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Neighbor's dog jumping fence... WWCRD?


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I had a neighbors dog who had got loose approach me. I knew whos dog it was so I tried to call for it and put my hand out and it decided growl and get aggressive. I was in process of smashing the concrete on my back porch and had a shovel and a sledge hammer within 2 feet of me.

I told the dog to go home at this point and it snarled and snapped at the air. I went full rage grabbed the shovel and screamed at it and started chasing it. (I dont like dogs threatening me) The neighbor came out and I told her next time the dog snaps at me I will bury the mother fucker.(I think this statement was effective since I was holding a shovel) It has never gotten out since then.

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Illegal. Discharging a firearm too close to other houses. You also can't shoot a dog for attacking another dog, only livestock.


But if he has a pet rabbit, goat, pig or any other animal that isn't a cat or dog, he is allowed to killed or injure the German Shepard without being hold liable.

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But if he has a pet rabbit, goat, pig or any other animal that isn't a cat or dog, he is allowed to killed or injure the German Shepard without being hold liable.


Yes, those would be livestock, like I said.

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Slay the beast! But be careful, it's dangerous to go alone.


Better take this





honestly reading this thread kinda saddens me. If the dog is a pup they like to explore, More importantly you shoudl introduce said dogs on neutral ground if possible. This would help prevent agressive behavior.



As for all the adovcates of using Tasers/Guns/Pepper Spray keep this in mind, If you hurt the dog and the owner has to spend money on vet bills its possible those vet bills will become your problem.


Ideally if you've tried to talk to the neighbor and ZFG, I'd put it in writing and CC the HOA of both your community and theres. If this continues you could reach out to animal control.

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As for all the adovcates of using Tasers/Guns/Pepper Spray keep this in mind, If you hurt the dog and the owner has to spend money on vet bills its possible those vet bills will become your problem.



Pepper Spray will not hurt dogs. Whenever anyone calls saying their dog was pepper sprayed, my wife tells them to spray them in the face with a hose and they will be fine. That's why veterinarians actually advocate using pepper spray. Mail carriers are authorized to carry and use pepper spray on dogs, and that says a lot in this day and age of litigation.

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Create a landing that doesn't hurt the dog, yet frustrates it to not want to go in your yard.


Inexspensive, yet effective:


Need nails and twine.


Take thin string, or bailing twine. Run it 12" lower than the top of your fence, spaced 8" apart. Do this and run it 4' out, or however far you need to, to create a net like landing zone. The dog will not get hung up in the string. It's only 3' off the ground. No issue for a dog that size. If you need to justify it, say you plan on planting something there (I know it's late in the season for this). If the dog does damage to your fence by landing in the sting, now the owners will have to pay to fix it, resulting in TRAIN YOUR DAMN DOG. It's time consuming and frustrating. It might cost you $20 and 30 minutes to set up. It will be somewhat confrontationale, though not as bad as having a Pug chew toy issue.


Getting the dog out of your yard will be a pain after. But, the dog will only do this a few times before it's just too big a pain in the ass to jump your section of fence.



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I really think the best course of action is a more stern talk with the owners. Don't threaten, but indicate that the next step by you is HOA and then from there animal control. They will get the point.


Or you can try a different approach...ask the owners if it would be okay to bring the dog over to your yard to meet your dogs in a more friendly setting. Hell, they could become friends and then at the very least it takes out the harm factor with your dogs. Downside is you'll have more shit to clean up, ha!


Unfortunately, this problem will only get worse as the dog gets older.

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legal. you would be in the yard also and in fear for your life. shoot it.


No it's not legal. You cannot shoot a dog because you "fear" it, you can only shoot it for actually attacking you. It would be animal cruelty and illegally discharging a firearm. Being in your backyard doesn't matter, because it's not covered under any sort of castle doctrine.

