, and have their finger on the trigger at all times.


I am so sick of this gun control crap, it ignores the real problems for a quick "solution".


Funny thing, how much have you heard about that crazy knife happy ginger down in Texas?

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He didn't have a Machine Gun.






I know....I'm well aware of the difference. That was more to prove a point than anything else. What gun people see as an AR the general public see as a machine gun. :D

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Let me suggest an alternate approach where all of this could have been stopped before it started:


"911. What's your emergency?"


"I see a man walking down the road with a kid and he's carrying a rifle."


"Yes, ma'am. Is he doing anything peculiar?"


"Well, he's just walking by but did you hear me? He has a GUN!"


"Ma'am, that's perfectly legal here in the State of Texas. Please relax and have a nice day <click>."

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I tried to stay away from this thread but I can't resist. I understand it is legal for open carry in that state. I understand wild animals live outside and might want to eat you. I understand being a jerk is not against the law but this guy is just a straight asshole. He was handcuffed for a dick move, his wording to the cops inquiry on his open carry. Mouth off to a cop and it will never end well.


This should have been the correct response.


Cop: What are you doing walking with an AR-15?

Guy: I am scared a wild animal might come right for us so I am exercising my right to open carry. I also have a concealed handgun permit.

Cop: Okay I am going to have to secure your firearm while I question you.

Guy: Go right ahead.

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The general public also voted for Obama. :gabe:


that's just the world we live in......I didn't say it's correct....it's just what we have to deal with. This guy IMO makes it even harder on the rest of us. The "in your face" types just end up pissing people off and make people stand up and take notice. The whole gun debate is bordered by fanatics on each side with the majority somewhere in the middle. It's those border fanatics that make people look bad. As far as this guy goes though just because it's legal doesn't make it a good idea.

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I see your point, however, the cop stepped towards the man and tried to remove the gun with force. Tough to remain calm and polite after that, no?


Only if you an idiot lacking social interaction skills.

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OK, so say he was using a semi auto .223 Ruger. would you consider that over kill?


For hunting hogs? No. For a walk? Yeah. Feral hogs don't just attack people. The only news accounts of them goring or killing people involve hunters who cornered them. If you've got a several hundred pound anything cornered and scared, you should probably be armed with something respectable, be it a mild-mannered mini-14 or a black-and-scary AR-15. But if you're just walking around, hogs aren't a threat. Or if they are, I can find basically zero evidence of it.


This guy was either using "coyotes and hogs" as a cover story for his open-carry activism, or he's very, very bad at risk assessment. Given that he's an 18-year army vet, I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he probably knows a thing or two about assessing threat. Unfortunately, that makes him a bit of a liar.

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I see your point, however, the cop stepped towards the man and tried to remove the gun with force. Tough to remain calm and polite after that, no?


Only if you an idiot lacking social interaction skills.


Cop should not have tried to disarm him with force like that. Dumb move really as the guy could have easily pulled his pistol and shot the cop. Cop should have seen the AR was attached. I'm surprised the cop didn't wait for back up. Here in cbus I doubt just one cop would have approached him.

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For hunting hogs? No. For a walk? Yeah. Feral hogs don't just attack people. The only news accounts of them goring or killing people involve hunters who cornered them. If you've got a several hundred pound anything cornered and scared, you should probably be armed with something respectable, be it a mild-mannered mini-14 or a black-and-scary AR-15. But if you're just walking around, hogs aren't a threat. Or if they are, I can find basically zero evidence of it.


This guy was either using "coyotes and hogs" as a cover story for his open-carry activism, or he's very, very bad at risk assessment. Given that he's an 18-year army vet, I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he probably knows a thing or two about assessing threat. Unfortunately, that makes him a bit of a liar.



get between a boar and it's young, it will attack.

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Only if you an idiot lacking social interaction skills.


Only if I an idiot, huh? :) How would you rank your own social interaction skills with the above quote?


Ok. I kid.


In the end, the man was breaking zero laws. An activist, an idiot, a normal dad, a man with an irrational fear of hogs, a complete liar...


it doesn't matter WHY he was carrying the gun. It matters that he was doing so 100% legally.

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get between a boar and it's young, it will attack.


So don't do that? Y'all keep arguing that hog attacks are hypothetical possible, which I don't deny, but I'm arguing that it's not a real problem that normal people have to worry about. Hunters getting in over their heads, sure. Farmers defending their property, yeah. I can't find any stories of pig attacks that don't involved one of those two categories. Dude was way more likely to get struck by lightning than attacked by a pig.

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So don't do that? Y'all keep arguing that hog attacks are hypothetical possible, which I don't deny, but I'm arguing that it's not a real problem that normal people have to worry about. Hunters getting in over their heads, sure. Farmers defending their property, yeah. I can't find any stories of pig attacks that don't involved one of those two categories. Dude was way more likely to get struck by lightning than attacked by a pig.



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