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So how the fuck....


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Is it when people wake up and step out into public that they can't tell they have body odor? Damn!


So we're boarding up for home and ill be damn if two people in line don't smell like hell. Makes me want to hand one guy some old spice. Dude you smell like a wet locker room. The other guy crapped his pants.....or he may as well have.


Tip#2 brush you damn teeth and carry some gum or mints. Especially if you're going to breath through your mouth. FUuuuuck!!!!!


WTF people!!!!!!


Thank God we have upgrade points to sit outside the general population.


That is all.

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There were two dudes who sat down in front of us in Fast 6, and one or both of them smelled like straight BO. There was also a guy here at work who was just laid off that I dreaded having to go work on his computer, because he just stank.
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I was at O'Charley's at Polaris with the wife a few weeks ago and our waitress had horrible BO. I noticed it first, which is odd, because my wife has a better sense of smell than me. I don't think I've ever smelled a woman with BO like that. She looked pretty normal, but didn't smell it... :(
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Try classes in grad school... in engineering... (some of you may understand what I am talking about)



I'm convinced Indians/middle-easterners just done believe in the use of deodorant for the most part...

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I was at O'Charley's at Polaris with the wife a few weeks ago and our waitress had horrible BO. I noticed it first, which is odd, because my wife has a better sense of smell than me. I don't think I've ever smelled a woman with BO like that. She looked pretty normal, but didn't smell it... :(


I wouldn't have taken any food from the broad.

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Now imagine going into these peoples houses or having to repo there cars.


There is a big difference between. "I worked hard today smell"

And I have not showered or used deodorant in a few weeks.

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Try being locked in a rental car with a customer that smells like hot baked port-o-john and not try heaving. Or getting a rental after they had it for a week and it smells like to dead people were fucking in the backseat.


Here is another PSA, if you are going to smoke pot, please spray some AXE on yourself afterwards so you don't smell like stale bong.


We had a customer that used to come into Hobbytown we called "smokey" because this mother fucker smelled like he wallered in stems and seeds then took a whore's bath in used bong water. The guy would come in high as fuck wanting to do all of these crazy ass projects (sort of like CTD, but with R/C cars). He was always breaking shit and nothing ever worked right (a lot like CTD).

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I was in a bar a few weeks ago. A hottie picked me up and took me home. Started to go down on her and the va jj was sooo bad I puked in it. I think it made it smell better.
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Funny, just this morning I was thinking the same thing about stink breath. Dude was talking to me at 7:30am and already had ass breath. You know damn well that if someone already has dragon breath that early in the morning that the fucker doesn't include brushing his teeth in his morning routine.
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I use to work with an obese woman who smelled horrible. Day after day we would Febreze her chair when she went on breaks or to the restroom. Thankfully one of the other woman had a discussion with her about her odor. Sadly it only lasted a week.
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I was on a medical missions trip to Honduras, and this whole village smelled awful. Especially the ones with open ulcers on their bodies and missing teeth since they hadn't seen a dentist ever.



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There is this medical condition which is related to excess production of acid stomach; it causes the valve on top to stay partially open. The odor from digested food will escape and cause the person's breath to smell foul.


There is no amount of tooth-brushing, flossing, and consumption of breath freshener will alleviate the problem.

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There is this medical condition which is related to excess production of acid stomach; it causes the valve on top to stay partially open. The odor from digested food will escape and cause the person's breath to smell foul.


There is no amount of tooth-brushing, flossing, and consumption of breath freshener will alleviate the problem.


You speak of the GERD.

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My brother had his brother in law living with them for about a year. I guess dude had some irrational fear of water or something...would only shower once or twice a month. Disgusting. Always made sure to avoid the food joints he was working at.
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When I worked at enterprise we rented a trailblazer to a girl from columbus gold. I think they partied in it for a week. No one would rent it after that so we flipped it to another branch. It was the car you feel dirty just being in it.


Since I see a lot of apartments sometimes the smell just knocks you out. I swear I got high just from being in a few in Cleveland. Sometimes the smell of 8 people crammed into a 1bedroom just makes you want to puke.

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