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Sounds like you need to train the dog for your idiot neighbors. 2 things let it jump the fence and socialise with the dogs while you watch. Do this often before you let them be around each other without supervision. Or train it to stay on the other side of the fence. Get a really short leash 12 inches at most. Keep it very close to you. Walk it around the dog's yard. Do this as much as possible. Do it for days many times a day. Eventually it will learn that is its boundaries. I've done this with all of my dogs and it works. They will stay without a leash in the yard if you do it the right way. Or if you don't feel comfortable doing that tell your neighbor to do it. Alpha up or the dog will consider you an equal. Being equal is not how you should raise a dog.
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I'm really bothered by your response as your the one person here who people go to for training help.


If your really bothered, it seems my two word trolling attempt worked. :fuckyeah:


Remember, this is still CR, and can only be taken seriously a small percentage of the time.


For the record, since obviously at least on person thought that was legitimate advice, do NOT shoot it...unless it tries to come at you. In that case, my previous advice stands.

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If a dog comes onto your property and attempts to attack you, you can shoot to kill.


Ohio Revised Codes, § 955.28 Dog may be killed for certain acts; owner liable for damages.


(A) Subject to divisions (A)(2) and (3) of section 955.261 [955.26.1] of the Revised Code, a dog that is chasing or approaching in a menacing fashion or apparent attitude of attack, that attempts to bite or otherwise endanger, or that kills or injures a person or a dog that chases, injures, or kills livestock, poultry, other domestic animal, or other animal, that is the property of another person, except a cat or another dog, can be killed at the time of that chasing, approaching, attempt, killing, or injury. If, in attempting to kill such a dog, a person wounds it, he is not liable to prosecution under the penal laws which punish cruelty to animals.


(B) The owner, keeper, or harborer of a dog is liable in damages for any injury, death, or loss to person or property that is caused by the dog, unless the injury, death, or loss was caused to the person or property of an individual who, at the time, was committing or attempting to commit a trespass or other criminal offense on the property of the owner, keeper, or harborer, or was committing or attempting to commit a criminal offense against any person, or was teasing, tormenting, or abusing the dog on the owner's, keeper's, or harborer's property.

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Wait, hold on, it's just a puppy? Only 9 months old? Next time it jumps your yard, scratch its ears and rub its tummy. Teach it to socialize with your pugs properly while it is still a pup. That way when he jumps the fence again, your two dogs have a friend to play with. Just because there is a size difference, doesn't mean they can't play well together. My old Rottie used to love playing with a neighbor's Min-pin. It was ridiculous to watch, but they never hurt each other.


Then go shoot your neighbors... but leave the dog alone...

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Wait, hold on, it's just a puppy? Only 9 months old? Next time it jumps your yard, scratch its ears and rub its tummy. Teach it to socialize with your pugs properly while it is still a pup. That way when he jumps the fence again, your two dogs have a friend to play with. Just because there is a size difference, doesn't mean they can't play well together. My old Rottie used to love playing with a neighbor's Min-pin. It was ridiculous to watch, but they never hurt each other.


Then go shoot your neighbors... but leave the dog alone...


This, some of you guys are fucked in the head.

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No it's not legal. You cannot shoot a dog because you "fear" it, you can only shoot it for actually attacking you. It would be animal cruelty and illegally discharging a firearm. Being in your backyard doesn't matter, because it's not covered under any sort of castle doctrine.

shoot, run over, perform a soccer fall. put dead dog mouth around leg. wiggle around. scream alot. solved.






Trap it, sell it to Chinese restuarant, Profit!

Or this

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you guys have obviously never had a dog do $1500 worth of damage to your dog in your yard. The board with nails is actually option B of what I would do. Option A involves a claw hammer and a shovel. I have a strict policy that if your dog is in my yard he will never have a chance to do it a second time.


This is what happens when 2 pits come in your back yard and attack your 13 year old dog. They bit his ear off, bit him all over his body, and took a chunk the size of an orange out of his arm pit. Those yellow pieces are surgical tubing ran under his skin to help drain the wounds. I shot one of them in the face with a shotgun. I now have 2 kids playing in the backyard so yes.....I will kill the hell out of ANY dog that comes into my yard.


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