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Reality Check for CR and myself.


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CEOs make too much for their share of work.


According to who, you?


Didn't you just build a new house recently?


Given your great financial situation, you should take an impoverished family under your wing. Maybe someone who, maybe views you as someone who has too much for what you, well mostly your wife does. I mean, you could obviously get by with much less, certainly didn't need a new house, you had one, could buy old work cars for cash, and with all that you could make several families lives much better.


Before you seek to pull money out of someone else's pockets for a cause, empty your own.

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Also, how many "well off" families have 8 kids running around? Stop making babies all damn day and maybe you could afford to support 1 or 2!


when you're poor babies are a source of income from the Government.


My wife and I have an interesting perspective on this. I feel like we bust our tails to make things happen for ourselves but we're surrounded with family members (except my brother) who think it's the government's job to take care of them. Those family members look down on us because, unlike the government, I don't do handouts.


My sister kept having kids because it meant more income. Those kids are almost old enough where they can start working but it will be working to support her not themselves. My in-laws do the least possible to get on with life and then complain about where they stand in society, they are all getting assistance and none of them work. The only thing they put any effort into is trying to figure out how they can get more out of the government.

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In school I was taught that the middle class was the main tax payer and paid for most government expenditures. Look at the curve, how is the Middle Class going to pay for ACA when most of Middle class America has only 7 percent of the wealth? I can't wrap my mind around it..... Our debit is only going to climb higher until when? What happens when the bubble pops and it's no longer a civil society?
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According to who, you?


Didn't you just build a new house recently?


Given your great financial situation, you should take an impoverished family under your wing. Maybe someone who, maybe views you as someone who has too much for what you, well mostly your wife does. I mean, you could obviously get by with much less, certainly didn't need a new house, you had one, could buy old work cars for cash, and with all that you could make several families lives much better.


Before you seek to pull money out of someone else's pockets for a cause, empty your own.


I did Shawn, my mother. I fund her life 100%. My dad is dead.

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I am going to ask a question that was asked between Eli and Myself over wings yesterday, to all of CR;


What is it that is being hated; Poverty, or The Poor?


Good question, I don't even know where to start to be honest I think it's both...


But I'd love to see some answers from people on here.


I would love to listen to that conversation though between Eli and yourself.

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Ben, if you think you are in the lower-income level you need to lay off the pipe. Look at some people's incomes and see what they make compared to the bills they have to not live in a new house, not drive a car that is only a couple years old and eat ramen 6/7 days.
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My theory on why the middle class is getting "poorer" is outsourcing. Americans are losing jobs to people in Mexico, China, Asia, ect. It's like the CEO of Emerson, David Farr said "I will not hire another person in america". That's the current issue I see with the country.
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, I want a better distribution of wealth for America. the country would benefit as a whole not a very few.


Not sure if you're serious. Personally, such a statement hits my household directly and it's statement that I do not support. Gov't and others can effectively keep their hands off my money.

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I like to see what people think the top 20% make as a household at the least of the 20%. I'll start, I am guessing (no facts) but $500k a year. That is my perception. I could be very wrong.


Who gives a fuck what they make. Work hard and hopefully you can make that much. If not then sit back like you're doing now, cry and hope you get scooped up n have your bills paid by the gubmint.




You might have to give up your brand new built house, overpriced apple products and your new WRX STI though.......
































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Who gives a fuck what they make. Work hard and hopefully you can make that much. If not then sit back like you're doing now, cry and hope you get scooped up n have your bills paid by the gubmint.




You might have to give up your brand new built house, overpriced apple products and your new WRX STI though.......

































Not sure if you still have him on ignore Ben..

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I like to see what people think the top 20% make as a household at the least of the 20%. I'll start, I am guessing (no facts) but $500k a year. That is my perception. I could be very wrong.


I read that chart to be talking about accumulated wealth not income. The two are very different. I find that chart with the percentages worthless without the second axis showing the amounts. Plus how do you think age would factor in givin the large sample of boomers that have there retirement funds? All I see is some skewed liberal bullshit

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I like to see what people think the top 20% make as a household at the least of the 20%. I'll start, I am guessing (no facts) but $500k a year. That is my perception. I could be very wrong.


No way. I don't have the facts, but I believe you're way off. If there are households with two professionals that don't together make $150-200k up their doing it wrong. Ray is spot on too as it's not about what one earns, it's about their net worth. Incomes go up and down for everyone but those doing it right live below their means and plan for the future.

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but it's time to cut into the pockets of rich Americans and



I want a better distribution of wealth for America


I'm more for cooperate America paying their share not really individuals, CEOs make too much for their share of work


. I don't think the CEO does that much more work.


Giant facepalm. You realize you just regurgitated just about every talking point of Obama's 2008 campaign?

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I am going to ask a question that was asked between Eli and Myself over wings yesterday, to all of CR;


What is it that is being hated; Poverty, or The Poor?


I dont hate either.

I hate laziness and irresponsiblness that is to blame for a lot of poverty and poor.

I have very litte sympothy for my sister, she goes to the bars, smokes and makes poor decisions and is there for poor. She took a buyout from GM that would have paid off my house and blew through it in 6 months at the bars and more bad decision. She didnt take advantage of the offers of free schooling because of her buyout, so now she works at restaurant as a prep cook, and a second job doing clerk work for the county. She's wrecked he car and cant afford to fix it so she drive with wonky front end. She is just starting to slowly pull her life together, but its a long way to go, and i expect her to make more stupid choices, which will keep her in the station she has CHOSEN to keep in life.


She isn't lazy, but she is irresponsible.




Im far from perfect, but i made some VERY smart choices in my life, that at the time seemed VERY hard, but my life is better for it.

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As a foreigner that lives here now,I have to say most poor people in America are not really poor,shoeless kids in Turkey Istanbul are poor.


As for the top 5-10 percentile having everything does that not motivate you? to do better??


I think they still pay you well in America for a unique idea product or service,I,m pretty happy to live here where I can participate and get paid If I get of my duff and make it happen…..off soapbox now.

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Ben, I tried to cash your "reality check" in the branch at the lobby of my building...




Demanding change because you want it, and backing it up by your admitted lack of facts is scary, and pathetic. CNN rustled your jimmies and you look like a fool trying to "spread the gospel".


I also reference what Ray said: my income isn't nearly as high as my wealth: that which I've earned over a roller-coaster career in the last 12 years switching jobs, moving locations, losing income altogether, and reinventing myself along the way.


You can throw up stats all you want...won't get me to care about some socialist cause you claim to support.

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Imagine all the money in America is collected and redistributed evenly to every person, so the graph is a flat line.


Now a question: how do you think that wealth distribution graph would look like 10 years later? 20 years?


It would head towards where it's at now. Where some would invest, most others would waste.

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As a foreigner that lives here now,I have to say most poor people in America are not really poor,shoeless kids in Turkey Istanbul are poor.


As for the top 5-10 percentile having everything does that not motivate you? to do better??


I think they still pay you well in America for a unique idea product or service,I,m pretty happy to live here where I can participate and get paid If I get of my duff and make it happen…..off soapbox now.


Thank you for both your thoughtful reply, and excellent perspective.

Could you scrounge up a few more million like yourself and have them come over too? I for one, would appreciate it.

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