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Should The GOP be using Obamacare like this?


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I will go on record saying that with you having a nurse as a wife I can't believe you would feel this way.


Antibiotics are already way OVER prescribed.


The whole reason infections are becoming harder to treat and the exponential growth of antibiotic resistant bacteria are from people thinking that every little thing needs fixed with an antibiotic.


I read somewhere that something like 250,000,000 antibiotic scripts were written last year. Really!??? The worst part is that doesn't even count the idiots that take other people's left over antibiotics without their own script.


That's precisely my point, doctors already over prescribe, it's just an extra cost, direct to the ins company. They will still be taken more than they should be without the cost of the trip to the physician. It doesn't seem to be an issue in Canada....

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little bit of tort reform would be good, and opening the market place up like all capitalistic ideologies this country was founded on...


Only in health care are you entering and unbinding agreement, where no costs are quoted, insurance or no insurance. That alone is criminal and could be the single easiest fix.


(side no kirk how much do you "bill" insurance companies for ASO braces and similar devices...at Cardinal Ortho they billed my insurance company 750 dollars for a aso brace that can be purchased online for 80...Seems pretty fair to me, especially when they wont quote you a price and your insurance company covers 60%...)


As for Bill's topic, yes I think this is fair the GOP/Conservatives "are stomping their feet" and not letting the .Gov operate. They are doing their job for their constituents and standing ground on the affordable health care act which is just outright bad policy. BAD BAD BAD policy.

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How many people in here know how health insurance companies have the model they have today?


How many geico, Allstate, nationwide ads do you see a day? Now how many UHC ads do you see?


See before WWII health insurance was exactly like car insurance today, the companies competed for your business. They had to market and sell themselves. Well WWII came and there was a hiring freeze, wages were frozen because there were not enough people to fill jobs and we were at war. They couldn't offer you more money to come work for them but they could offer to pay your health insurance....


After WWII health insurance companies said this is great, we'll sponge off of corporate America and not have to have as many clients. Plus we will not have to market and we'll exclude sick people from coverage so we don't have to pay.


We need the pre WWII market place back, I should be seeing commercials for sickness forgiveness where I don't pay my deductible because I haven't been sick in 2 years.. Competition in the market...


I pay less than $200 for my HSA plan, my employer CSCC (you know state funded), pays $800 of my premium ( A month). My insurance as a whole costs $1300 a month if you count my contribution to my HSA account.


$800 of that is paid by the state.


Sorry, correction, all $1300 is paid by the state. A fucking month. They pay my entire salary so... :) My insurance has a net cost by the state of $15,600. A year. Or $13000 a year just to UHC. Imagine if your car insurance was the purchase price every year of a new small car....

Edited by Benjamin
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How about Logic that many other countries have over the counter antibiotics, and they do not seem to have an epidemic of incurable bacterial infections.... Oh and the cost of Heath care is many many times lower.


In those countries, they don't have the dumbasses that we have here. Imagine if they sold antibiotics OTC at Walmart. Health care is higher in the US because we treat health care as if it were a commodity to be purchased, rather than a service to be provided. When you let providers and suppliers to set their own prices without much competition, the consequences are the cost of health care skyrockets. This is capitalism.

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Sorry Clay, An x-Ray at a contract price of $50 1 dose of Motrin, ( over the counter I can buy a years with of children's Motrin for $10) and have to throw it out before it's all used because it expires. And a nurse sticking a needle through a toe nail. Does not compute to $500. That is almost 1/10th of my deductible. For the year. The needle is no different than you digging a splinter out of your hand with a needle.....
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In those countries, they don't have the dumbasses that we have here. Imagine if they sold antibiotics OTC at Walmart.


But they are socialist countries.....


On this site the opinion socialist/liberal ideas breed lazy dumb people.....

Edited by Benjamin
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Sorry, correction, all 1300 is paid by the state. A fucking month. :) my insurance has a net cost my the state of $15,600. A year. Or $13000 a year just to UHC.


So what you're really saying is that WE pay your health insurance? Nice. No wonder you are all for the ACA. :rolleyes:


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Oh and I have the cheapest family INS plan here. with 1000 other employes. Maybe 60% take the offered health insurance.


