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Should The GOP be using Obamacare like this?


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The lack of personal responsibility in the non-tax paying segment of this country is so out of control, there are no words to describe it. Yesterday's example::


26 year old, 4 months out from a shattered elbow surgery. Broke it in a bar fight. He has no money, no job, no insurance. I fix his elbow in a 2 hour surgery knowing I will not get paid. He gets the same surgery anyone else would get--110% effort. He shows up only once after surgery, only to ask for pain medication. He can't afford any of the therapy, even at $5-10 a session. He shows up two months later and I have to take him back to surgery because he has not moved, or gone to therapy once. He asks for Percocet. Still can't afford therapy although he has an iPhone.


Shows up yesterday complaining of pain, now in the other wrist. Why? Because he just sat through a 5 hour tattoo session getting a sleeve.


Seriously? I see this every day and I live no where near the inner city


So, serious question, why didn't you say 'no'? I vaguely remember a thread where you stated you were going to only accept cash at your practice...are you not legally allowed to do that? Can you not send this pill popping twat away?


Can you require a credit check before performing surgery on someone without insurance?


I know this sounds cold hearted but I am 100% serious. I give thousands of dollars a year and hours upon hours of my time to different charities throughout central Ohio each year. I love to help those in need...but only when they are willing to try and help themselves. I HATE that I am being forced now, more than ever, to carry dead weight.



*edit* That Iphone is probably an Obama phone. I honestly thought that was a joke until I was driving on Morse Rd and saw a wireless carrier preaching "Free Government Cell Phones and Service INCLUDING DATA!". I wanted to pull over and burn it down.

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The lack of personal responsibility in the non-tax paying segment of this country is so out of control, there are no words to describe it. Yesterday's example::


26 year old, 4 months out from a shattered elbow surgery. Broke it in a bar fight. He has no money, no job, no insurance. I fix his elbow in a 2 hour surgery knowing I will not get paid. He gets the same surgery anyone else would get--110% effort. He shows up only once after surgery, only to ask for pain medication. He can't afford any of the therapy, even at $5-10 a session. He shows up two months later and I have to take him back to surgery because he has not moved, or gone to therapy once. He asks for Percocet. Still can't afford therapy although he has an iPhone.


Shows up yesterday complaining of pain, now in the other wrist. Why? Because he just sat through a 5 hour tattoo session getting a sleeve.


Seriously? I see this every day and I live no where near the inner city



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Patient: RK

Sex: Female

Age: ~50


Hx: Diabeetus


Admitted: 9/30/13


Last date of discharge: 9/16/13, 8/24/13, 7/20/13, 5/23/13, etc...

Discharge EDU on diet, exercise, medications, etc, provided at every discharge.


Last prescriptions for insulin filled: 9/1/13, 8/1/13, 7/1/13, etc....


Pt. arrives to hospital in a lethargic state. Blood Glucose >1,100. Alert/Oriented x0; will not follow commands, (+) acetone/ketones, Head filled w/ lice. Cockroach found crawling out of giner by ED staff.



-2-3 day ICU stay: (~$1,000/day)

-1-2 day MedSurg stay (post ICU): ~$600/day

-Head CT d/t lethargy: $x,xxx??? (Multimillion dollar machine)

-24/7 supervision by nursing staff: $25-35/hr x 3-5days

-Medications (including delousing)


-Frequent blood draws:~500/ea.

-Support staff pay

-Physician pay


Pt bill: Probably $10,000+. Every. Single. Visit.

She pays: $0

Hospital gets reimbursed by Medicaid: $0 (Dinged for <30day readmission).


This patient gets the same exact treatment every single time she is here. Pt. has had complete care given to her over this time. Education is, yet again, provided on how to care for her disease. Pt. meds are provided to her. Syringes are provided to here. Glucometer is provided to her. Yet, she ends up back here every month for the same thing, just because she's non-compliant.


These patients abound. Every non-compliant patient that walks through the door is a hit to the hospitals checkbook. You pay for these people as well.

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So, serious question, why didn't you say 'no'? I vaguely remember a thread where you stated you were going to only accept cash at your practice...are you not legally allowed to do that? Can you not send this pill popping twat away?


Can you require a credit check before performing surgery on someone without insurance?


I know this sounds cold hearted but I am 100% serious. I give thousands of dollars a year and hours upon hours of my time to different charities throughout central Ohio each year. I love to help those in need...but only when they are willing to try and help themselves. I HATE that I am being forced now, more than ever, to carry dead weight.



*edit* That Iphone is probably an Obama phone. I honestly thought that was a joke until I was driving on Morse Rd and saw a wireless carrier preaching "Free Government Cell Phones and Service INCLUDING DATA!". I wanted to pull over and burn it down.



