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Daughter evicting 91yo WWII vet father from the house he built


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Not knowing their past relationship, that seems pretty f'd up. My mother and I don't really talk much or anything for some pretty heavy reasons, but I still don't think I could do something like that. I mean shit, in this case, the guy's 92, now. How much longer would she have to wait? Why is waiting not an option? I feel like there's alot of story we're missing here.
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How can the statute of limitations pass on something that was never valid in the first place?


Essentially what the appeals court is saying is that I can go around and find old people with no family, get POA, transfer their assets to myself, hide it for 4 years, and I can get away with it scot-free.

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How can the statute of limitations pass on something that was never valid in the first place?


Essentially what the appeals court is saying is that I can go around and find old people with no family, get POA, transfer their assets to myself, hide it for 4 years, and I can get away with it scot-free.



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How can the statute of limitations pass on something that was never valid in the first place?


Essentially what the appeals court is saying is that I can go around and find old people with no family, get POA, transfer their assets to myself, hide it for 4 years, and I can get away with it scot-free.


Have you seen Pain and Gain yet? Lol

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maybe 92yr old "touched" his daughter.


There is a lot of truth to the fact that the "whole" story isn't known.

True, but the fact that she is splitting up his other property and selling parcels, and that she would consider selling the house back to her father (even though it's not for sale) tells me that she's in it for the cash grab.


If she were evicting her father because he needs specialized care you would think she'd just come out and say so, instead of looking like a greedy bitch.

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burn it down, go to jail while your daughter collects insurance. Excellent plan.


I came here to say I'm 99% certain I would kill the two of them (daughter and husband) and bury them in a part of Vinton county that no one would know about.


Waiting for him to raise a shit ton of money and tell her to keep the house while he builds a new one.

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I came here to say I'm 99% certain I would kill the two of them (daughter and husband) and bury them in a part of Vinton county that no one would know about.


Waiting for him to raise a shit ton of money and tell her to keep the house while he builds a new one.


And cuts her out of the will. :)

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he raised her.....must've not spent much time teaching her right from wrong.


There gets to be a certain point in everyone's life where they make their decisions regardless of what they were raised to believe.


Myself and my two brother's were all raised pretty much the same way, with the same beliefs and the same known "right and wrong's." All three of us have made very different choices in life. Some of their's I would deem very wrong, but obviously they do not. You can only blame one's upbringing for so long before it becomes and invalid, or at least less valid argument.

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