HOLY CRAP I forgot about the $2000 a year CSCC pays into my HSA account too! thats $17,600.


600 employees x an average of let's say $10,000 a year, is 6 million a year UHC gets from just CSCC.

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Marc, I'm for the ACA if more people pay into the system, and it cuts down on the number of people scamming the system. (go to the hospital, don't pay, and it get's written off to us that pay)


Be Benjamin: System is broken. Obama scoops up the pieces and puts it into a different container. Advocate that it's now a good system and everyone needs to buy into it. :dumb::dumb:

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Be Benjamin: System is broken. Obama scoops up the pieces and puts it into a different container. Advocate that it's now a good system and everyone needs to buy into it. :dumb::dumb:




Marc, I'm for the ACA if more people pay into the system, and it cuts down on the number of people scamming the system. (go to the hospital, don't pay, and it get's written off to us that pay)


Based on what you have previously posted regarding your insurance costs, the word "us" may be the wrong word for you here. :p


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Let me give you a rundown of why your bill was $500 for what amounts to a simple diagnosis and intervention(s).


You have health insurance. That women with the 7 kids waiting to be seen in the waiting room? She doesn't. She's a "self pay" i.e. no pay. There's 10 of her to every one of you that walks in through the door.


Each of her 7 kids has apparently coughed more than 2x in one minute. She wants them fixed, and fixed now. Now, the doctor seeing her could take one listen to their cough and say, "They've got croup. Stick them in a hot, steamy shower." But, he unfortunately can't say that, though that is most likely the problem.


So why can't he say that? Because if he's wrong, and one of her little crotch fruits (thanks, Orion) ends up having pneumonia, she's going to sue the shit out of him for a misdiagnosis. So what's he do? He orders a whole slew of tests just to cover his ass. All 7 of those kids get a chest X-ray, flu swab, sputum culture, CBC and Chem 8s, and some breathing treatments for the respiratory therapist. They're sent on their way with a prescription for an antibiotic.


The hospital sends her the bill. But, since she's a low-life piece of shit, she won't be paying it because she doesn't think it's her responsibility. It could be $1 and she still wouldn't pay it.


So how does this woman affect you? You've got the money (insurance), so you get to help cover the expenses she just accrued. Lucky you.


On another note, there are 9 people admitted to the hospital who are there with "chest pain". They've been there 6 times for the same thing in the past 2 months and each time are ruled out negative. The real reason they are there? They want their morphine. They know the routine. But, the nurse taking care of them knows them well. S/he knows they are only there for the morphine and refuses to give it. Instead, the nurse insists on trying some nitroglycerin first. The patient refuses because "nitro gives them a headache" and complains that they want the morphine because, "it helps them sleep.". The nurse informs this patient that the morphine is for true chest pain (i.e. cardiac in nature) and is not to be used as a sleep aid.


This patient and the other 8 just like them get pissed. They get discharged as they always do. Lucky for us, a few of these people were one Medicare/caid. This presents yet another problem for the hospitals.


Hospital reimbursement is more and more going to quality-based reimbursement. They do this through a couple different surveys (which, BTW, you HAVE to score 100% on [read: impossible]). Well, it just so happens that the patients that were pissed off got these surveys and the results reflect that. Congratulations, the hospital now gets complete shit for Medicare/caid reimbursement because of these fuck heads; so, they eat that cost as well.


Now, hospitals aren't nearly as well off as the general public seems to think. Most are just scraping by. So, they do as most businesses do, they go after the money where they can; you. Sorry about your luck, but you're one of the working Americans and as such, you get punished for it, yet again.




The problem isn't the hospitals, or the providers, or the nurses, or the equipment. It's the worthless public who uses them. Figure out a way to cut the freeloading. Figure out some tort reform. Figured out how to fix Medicare/caid. And you will significantly help to fix our out of control healthcare costs.

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Let me give you a rundown of why your bill was $500 for what amounts to a simple diagnosis and intervention(s).


You have health insurance. That women with the 7 kids waiting to be seen in the waiting room? She doesn't. She's a "self pay" i.e. no pay. There's 10 of her to every one of you that walks in through the door.


