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Cat vs Reptile


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That's why those cats are so revered. That have damn near a mystical status in South and Central America.


Now, you ready for this? They've been spotted AND photographed in Mexico and Arizona in recent years. That is well within their original territory before being pushed so far south by humans. Guess they're learning from their cousins the cougar.

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I've seen a mountain lion while hiking and almost shat myself, couldn't imagine running into one of these guys!


That'd be terrifying.


Last year on an annual hunting trip to WV my BIL and I saw black bears almost daily, but they'd tear off over a mountain. One day we were walking from one spot to the next down a trail high on a mountain far away from anyone or anything and I saw something off the old logging road we were using bounding through the woods. Couldn't tell what it was. Hopped right onto the dirt road and broadsided. It was a bobcat and while it wasn't intimidating in its size alone, it just stared at both of us, studying our souls for about 30 seconds or so, then ran over the next hill. He was prob 50 yards ahead of us so we jogged up, peered over the hill (it was in the fall so it was pretty easy to see everywhere) and he was gone. Not a trace. Spent the rest of the day looking over our shoulders and up in trees.


Screw mountain lions when I'm our squirrel hunting. LOL



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I saw the jaguar attack video earlier today. Fucking phenomenal.


The tiger video we've all seen, but it's still just as fantastic every time I watch it. Notice how fucking high up that tiger gets - and it's like it just kept rising...


That video with the eagles hunting the fox and the wolf is fucking nuts. Dude, eagles are brutal. Like, they could kill us if they wanted. If you would have asked me, say, yesterday, if an eagle or two could kill me, I would have been like yeah right fuck off idiot. Now, watching them kill that wolf...that could be me running across the frozen tundra getting whacked.

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I saw the jaguar attack video earlier today. Fucking phenomenal.


The tiger video we've all seen, but it's still just as fantastic every time I watch it. Notice how fucking high up that tiger gets - and it's like it just kept rising...


That video with the eagles hunting the fox and the wolf is fucking nuts. Dude, eagles are brutal. Like, they could kill us if they wanted. If you would have asked me, say, yesterday, if an eagle or two could kill me, I would have been like yeah right fuck off idiot. Now, watching them kill that wolf...that could be me running across the frozen tundra getting whacked.



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Riding a horse through snowy mountains smoking a cigarette with a massive fucking attack bird on your arm as a pet. That's some manly shit.


"Hey what did you do today?"


"Fucking knocked out like 10 sets of 185 pounds on the bench and then went home and changed my oil and grilled some steaks. How about you, little broski?"


"Well, I rode around on my horse in sub-zero temperatures with an eagle on my arm and then had it attack and kill a fox and a wolf. I had to stab the fox in the face because it wasn't quite dead yet when I arrived. Then I fed the eagle some meat while I re-tied it to my forearm. But that's cool to hear about your grilled steaks."

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Came here to post this. Cool as hell. I've seen a mountain lion at about 30ft when hiking with my family in Oregon, but as soon as we made noise it bolted. Can't imagine seeing a Jag take down a gater.


How about the story earlier, Eagle vs Deer?


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That'd be terrifying.


Last year on an annual hunting trip to WV my BIL and I saw black bears almost daily, but they'd tear off over a mountain. One day we were walking from one spot to the next down a trail high on a mountain far away from anyone or anything and I saw something off the old logging road we were using bounding through the woods. Couldn't tell what it was. Hopped right onto the dirt road and broadsided. It was a bobcat and while it wasn't intimidating in its size alone, it just stared at both of us, studying our souls for about 30 seconds or so, then ran over the next hill. He was prob 50 yards ahead of us so we jogged up, peered over the hill (it was in the fall so it was pretty easy to see everywhere) and he was gone. Not a trace. Spent the rest of the day looking over our shoulders and up in trees.


Screw mountain lions when I'm our squirrel hunting. LOL






I live in NC and hike regularly so I'm used to the bobcats, those aren't intemedating but I didn't realize how big mountain lions actually were. It was a good distance away but could have easy caught up to me. Nature can sure be sketchy

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