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i seen some crazy road rage but damn!


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I feel there was more to this then what was shown, I'm guessing to dude filming cut him off or even brake checked him. Nobody just does that without being provoked. I would have just let him side swipe me then spin the story in my favor and show the cop the video. Problem solved.
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Odds are he was provoked on some level though it may not have taken much if the guy was having a bad day. He wasn't trying very hard though, looks like he was trying to get a point across to him, I've seen far worse pissed off drivers.
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Problem solved........




We did this with a towel over a closed umbrella after an 18 wheeler, unprovoked, started riding our ass dangerously close. Not just riding us, but would speed up like he was going to rearend us, let off and repeat. This was probably 18years ago. The truck swerved, hit the brakes hard and immediately got off the freeway. This was just south of Houston on the way to Galveston.

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We did this with a towel over a closed umbrella after an 18 wheeler, unprovoked, started riding our ass dangerously close. Not just riding us, but would speed up like he was going to rearend us, let off and repeat. This was probably 18years ago. The truck swerved, hit the brakes hard and immediately got off the freeway. This was just south of Houston on the way to Galveston.


hahaha now that's funny

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I wonder if you could legally display a weapon for someone doing this to you in a car. Has to be in the gray area.


Go ahead if....
































You wanna go to jail yourself.

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Isn't this in a sense "threatening your life" though. Swerving at someone that isn't savvy behind the wheel could be a major problem.


Why further instigate the problem? And if someone isn't "savvy behind the wheel", wouldn't brandishing a weapon cause them to pay even less attention to driving?

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Why further instigate the problem? And if someone isn't "savvy behind the wheel", wouldn't brandishing a weapon cause them to pay even less attention to driving?


Instigate or mitigate? Not trolling, just curious.

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wouldn't brandishing a weapon cause them to pay even less attention to driving?


The passenger.. I wouldn't suggest the driver do it. In a regular situation you're told not to draw a weapon if you have the ability to flee the situation. He clearly sped up to get away and the dude chased more. Speeding causes two people driving way too fast, swerving. Slowing down causes others behind you to be defensive.


Rage is a precarious emotion, so you tell me.


I am not sure...reason I asked.

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I'm not sure how I'd react in that situation, but logic tells me that some simple maneuvering to distance oneself from the aggressor would be a better option than brandishing a weapon and potentially causing a shootout or other violence on a a public thoroughfare.


I'm all for gun rights and advocacy, I just don't see utilizing those rights in this situation as the best option.

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Escalation is the only real answer to solving this problem. Find safe place along side the highway to pull over. Get out throw arms up in air until the person reacts wishing to escalate the situation into violence. Problem solved.
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