Each of her 7 kids has apparently coughed more than 2x in one minute. She wants them fixed, and fixed now. Now, the doctor seeing her could take one listen to their cough and say, "They've got croup. Stick them in a hot, steamy shower." But, he unfortunately can't say that, though that is most likely the problem.


So why can't he say that? Because if he's wrong, and one of her little crotch fruits (thanks, Orion) ends up having pneumonia, she's going to sue the shit out of him for a misdiagnosis. So what's he do? He orders a whole slew of tests just to cover his ass. All 7 of those kids get a chest X-ray, flu swab, sputum culture, CBC and Chem 8s, and some breathing treatments for the respiratory therapist. They're sent on their way with a prescription for an antibiotic.


The hospital sends her the bill. But, since she's a low-life piece of shit, she won't be paying it because she doesn't think it's her responsibility. It could be $1 and she still wouldn't pay it.


So how does this woman affect you? You've got the money (insurance), so you get to help cover the expenses she just accrued. Lucky you.


On another note, there are 9 people admitted to the hospital who are there with "chest pain". They've been there 6 times for the same thing in the past 2 months and each time are ruled out negative. The real reason they are there? They want their morphine. They know the routine. But, the nurse taking care of them knows them well. S/he knows they are only there for the morphine and refuses to give it. Instead, the nurse insists on trying some nitroglycerin first. The patient refuses and complains that they want the morphine because, "it helps them sleep.". The nurse informs this patient that the morphine is for true chest pain (i.e. cardiac in nature) and is not to be used as a sleep aid.


This patient and the other 8 just like them get pissed. They get discharged as they always do. Lucky for us, a few of these people were one Medicare/caid. This presents yet another problem for the hospitals.


Hospital reimbursement is more and more going to quality-based reimbursement. They do this through a couple different surveys (which, BTW, you HAVE to score 100% on [read: impossible]). Well, it just so happens that the patients that were pissed off got these surveys and the results reflect that. Congratulations, the hospital now gets complete shit for Medicare/caid reimbursement because of these fuck heads; so, they eat that cost as well.


Now, hospitals aren't nearly as well off as the general public seems to think. Most are just scraping by. So, they do as most businesses do, they go after the money where they can; you. Sorry about your luck, but you're one of the working Americans and as such, you get punished for it, yet again.




The problem isn't the hospitals, or the providers, or the nurses, or the equipment. It's the worthless public who uses them. Figure out a way to cut the freeloading. Figure out some tort reform. Figured out how to fix Medicare/caid. And you will significantly help to fix our out of control healthcare costs.


Well written, I read the whole thing, and chuckled. I get it. Thanks.


PS that might be post of the year right there.

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Marc, I'm for the ACA if more people pay into the system, and it cuts down on the number of people scamming the system. (go to the hospital, don't pay, and it get's written off to us that pay)


Also, that is a whole lot of "ifs".


My biggest aggravation is understanding who is going to be paying for all of the new insurance subsidies that will be offered to those that are deemed too 'poor' to pay for the new coverage. Oh that's right, it will be people like me and you and those that actually pay their bills and their taxes and do the right thing.


My insurance year begins September 1st. I went to our annual benefits meeting and learned that my annual premium went up 19.5% and my deductible increased by $1,000.00. After reviewing all of the paperwork I found a little gem stating that our actual cost increase was 'only' 15% but because of the ACA, we are being charged an additional increase of 4.5%. Straight out of my paperwork: "We had a 15% rate cap on our second year, however the new taxes and fees from the Health Care Reform for 2014 added an additional 4.5% fee." Thank GOD we had the rate cap for this year; I am way too scared to see what our rate increase will be next year. :mad:


I was also informed that because of the additional costs of the ACA to employers with over 50 employees, our insurance will no longer cover spouses whose employers offer them insurance. Doesn't matter if our spouses insurance is triple the cost of ours, if they have it offered we won't cover them. What a load of shit. After speaking with 5 different health insurance reps I have learned that this is going to become the standard at most corporations and that we just found out early because of when our year begins.


