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Black Lambo Loses It


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I've Met tony a few times and he's always been super nice. He likes cars and was mislead by someone who spoke in allot of Jargon and "Sounded" like he know what he was talking about.


I'm happy to hear that Tony's not hurt.




P.S. The reason Tony and other lambo owners went to PTM was Nate would drop everything and screw over clients to get Lambo's in the shop. They few lambo's i seen @ PTM where always there for silly shit like tinted tail lights. Window Tint and things like that. But Nate practically sucked off each owner to get them to be his client.


I guess that is why Nate hates me, I would never let him touch my cars.

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The black looked so much better than the matte crap. It's too bad that he listened to anyone over there as far as RWD conversion. In the end, he was driving and it was his fault that he pushed it too hard for where he was. Lesson learned, move on.
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If CTD presents themselves as an expert (whether or not they actually are) in their field then their advice is held to a higher standard (legally). If the car was made unsafe or unfit to drive by their recommendation and then crashed, they may be liable. An indemnity clause may help their situation, but it depends on how it is worded and even then sometimes those clauses are legally unenforceable. It really depends on the specific situation leading up to the crash. If the car would have reacted the same way with AWD, it doesn't matter. Driver error.
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Hay guyz! Im gonna buy this plane but remove the tail rudder cuz race plane!

I was thinking you would convert a Cardoor into a airplane.....



I know for example when someone brings a car in for tuning they sign a sheet saying hey dynos can break cars blah blah. Honestly I don't feel CTD is at fault.... That being said I converted my Subaru to RWD and it became a death trap. The suspension just wasn't setup to handle it.


all said and done I'm happy no one was hurt.

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