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They broke open the damn lock box


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Eh, im not really worried about the money. And my kid I was carrying was crying when we got home, the items in my vehicle were the last things on my mind.


I hear ya. I've left mine out before only to realize hours later or in the morning and go out and retrieve it.


Luckily I've not had it stolen, though I have had other things taken. Sucks.

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I hear ya. I've left mine out before only to realize hours later or in the morning and go out and retrieve it.


Luckily I've not had it stolen, though I have had other things taken. Sucks.


Yeah usually I will remember before bed or in the middle of the night. I passed out at like 9:30 last night, I didn't even take care of the dogs or anything (wife did).

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I vote for automatic death penalty for:

-anyone who's to be in prison >5yrs.

-any thief

-anyone busted for drug shit



This shit's gotta stop.


That is pretty extreme. I can't say I agree with you.

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Damn, that sucks to hear. I hope the thief plays with it loaded and accidentally kill him self with it. That would be sweet justice.


At least he wouldn't ruin the life of anyone important

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I have a buddy that is a CPD detective and he said that people from the slums on Brice and Gender are coming into Pickerington and literally just blanketing the city in petty theft. They are just running from house to house (no cars parked on the street) and getting into open cars and taking what they can
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Posts like this make me glad my cars are in a garage.


My truck is slightly too long for my garage. The garage is wider (double door) and just a little shorter than normal.

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I have a buddy that is a CPD detective and he said that people from the slums on Brice and Gender are coming into Pickerington and literally just blanketing the city in petty theft. They are just running from house to house (no cars parked on the street) and getting into open cars and taking what they can


Awesome. Have been being an idiot lately and leaving my car unlocked. Like last night. Time to stop being an idiot. Especially since I was hit within the last 8 months or so by someone trying to steal my rims but somehow my easy to get around wheel locks held up.

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Speaking of garage make sure they didnt take any spare keys or garage door openers so they cant come back and do the house next.


My garage door opening was right there and they didnt even mess with it. Definitely a grab and go.

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Awesome. Have been being an idiot lately and leaving my car unlocked. Like last night. Time to stop being an idiot. Especially since I was hit within the last 8 months or so by someone trying to steal my rims but somehow my easy to get around wheel locks held up.


They said this morning that they have caught some and have been patrolling the neighborhoods more at night rather than just the main road.

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I have a buddy that is a CPD detective and he said that people from the slums on Brice and Gender are coming into Pickerington and literally just blanketing the city in petty theft. They are just running from house to house (no cars parked on the street) and getting into open cars and taking what they can


Thanks for the heads up. My coworker lives around Turnberry and leaves his clubs in his trunk 24/7. With a hatchback they're easily visible.

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I will state that yes, i am an idiot. I am actually really really upset over all of this.


If anyone could accuse you of being routinely careless, you should be upset, but you probably wouldn't be,


If you're not routinely careless, you shouldn't be upset but are. So I guess take solace in the fact that you're probably not a careless douchecanoe, though I can't say cuz I've never met you.

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-anyone busted for drug shit.


Hrrrr??? Keep in mind I have zero issue with capital punishment in cases of undeniable guilt of serious crime, and was kind of with you till that last part.


The government has no business telling individuals what they should and should not be able to do with their own bodies.


Prohibition perpetuates actual real crime, by creating black markets, where seedy, horrible people solve disputes through violence and intimidation, some becoming insanely wealthy and powerful in the process, which even sometimes trickles down even to the lowest user should prices inflate to the point the user has to commit crimes to afford their addiction.


Tax payers suffer because we pay for the DEA, countless police raids and sting operations, court cases, prison space, food, healthcare, literally trillions of dollars.



Unless you were just being facetious in which case just ignore all of the above.


LJ, sucks to hear man, I hope they accidentally plug one into their brains with it, and save us from their future stupidity.

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I will state that yes, i am an idiot. I am actually really really upset over all of this.


In case it read wrong, I wasn't calling you an idiot in my post. I was calling myself an idiot. You have perfectly reasonable excuses as to why you left your truck unlocked (carrying crying children, etc.). I was maybe carrying a pizza or something.

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I told my wife that I want to install some cameras


Her response?


"They'll probably just steal those too"


Make sure it's a quality camera that can get a decent shot. otherwise you'll just have pixel footage of guys stealing your stuff.

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The government has no business telling individuals what they should and should not be able to do with their own bodies.


Prohibition perpetuates actual real crime, by creating black markets, where seedy, horrible people solve disputes through violence and intimidation, some becoming insanely wealthy and powerful in the process, which even sometimes trickles down even to the lowest user should prices inflate to the point the user has to commit crimes to afford their addiction.


Tax payers suffer because we pay for the DEA, countless police raids and sting operations, court cases, prison space, food, healthcare, literally trillions of dollars.


I agree that the .gov has no business regarding what people put into their bodies. The problem arises when people do stupid things because of the the stuff they are putting into their bodies, affecting the rest of the productive society.


Come visit me in the hospital on any given night to take a look at the stupidity this shit causes first hand.


Come take a look at one of the apartments my parents rent out after the people move out; utterly trashed, usually with drug paraphernalia lying all over the place. And good luck taking them to court to try to get any money out of them because they've blown it all on drugs.


I have yet to hear or see anything good come out of a person who is strung out on heroin. Ever. The shit wrecks their lives, and then when they've run out of money to buy any more, it starts affecting the lives of all the good people they trample on for their next fix.


And you're exactly right about it costing the tax payers as well, what with the DEA, police raids, prison costs, etc. Deregulate everything, tax it, and then give them just enough rope to hang themselves with.


Perhaps I need to revise my criteria a little bit. How about, any person who is on drugs and fucks with the life of another person. If you can be on drugs and affect only yourself, fine, go for it, ruin your life. But if you are on drugs of any kind and start affecting me, or costing me money because of it; you need to go.

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Perhaps I need to revise my criteria a little bit. How about, any person who is on drugs and fucks with the life of another person. If you can be on drugs and affect only yourself, fine, go for it, ruin your life. But if you are on drugs of any kind and start affecting me, or costing me money because of it; you need to go.


To each his own like you said. I feel punishment by death should be reserved for crimes where someone killed someone else.

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I told my wife that I want to install some cameras


Her response?


"They'll probably just steal those too"


Years ago I stopped leaving important or expensive stuff in my vehicle. Only thing in my car now is empty water bottle or two and my insurance card. Plus essential road side stuff like car jack and stuff. If they steal that they are more pathetic then usual.

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