I have always paid for the best health care my employer offers. I wanted to be protected from anything because of my lifestyle (fast cars, extreme sports, motorcycles, etc). Now, after running the numbers and looking into the penalties, I am seriously considering keeping my supplemental insurance which pays me very nicely for broken bones, cancer, serious illness etc, and dropping my actual insurance. It would be cheaper for me to pay the fine. IF I were to desperately need insurance, since there you are no longer allowed to be denied coverage (even for pre-existing conditions), I can simply buy insurance from my hospital bed/ambulance :cool:.


Or, as Ben (crash) pointed out, simply get a bill from the hospital and work it out with them. I have had great success having the cost of procedures lowered and then pay them off...why not do that and then just make payments? I'm sure it would still be less expensive than continuing to carry ridiculously expensive insurance.


I am ranting, just pissed off that I work very hard and am being penalized by those that do not.



**edit** I also believe that I am paying more for similar insurance as Ben and I am a healthy, single man. :wtf:!!

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The problem isn't the hospitals, or the providers, or the nurses, or the equipment. It's the worthless public who uses them. Figure out a way to cut the freeloading. Figure out some tort reform. Figured out how to fix Medicare/caid. And you will significantly help to fix our out of control healthcare costs.


This man gets it. And works in the industry and deals with this shit day in and day out. Well said Austin.


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Also, that is a whole lot of "ifs".


My biggest aggravation is understanding who is going to be paying for all of the new insurance subsidies that will be offered to those that are deemed too 'poor' to pay for the new coverage. Oh that's right, it will be people like me and you and those that actually pay their bills and their taxes and do the right thing.


My insurance year begins September 1st. I went to our annual benefits meeting and learned that my annual premium went up 19.5% and my deductible increased by $1,000.00. After reviewing all of the paperwork I found a little gem stating that our actual cost increase was 'only' 15% but because of the ACA, we are being charged an additional increase of 4.5%. Straight out of my paperwork: "We had a 15% rate cap on our second year, however the new taxes and fees from the Health Care Reform for 2014 added an additional 4.5% fee." Thank GOD we had the rate cap for this year; I am way too scared to see what our rate increase will be next year. :mad:


I was also informed that because of the additional costs of the ACA to employers with over 50 employees, our insurance will no longer cover spouses whose employers offer them insurance. Doesn't matter if our spouses insurance is triple the cost of ours, if they have it offered we won't cover them. What a load of shit. After speaking with 5 different health insurance reps I have learned that this is going to become the standard at most corporations and that we just found out early because of when our year begins.


I have always paid for the best health care my employer offers. I wanted to be protected from anything because of my lifestyle (fast cars, extreme sports, motorcycles, etc). Now, after running the numbers and looking into the penalties, I am seriously considering keeping my supplemental insurance which pays me very nicely for broken bones, cancer, serious illness etc, and dropping my actual insurance. It would be cheaper for me to pay the fine. IF I were to desperately need insurance, since there you are no longer allowed to be denied coverage (even for pre-existing conditions), I can simply buy insurance from my hospital bed/ambulance :cool:.


Or, as Ben (crash) pointed out, simply get a bill from the hospital and work it out with them. I have had great success having the cost of procedures lowered and then pay them off...why not do that and then just make payments? I'm sure it would still be less expensive than continuing to carry ridiculously expensive insurance.


I am ranting, just pissed off that I work very hard and am being penalized by those that do not.



**edit** I also believe that I am paying more for similar insurance as Ben and I am a healthy, single man. :wtf:!!


Now that's just plain mean. :p


PS the Steelers suck this year. How's it feel?


PPS, that's all I got....

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Now that's just plain mean. :p


PS the Steelers suck this year. How's it feel?


PPS, that's all I got....


LOL. I was not referring to your motorcycle crash; I was talking about Ben B., aka Crash here on CR. I read a post by him earlier today talking about how he doesn't/didn't have insurance for a surgery and other issue and simply paid the hospital off direct each month. I was NOT taking a low blow at you. I should have after that Steeler comment. God we suck and it doesn't feel good!


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Let me give you a rundown of why your bill was $500 for what amounts to a simple diagnosis and intervention(s).


