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Down 100 pounds as of today since Jan 1st, WOOT!


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Don't get down on yourself DJ. 40 lbs is awesome. Most people are gaining or just staying stagnant. While there weight may be low they're by no means fit.


Also...stahp. We don't need another "CrossFit vs. everything else lol" debacle. CrossFit works for some. Get's them moving and when done RIGHT with the RIGHT coaches (my Krav gym coaches both have degrees and come from power lifting backgrounds so they're not JUST CF certified and teaching poor form leading to injuries) the results are phenominal.


That being said, if you're wanting to get into power lifting of any sorts, do what has been said and lift. CF can be good for cardio, endurance, and getting the heart rate up but you don't learn to sky dive by mud bogging.

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Thanks again for all the love and congrats to you other weight-losers on your success!


As far as the questions go : I started at 380, and I am at 279 today. . so I'm continuing to drop. I am 6'3.5" tall.


Diet: Clean eating... mostly 1800-2000 calories a day. No bad sugar or processed carbs. . .lots of grilled turkey and broccoli, strawberries, grilled veggies, chicken breasts. The usual shit. There's really no secret. . . I continue to eat this way and I find new recipes every day to make "healthier" food tastier food :) It's wild what a wife who is addicted to pinterest and you bettering your health can do for your cooking abilities, LoL


Thanks for the input on CrossFit. . . I don't know shit about it, except that it's interval training and has helped some of my friends get into great shape. It's definitely not my style, I'd much rather lift raw weight and build muscle than tone.


With all that said. . . anyone wanna start some stronglift 5x5x5 action? :-D


To all you others losing weight and continuing your journeys. . keep kicking ass! I really want to hit that 230-250 range ultimately.

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Thanks again for all the love and congrats to you other weight-losers on your success!


As far as the questions go : I started at 380, and I am at 279 today. . so I'm continuing to drop. I am 6'3.5" tall.


Diet: Clean eating... mostly 1800-2000 calories a day. No bad sugar or processed carbs. . .lots of grilled turkey and broccoli, strawberries, grilled veggies, chicken breasts. The usual shit. There's really no secret. . . I continue to eat this way and I find new recipes every day to make "healthier" food tastier food :) It's wild what a wife who is addicted to pinterest and you bettering your health can do for your cooking abilities, LoL


Thanks for the input on CrossFit. . . I don't know shit about it, except that it's interval training and has helped some of my friends get into great shape. It's definitely not my style, I'd much rather lift raw weight and build muscle than tone.


With all that said. . . anyone wanna start some stronglift 5x5x5 action? :-D


To all you others losing weight and continuing your journeys. . keep kicking ass! I really want to hit that 230-250 range ultimately.


congrats on the accomplishment......100 lbs is awesome. Having a supportive wife also helps a lot. Me and the wife have been doing ours together. Not planned really. She started losing weight after the baby last October and then in March of this year I just decided I would too. I think it makes it easier on both of us just to have that other person in the house supporting you.

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Thanks again for all the love and congrats to you other weight-losers on your success!


As far as the questions go : I started at 380, and I am at 279 today. . so I'm continuing to drop. I am 6'3.5" tall.


Diet: Clean eating... mostly 1800-2000 calories a day. No bad sugar or processed carbs. . .lots of grilled turkey and broccoli, strawberries, grilled veggies, chicken breasts. The usual shit. There's really no secret. . . I continue to eat this way and I find new recipes every day to make "healthier" food tastier food :) It's wild what a wife who is addicted to pinterest and you bettering your health can do for your cooking abilities, LoL.


Sounds VERY similar to my situation, except I started at 6'1", 421 lbs.

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i wish i had the determination of you guys. I'm not a big guy, but for the activity i'm into most (cycling), it's not a sport for bigger guys. less weight i gotta carry, the more efficient i'll be. i'm 5'11/180ish now, and if i got down to 160 i'd be beast, i just can't get motivated enough. lol.


i dont know if i could do 100# if i was 300+. major kudos!

