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Apple WTF!


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Apple has patented a piece of technology which would allow government and police to block transmission of information, including video and photographs, whenever they like.


Read more: http://news.techeye.net/security/apple-patents-tech-to-let-cops-switch-off-iphone-video-camera-and-wi-fi#ixzz2cjkDqBRn


Its safe to say I will not ever own an Iphone. This is out of control.

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Apple patented the means to transmit an encoded signal to all wireless devices, commanding them to disable recording functions. The policies would be activated by GPS, and wi-fi or mobile base-stations, which would ring-fence ("geofence") around a building or a "sensitive area" to prevent phone cameras from taking pictures or recording video.


So put the phone in airplane mode cutting off all communications to the device and record away?

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So put the phone in airplane mode cutting off all communications to the device and record away?


Was my first thought as well, but if my dumbass would think of that immediately, I'm sure their smartass people found a way around airplane mode keeping them from ass fucking your phone remotely.


I've never wanted an iphone anyway.

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Good thing they patented it so I dont have to worry about this shit on android





Wrap it in tinfoil? :gabe:


This shit is already in place. Classrooms in high schools have "jammers" that block signal. Not the same but a step below...


we talked about this in one of my classes, it's quite illegal and the FCC does investigate the use of such devices. If you know of a school doing so, have a little fun and report it here http://www.fcc.gov/complaints


Here is a PDF on the subject.



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The fingerprint scanner is just a way for the government to get the fingerprints of the new Apple sheep to get the 5S. They have to be stored on a cloud somewhere....Feds get in that cloud. Run those prints against criminals, track location....Gotcha!
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