I'm a hospital employee, and our hospital is a non-profit org. We cannot turn people away who need care. The elbow had to be fixed. We have programs for people who have zero insurance to get elective surgery such as a knee replacement. I pick these patients carefully--if I can do 3 of these a year they are deserving people just down on their luck. Honestly, the people on Medicaid and 48 year old on Medicare disability because of back pain are similar, only they essentially have insurance.


Needless to say, this guy got enough pain medication to initially recover and nothing thereafter. He never once questioned about his elbow function or whether there would be any permanent limitations. Just "where's my pain meds". The average hard working, insured American would be shocked to follow an inner city er nurse, or doctor around. Shocked. Most health care workers have just become numb to it

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We as a society need to learn that these people need to be turned away and left to die.


Or at least stop their ability to reproduce.


That whole spouse thing is going to screw so many people. Oh well, people wanted "free" health care, this is what they get....

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Patient: RK

Sex: Female

Age: ~50


Hx: Diabeetus


Admitted: 9/30/13


Last date of discharge: 9/16/13, 8/24/13, 7/20/13, 5/23/13, etc...

Discharge EDU on diet, exercise, medications, etc, provided at every discharge.


Last prescriptions for insulin filled: 9/1/13, 8/1/13, 7/1/13, etc....


Pt. arrives to hospital in a lethargic state. Blood Glucose >1,100. Alert/Oriented x0; will not follow commands, (+) acetone/ketones, Head filled w/ lice. Cockroach found crawling out of giner by ED staff.



-2-3 day ICU stay: (~$1,000/day)

-1-2 day MedSurg stay (post ICU): ~$600/day

-Head CT d/t lethargy: $x,xxx??? (Multimillion dollar machine)

-24/7 supervision by nursing staff: $25-35/hr x 3-5days

-Medications (including delousing)


-Frequent blood draws:~500/ea.

-Support staff pay

-Physician pay


Pt bill: Probably $10,000+. Every. Single. Visit.

She pays: $0

Hospital gets reimbursed by Medicaid: $0 (Dinged for <30day readmission).


This patient gets the same exact treatment every single time she is here. Pt. has had complete care given to her over this time. Education is, yet again, provided on how to care for her disease. Pt. meds are provided to her. Syringes are provided to here. Glucometer is provided to her. Yet, she ends up back here every month for the same thing, just because she's non-compliant.


These patients abound. Every non-compliant patient that walks through the door is a hit to the hospitals checkbook. You pay for these people as well.



People like that should be left to die. No sympathy for people like that.

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The lack of personal responsibility in the non-tax paying segment of this country is so out of control, there are no words to describe it. Yesterday's example::


26 year old, 4 months out from a shattered elbow surgery. Broke it in a bar fight. He has no money, no job, no insurance. I fix his elbow in a 2 hour surgery knowing I will not get paid. He gets the same surgery anyone else would get--110% effort. He shows up only once after surgery, only to ask for pain medication. He can't afford any of the therapy, even at $5-10 a session. He shows up two months later and I have to take him back to surgery because he has not moved, or gone to therapy once. He asks for Percocet. Still can't afford therapy although he has an iPhone.


Shows up yesterday complaining of pain, now in the other wrist. Why? Because he just sat through a 5 hour tattoo session getting a sleeve.


Seriously? I see this every day and I live no where near the inner city


Let me guess, since he will never get therapy, his elbow will never heal properly and will always be in pain. A couple of years down the road, he files to SS disability and lives on it for the rest of his life.

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Let me guess, since he will never get therapy, his elbow will never heal properly and will always be in pain. A couple of years down the road, he files to SS disability and lives on it for the rest of his life.


Bingo!! It's the American lottery. In the wild, he would be consumed by a stronger predator and prevented from reproducing and thus passing his weaker traits down to offspring.

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The problem isn't the hospitals, or the providers, or the nurses, or the equipment. It's the worthless public who uses them. Figure out a way to cut the freeloading. Figure out some tort reform. Figured out how to fix Medicare/caid. And you will significantly help to fix our out of control healthcare costs.


Don't you cut the freeloading by forcing everyone to pay for health coverage? Honest question.

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Don't you cut the freeloading by forcing everyone to pay for health coverage? Honest question.


Not if you're gonna subsidize it anyways. I pay for it at the hospital, or I pay for it in my taxes. I have a choice to go to the hospital. I don't have much choice when it comes to taxes.


By cutting the freeloading, I mean pull the fucking rug out from under these people to get them off their lazy asses. No subsidies. Just work. Like the rest of us.

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Sorry Clay, An x-Ray at a contract price of $50 1 dose of Motrin, ( over the counter I can buy a years with of children's Motrin for $10) and have to throw it out before it's all used because it expires. And a nurse sticking a needle through a toe nail. Does not compute to $500. That is almost 1/10th of my deductible. For the year. The needle is no different than you digging a splinter out of your hand with a needle.....