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This thread is inspiring honestly. I always say I want to lose weight and I have actually lost about 10lbs in the last month. I have cut pop out of my diet for the most part (should probably cut it out completely). Right now I am 298, which no one ever believes cause I am so damn tall and my build type hides the weight well. I want to get down to 235-240ish again. I can really feel all the extra weight when I walk through campus or up stairs.
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That's awesome! It's amazing how simple it is: Eat right and exercise. People have to make a choice and you've made the right one.


Best resource I've found for building your own weight lifting program:




Pick a template:




If new, do full body 3 days a week.


After a few months, try day splits 3 times a week.


After a year, try 3 day splits.


Tons of into on that site for exercising in general. A bit of myth busting as well.

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the face is where I notice it the most too. My legs/arms show it too more than anywhere else. I have lost some in my mid section though because I had to go buy more shorts. I officially hit 54lbs lost this morning.
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What were you eating I need to drop about 50 lbs and its so hard


My guess is food. No, I'm not being a jerk, I mean REAL food. That's all that works for me anyway.


Organic. Avoid sugar. No preservatives. Gluten free an GMO free. "It starts with food." Some of the best advice I've ever received.

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My guess is food. No, I'm not being a jerk, I mean REAL food. That's all that works for me anyway.


Organic. Avoid sugar. No preservatives. Gluten free an GMO free. "It starts with food." Some of the best advice I've ever received.


What Randy said. There's no secret to losing weight. Just stop eating shit and eat whole non-processed foods. No soda, no candy, no chips, no fast food. Fresh meats/veggies low sugar fruits (strawberries for instance). And most importantly, GET MOVIN'! =)


A typical day for me consists of a cup of low fat cottage cheese with a cup of strawberries for breakfast, a grilled chicken herb salad with nuts for lunch, and a sensible dinner consiting of 6-8oz of lean protein, 1-2 cups of vegetables, and a healthy starch (wild rice, quinoa). Snacks in between meals consist of primarily 10-12 almonds or 1/2 cup strawberries.


This isn't to say I don't have days where I indulge with my wife at a dinner or something, but I've made a change in the way I eat and I don't overdo it anymore. I used to go to roosters and order 10 breaded wings, dumpster fries, and 2 sides of blue cheese and gobble it up. Now if we go to Roosters I might get 4 naked tenders and a side salad with a water. Or if I want wings I get 5 and eat a full size salad with it.


It's not easy. . . but it's worth it!! I wish you the best!

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I'd like to get down to 225-230, but I struggle with staying with it and then fall off the wagon with a nice juicy burger or a pizza. I'm currently 6'1" 280. Great to see you guys losing this much weight, gives me hope to lose 50...lol

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What were you eating I need to drop about 50 lbs and its so hard


the OP already posted what he's been eating and his way is probably a lot better than how I've done it. :D I started eating weight watcher smart ones meals and that's about it. I eat banana's and what not as snacks but generally just eating the meals is what done it for me. I found that they're not bad tasting at all and they somewhat fill me up. I started out just eating 3 of those a day and some fruit for a snack later in the evening when I would get hungry but that wasn't giving me enough calories so I had to start mixing in some other stuff just to get my calories above 1200 a day. I use a fitness app on my phone that tracks calories and stuff like that. I was walking and riding a bike but my back started hurting so I had to quit doing that. Just got a shot in my back a week or so ago and plan to start walking again this week. Next on my list is to get some weights and start lifting a little bit but nothing major. Just enough to tone my arms and chest back up.

After I get all this rolling I want to tackling my chewing habit. I've dipped for years and it's just time to stop. I'm dreading that much more than the weight loss.

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  • 2 months later...

Little update on this . . . I am now down 136 pounds, currently still losing about 2-3 lbs. a week healthily! Starting to get more serious about weightlifting and still workout every single day. It's wild what you can achieve if you just set your mind to it!








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That's awesome. It must feel so good. I'm down about about 35lbs and I can feel a difference in my weight when I move around. I can only imagine what another 100 on top of that would feel like. Probably feels like you could jump to the moon. Grats.
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