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Anyone know any Angel investors?


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It's been a while since i posted about my business Visodence. We've had a interesting ride and had many set backs along the way. But we have made a insane breakthrough that makes it WAY cheaper and HD.


We would really like to corner this market before anyone else jumps in, But money is required to realize this dream.



Trolls please ignore.

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John Huston has operated an angel fund for years now...used to be an old banker. Google the name.


Also, have you looked into TechColumbus? Good folks there who are all about funding ideas that turn into scalable businesses with decent returns...

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John Huston has operated an angel fund for years now...used to be an old banker. Google the name.


Also, have you looked into TechColumbus? Good folks there who are all about funding ideas that turn into scalable businesses with decent returns...

I actually worked with tech columbus early on but we where still in heavy dev at that point. I'm going to also look down this route.

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So what I've got:


So with out leaking to much detail.


Previouslly our company built a DVR Solution based on high end cpu's performing the transcoding. this allowed for our product to offer something only a handful of DVR companies could do: 30fps@480P . This wasn't the only major feature we had but it alone for our price point put us 1/4 the price of other companies that could do the same thing. That still ment ~1200-1500 for 8-12x systems (Minus Cameras/cabling).


for your average small business this was still to expensive for there basic needs. But we weren't far from competeing at a price point with the low end guys (480i @ 15fps and lower). They were offering 4x boxed setups with out a harddrive for ~500$. our 4x solution was 700ish.


Sadly the CCTV Market is plauged with False claims, You will see on the box something like FULL 30FPS and once you read the details thats for preview mode only not recording. There's a new trend of claiming 1080p but in reailty its just outputting the DVR @ 1080p. This is beneifical as you can have multiple 480p cams up and not lose detail but this is not 1080p recording.


Fast forward some time last year the Capture boards we use become impossible to get our hands on. Due to the desire to maintain full res(for analog) we choose to avoid going down the path of using lower end cap boards.



So we started exploring other options but the price of going full digital made our product even less desirable. So we took our current platform (Software Stack) and ported to a new type of device. It's taken us some time but we are now able to do 1080p with motion detection and all of our previous features but instead of needing a expensive DVR each camera handles its own processing. What makes it sweet is the price point for our product should be cheaper than the current cost of a BASIC SD IP Camera and way cheaper than a 1080p IP cam. Going rate for lower end 1080p ip cam is ~500


so with out going to deep into how we did it theres the story.



what we need:


Business Expertise

Patent Lawyer

More coding (Needs the interface polished up)

Prototyping (We need to build enclosures and such)

Marketting / Sales

Trade shows


What I have:

A working prototype

Previous DVR expertise

Startings of a business plan

a executive summary: But it needs updated to reflect the new product


TLDR; reduced the size and cost of my product by a large amount and upgraded it from 480p res to 1080p res.

Edited by Thorne
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Columbus Tech

OSU 10x program

Ohio Tech Angels


With an Angel or VC be ready to give up a large share of your business. You can try to get on Shark Tank :)


Look into crowd funding





Angel Investors



Depending on the Amount of money being offered I'd be willing to give up a large chunk just to have the chance at making it big.

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My Lorex system is really good. I can view from anywhere, very high def, records about a month of data, dynamic dns. 4 cams, with cables, $1400. I did the install.


With competition doing it already, why go with yours?


(Devil's advocate)

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What makes it sweet is the price point for our product should be cheaper than the current cost of a BASIC SD IP Camera and way cheaper than a 1080p IP cam. Going rate for lower end 1080p ip cam is ~500


Like Akula mentioned, how "cheap" (read; inexpensive) is this solution you are offering?

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My Lorex system is really good. I can view from anywhere, very high def, records about a month of data, dynamic dns. 4 cams, with cables, $1400. I did the install.


With competition doing it already, why go with yours?


(Devil's advocate)

BTW I do appreciate the questions suggestions and being poiinted to other products. I do my best to keep up with what others are doing in the scene and from what I'm seeing they still are not matching the level of quality I'm aiming for.


This is what I found on Lorex's site for the price range you were talking about. I'm aiming to blow that away. 30fps > 10fps :) @ 1080p

. Recording speed: 5fps @ 1080p (1920x1080 pixels)/ 10fps @ 720p (1280x720 pixels). Recording time may vary based on recording resolution, quality, lighting conditions and movement in the scene.




I can't name an exact price atm but it would be cheaper then 1400. Also you have to deal with firewalls and other maintenance with your solution mines a managed solution. You plug it in and it does it's config. We also will be offering offsite archiving of images. So if someone breaks in and trashes your dvr we will still have pics of what happened.

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  • 1 month later...

We support a client up here in Alaska, who uses Mobotix Camera's http://www.mobotix.com/eng_US/


They then use a company called Milestone http://www.milestonesys.com/ Software and wrap that all up into a hosted Solution.


They also use Genetec for License Plate Recognition.


They actually do a lot of business with us, on the order of a few hundred circuits, ranging from 1Mbps up to 100Mbps. This is their website - http://www.nmssecurityvsm.com/


They are a subsidiary of an Alaska Native Corp....they have some massive money behind them :)

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