I almost feel like Dr's at least when it comes to routine care are going to be trivialized to an extent thanks to software and technology. Yes the human aspect matters and i understand that allot of instict goes into it. But as technology moves forward the devices we use to diagnose become more powerful.


The price of healthcare should be going down due to the advances in technology. Jobs adapt over time and I think were seeing that now in healthcare. It happens in every industry.

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I almost feel like Dr's at least when it comes to routine care are going to be trivialized to an extent thanks to software and technology. Yes the human aspect matters and i understand that allot of instict goes into it. But as technology moves forward the devices we use to diagnose become more powerful.


The price of healthcare should be going down due to the advances in technology. Jobs adapt over time and I think were seeing that now in healthcare. It happens in every industry.


Not sure if serious?


Our medications have been getting better and better. Diagnostic equipment has improved. Implants for my surgery have improved dramatically. It costs money to develop that technology. And that cost is passed to the consumer. A typical hip reacement is made of titanium, and plastic. Those materials don't cost $10k, but that's what they cost because you pay for the technology that goes into r&d.


I agree with you. All routine care in the future will be computerized:dumb:


Good call. Let me guess, when you go to the dr, you try to tell them what they should do based on a quick google search you performed right before the visit?

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I almost feel like Dr's at least when it comes to routine care are going to be trivialized to an extent thanks to software and technology. Yes the human aspect matters and i understand that allot of instict goes into it. But as technology moves forward the devices we use to diagnose become more powerful.


The price of healthcare should be going down due to the advances in technology. Jobs adapt over time and I think were seeing that now in healthcare. It happens in every industry.


Tricorders in every home, paid for by Comrade Obama. This is on page 5,953 of the Affordable Care Act, to be implemented in year 6. You'd know this if you had read it.

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The lack of personal responsibility in the non-tax paying segment of this country is so out of control, there are no words to describe it. Yesterday's example::


26 year old, 4 months out from a shattered elbow surgery. Broke it in a bar fight. He has no money, no job, no insurance. I fix his elbow in a 2 hour surgery knowing I will not get paid. He gets the same surgery anyone else would get--110% effort. He shows up only once after surgery, only to ask for pain medication. He can't afford any of the therapy, even at $5-10 a session. He shows up two months later and I have to take him back to surgery because he has not moved, or gone to therapy once. He asks for Percocet. Still can't afford therapy although he has an iPhone.


Shows up yesterday complaining of pain, now in the other wrist. Why? Because he just sat through a 5 hour tattoo session getting a sleeve.


Seriously? I see this every day and I live no where near the inner city


The only good to come from that story is that I feel better about being me. What a fucking waste.

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There are plenty of hard working individuals out there that just can't afford things sometimes. What about that guy who had a stroke and can hardley speak straight yet? forget that, the person on the phone just wants to know when you can pay them and how much. They don't care that they can't go back to thier jobs fixing cars, construction, working in the factory, or that the've just spent every dime they had getting what treatment they did and are now in a tight spot. I've known people in those positions. I've been there. My dad was there a few months ago.


There is no humanity in healthcare and thats sad. I thought (or hoped) The Afordable Healthcare Act would bring some humanity to the system, but it seems that government officials are more worried about their agenda. Others are worried about money, and I am worried that it's really not that affordable.

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Not sure if serious?


Our medications have been getting better and better. Diagnostic equipment has improved. Implants for my surgery have improved dramatically. It costs money to develop that technology. And that cost is passed to the consumer. A typical hip reacement is made of titanium, and plastic. Those materials don't cost $10k, but that's what they cost because you pay for the technology that goes into r&d.


I agree with you. All routine care in the future will be computerized:dumb:


Good call. Let me guess, when you go to the dr, you try to tell them what they should do based on a quick google search you performed right before the visit?


No sir I do not try to tell my dr's how to do there job. I do educate myself on various treatments / medications and Diagnosis the dr's suggest. If you go into the dr's with the attitude you suggest your less likely to get a proper diagnosis and treatment, (See Overreading into things).



That being said, My mom was a MA on her way to be a nurse before she joined FCSD, During that time I helped her study and read all of our textbooks. So I do understand a little better than most what the dr's are talking about, So when I speak to the dr's about my wife (When she has been in the hospital) The dr doesn't need to spend 10 minutes explaining simple shit.

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Tricorders in every home, paid for by Comrade Obama. This is on page 5,953 of the Affordable Care Act, to be implemented in year 6. You'd know this if you had read it.


LOL, Actually i was watching a documentary recently that was discussing how in the future out toilets will be a diagnostic device and scan your shit (Litterally) ever time you go.

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Thorne, webMD





By no means, But when you deal with a Chronically Ill Loved one you tend to educate yourself on the various topics. You would be surprised how little most people know about there healthcare.

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