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Zimmerman found not guilty


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Good on the innocent vote. Z wasn't guilty of anything but defending himself and the nieghborhood.

We cannot be positive he did not instigate the conflict. The burden of proof could not be satisfied so I agree that "not guilty"(isn't your wife a lawyer?) verdict was correct.


Has nothing to do with the 2nd ammendment. It's his right to defend himself. If the prosecution was hoping for manslaughter at the worse, then they should have found evidence of provocation. They didn't.

We agree


Because at the end of the day the general population may feel Zimmerman is a fucking bastard that is tired of the bad guys winning but Trayvon was no fucking angel and the world knows it. About fucking time the bad guys take one in the ass in the public eye. Trayvon should have kept running instead of trying to be all bad-ass. Darwin scores again.


I think there are many who don't see him as a bastard at all, there are many who happen to be rocking that pale skin (like it isn't going out of style according to the census) who see him as some sort of "us vs. them" hero figure. Thats gross.


Again, you buy the narrative that graffiti and THC (the few times I actually smoked made me do the opposite of fight) are gateways to aggravated assault without evidence; the injuries sustained by GZ could have just as easily been assumed by TV "standing his ground". We will never know because the lead witness is dead. The evidence that does exist says it could have been either scenario. The latching on definitively to one narrative or another is lead by ones own biases.


"Only in America can a dead black boy go on trial for his own murder."

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There is a wide divide between "not guilty" and "innocent".


At the very least he is not innocent of being an asshole.


I tend to agree that he was kind of an asshole for not letting the police check out the situation.


However, having been on a neighborhood watch committee in our old neighborhood in Blacklick, I understand how frustrating it can be to deal with numerous break-ins, car or home, vandalism, and what have you. It makes you suspicious. My old civic was busted into twice, for literal quarters and dimes, the second time they even busted my window WHILE THE FUCKING DOOR WAS PURPOSEFULLY LEFT OPEN to avoid having to pay to fix the lock again. When you have those kind of issues you can become suspicious of people you don't recognize walking around. Now I would never personally approach someone I suspected, armed or not, unless there was an imminent threat to someone else's life or well-being, and this clusterfuck with Zimmerman only further cements that line of thought.

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there are many who happen to be rocking that pale skin (like it isn't going out of style according to the census) who see him as some sort of "us vs. them" hero figure. Thats gross.


^^ yeah, the media and people who are hell-bent on calling anyone not black white. problem is he's hispanic.


"Only in America can a dead black boy go on trial for his own murder."


that's because the media and all the trayvon supporters are trying to make it seem that way. he wasn't a victim. he should have either ran or called the cops. instead he called his girlfriend and didn't run.

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Now I would never personally approach someone I suspected, armed or not, unless there was an imminent threat to someone else's life or well-being, and this clusterfuck with Zimmerman only further cements that line of thought.


Agree. This case also proves that it's best to shoot to kill too. The best thing going for Zimmerman is the star witness for the prosecution is dead.

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Agree. This case also proves that it's best to shoot to kill too. The best thing going for Zimmerman is the star witness for the prosecution is dead.


Quoted so you won't forget it. If this case was in Texas z would have never had a trial in the first place. Many are also forgetting it had to be proven beyond reasonable doubt, and so far everyone has agreed in this entire topic there was some form of doubt.

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The bottom line is Zimmerman approached him or otherwise tipped Martin off that he was being considered a "thug" which caused him to act like a thug and he got killed for it.


If someone approaches me and suspects me of being up to "no good" I don't go telling them off and getting into a shoving match which gets me killed. I simply say sorry and attempt to move on.


If I did decide to get into the name calling and escalate from there I expect I'll either end up hurt or hurt and in jail for some type of assault charges, but thats something only a thug would feel is a worthy outcome since I don't have that much pride.

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I was imitating iwishiwascool, who seems to think anybody that agrees with the verdict is a stereotyper


What the fuck? I said I agree with the verdict.


Clearly intellectual capital and reading comprehension skills are not prerequisites for "Super Moderator" status. I'd think the latter would at least be recommended.



*Edit... Way to Ninja edit your way out of that one.

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It was like watching a reality show for most people. Pick a favorite, watch, tweet, and facebook about it... Then bitch or celebrate when its over.


People are sheep


Be careful, knowing what was really going on could be dangerous.

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Agree. This case also proves that it's best to shoot to kill too. The best thing going for Zimmerman is the star witness for the prosecution is dead.


otherwise known as " a dead man tells no tales". Innocent is the only verdict that made sense here.

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Waste of time, waste of tax payers money. Glad it is over.. now can we move on?


Not until after the wrongful death suit, media coverage, movie, book, or... Something else crazy happens that grabs all of our attention and network ratings.

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I thought there wasn't enough evidence to convict Zimmerman of murder, but I definitely didn't feel like I won when I heard the verdict.


Hopefully this is a lesson to everyone that isn't the police, mind your own business.

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I thought there wasn't enough evidence to convict Zimmerman of murder, but I definitely didn't feel like I won when I heard the verdict.


Hopefully this is a lesson to everyone that isn't the police, mind your own business.


I agree completely. Unfortunately, I think the millions of George Zimmermans around the country feel justified and vindicated. This will only empower them.

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I feel that Zimmerman gained fans after the media attempted to turn it into a racial thing. I got so tired of hearing about race this, race that, especially since as others have said Zimmerman is Hispanic. Racism exist still and that's sad, but to glorify it the way the media did doesn't help put an end to it. Aaron Hernandez (Hispanic) killed a black guy and yet I haven't heard or seen one thing about that being a racial thing. The reality is not one, but two lives ended the night whatever happened, happened. Zimmerman will never live a normal life, who the fuck is going to hire him, he will be in protective custody and even then he'll be on edge. I am glad this part of it is over, hopefully it means that the end is near for the entire story, so I can turn on a tv or computer and not have to read about it.
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