You have health insurance. That women with the 7 kids waiting to be seen in the waiting room? She doesn't. She's a "self pay" i.e. no pay. There's 10 of her to every one of you that walks in through the door.


Each of her 7 kids has apparently coughed more than 2x in one minute. She wants them fixed, and fixed now. Now, the doctor seeing her could take one listen to their cough and say, "They've got croup. Stick them in a hot, steamy shower." But, he unfortunately can't say that, though that is most likely the problem.


So why can't he say that? Because if he's wrong, and one of her little crotch fruits (thanks, Orion) ends up having pneumonia, she's going to sue the shit out of him for a misdiagnosis. So what's he do? He orders a whole slew of tests just to cover his ass. All 7 of those kids get a chest X-ray, flu swab, sputum culture, CBC and Chem 8s, and some breathing treatments for the respiratory therapist. They're sent on their way with a prescription for an antibiotic.


The hospital sends her the bill. But, since she's a low-life piece of shit, she won't be paying it because she doesn't think it's her responsibility. It could be $1 and she still wouldn't pay it.


So how does this woman affect you? You've got the money (insurance), so you get to help cover the expenses she just accrued. Lucky you.


On another note, there are 9 people admitted to the hospital who are there with "chest pain". They've been there 6 times for the same thing in the past 2 months and each time are ruled out negative. The real reason they are there? They want their morphine. They know the routine. But, the nurse taking care of them knows them well. S/he knows they are only there for the morphine and refuses to give it. Instead, the nurse insists on trying some nitroglycerin first. The patient refuses because "nitro gives them a headache" and complains that they want the morphine because, "it helps them sleep.". The nurse informs this patient that the morphine is for true chest pain (i.e. cardiac in nature) and is not to be used as a sleep aid.


This patient and the other 8 just like them get pissed. They get discharged as they always do. Lucky for us, a few of these people were one Medicare/caid. This presents yet another problem for the hospitals.


Hospital reimbursement is more and more going to quality-based reimbursement. They do this through a couple different surveys (which, BTW, you HAVE to score 100% on [read: impossible]). Well, it just so happens that the patients that were pissed off got these surveys and the results reflect that. Congratulations, the hospital now gets complete shit for Medicare/caid reimbursement because of these fuck heads; so, they eat that cost as well.


Now, hospitals aren't nearly as well off as the general public seems to think. Most are just scraping by. So, they do as most businesses do, they go after the money where they can; you. Sorry about your luck, but you're one of the working Americans and as such, you get punished for it, yet again.




The problem isn't the hospitals, or the providers, or the nurses, or the equipment. It's the worthless public who uses them. Figure out a way to cut the freeloading. Figure out some tort reform. Figured out how to fix Medicare/caid. And you will significantly help to fix our out of control healthcare costs.


Couldn't have said it better. These people have zero issues signing up for virtually any elective surgery. Because it's free for them and they don't have to worry about getting back to a non existent job.

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LOL. I was not referring to your motorcycle crash; I was talking about Ben B., aka Crash here on CR. I read a post by him earlier today talking about how he doesn't/didn't have insurance for a surgery and other issue and simply paid the hospital off direct each month. I was NOT taking a low blow at you. I should have after that Steeler comment. God we suck and it doesn't feel good!





PS the steelers still suck this year.

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The lack of personal responsibility in the non-tax paying segment of this country is so out of control, there are no words to describe it. Yesterday's example::


26 year old, 4 months out from a shattered elbow surgery. Broke it in a bar fight. He has no money, no job, no insurance. I fix his elbow in a 2 hour surgery knowing I will not get paid. He gets the same surgery anyone else would get--110% effort. He shows up only once after surgery, only to ask for pain medication. He can't afford any of the therapy, even at $5-10 a session. He shows up two months later and I have to take him back to surgery because he has not moved, or gone to therapy once. He asks for Percocet. Still can't afford therapy although he has an iPhone.


Shows up yesterday complaining of pain, now in the other wrist. Why? Because he just sat through a 5 hour tattoo session getting a sleeve.


Seriously? I see this every day and I live no where near the inner city

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