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Reality Check for CR and myself.


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Close.... but it's an apples to oranges comparison.


If, after finishing monopoly the game restarted, and the people who "won the game" got to keep X% of what they accumulated and they could pass this on to "team members", of coarse people on that "team" would have an advantage.


What our forefathers fought for was NOT for people to get free monopoly money and plastic buildings off of people who have excelled in the game for a very long time. They fought so you could get a seat at the table to play yourself. Do the right things, long enough (ie. possibly GENERATIONS) and you too can be the person you admire. (or hate... if your Ben)



Paris Hilton





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She is worth 100 million.... People win that in the lottery.


The money did not come from thin air... it came from her family who DID do the right things.


Thats a perk of doing the right things. You can set your family up, no matter how worthless they may be.

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She is worth 100 million.... People win that in the lottery.


The money did not come from thin air... it came from her family who DID do the right things.


Thats a perk of doing the right things. You can set your family up, no matter how worthless they may be.


She's not "worthless"... according to your Post, she is worth $100,000,000.00!!!!





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Remember when you were a little kid and wanted a toy? Mommy and Daddy said it was too expensive. But that didn't make sense because you were a kid and thought your parents had unlimited money. Those that cry to "tax the rich" have the same childish mindset. They also view the government as mommy and daddy for their adult life - wanting everything provided for free.
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Someone's been drinking Thorne's Koolaid.


Seriously, wtf Ben. I thought you were on the 'I worked for what I have, so can you' team.


Although I do agree 100% that income tax needs to be dissolved in favor of higher expenditure taxes.

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I recognize the wealth disparity in this country, and I hope and SUPPORT a "fair tax" reform of our code. However, I do not know how to solve the problem, aside from taking care of my own family, my own household and community.


If anything, I urge people to wake up and meet your neighbors. Find out what non-profit groups there are in your community that you want to support and GET INVOLVED .Start with yourself, spread the good work to your neighborhood, your community, and see where it goes from there. Pay it forward, and keep an open mind.

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Is it even a problem? What adverse effects does it have on society or on your life personally?


What if some of the wealth of the top 1% was distributed evenly amongst the entire US population. People now have $20,000 more - but no individual has more spending power since everyone else also has $20k to burn.


Also, those billionaires aren't blowing millions of dollars each week, so they aren't making your $5000/month income worthless. A lot of that upper wealth isn't even liquid assets. A good portion is in the ownership of companies and corporations and their capital holdings - those institutions that allow the middle and lower classes to even have employment and an income.

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I was hoping watching the first video would maybe reduce the blatant bullshit that is posted about America's poor painting every poor person and a low life lazy piece of shit. From that video you should be able to take away that there are people struggling and working very hard to try to get out of poverty. So many derogatory posts about the poor here lumping them all together. Happens all the time here. I was hoping that CR could look at that video and take away that sometimes it's not that person's fault they're in poverty, sometimes you are born into it. Just like you can be born into wealth. It's a hell of a lot harder to be born into poverty, so shouldn't they get some more help? Nope here people on welfare (scraps) are not even human.


Keep making this thread about me. I hope it makes you feel better to ignore the larger problem in this country, social and economic inequality. White males love to shy away from racism.

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I recognize the wealth disparity in this country, and I hope and SUPPORT a "fair tax" reform of our code. However, I do not know how to solve the problem, aside from taking care of my own family, my own household and community.


If anything, I urge people to wake up and meet your neighbors. Find out what non-profit groups there are in your community that you want to support and GET INVOLVED .Start with yourself, spread the good work to your neighborhood, your community, and see where it goes from there. Pay it forward, and keep an open mind.


Well Said.

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I was hoping watching the first video would maybe reduce the blatant bullshit that is posted about America's poor painting every poor person and a low life lazy piece of shit. From that video you should be able to take away that there are people struggling and working very hard to try to get out of poverty.


from the first 30 seconds, I heard "what people think" on how wealth was distributed. First off, wealth isn't "distributed", it's EARNED. Why people think or even believe it should be "distributed" or NOT earned is beyond me. That expectation of a false entitlement is what people hate, not he people in the Poor Category or even the people themselves, but rather their skewed mindset of life.


What CEO's Earn relative to their average employee isn't crazy stupid high in all cases. Even still, it's a company's choice on how they internally distribute payroll and profits, not the rest of America's.


So many derogatory posts about the poor here lumping them all together.


how's that any different than what this video shows but "lumping" all the 1%'ers or even the top 20%'ers together? Isn't that just as unfair? There are lots of giving and charitable rich people.


sometimes you are born into it. Just like you can be born into wealth. It's a hell of a lot harder to be born into poverty, so shouldn't they get some more help?


Do they not already get more help? Define more too? When is enough enough and when is it time to cut them off and make them EARN what it is they are already getting or better yet, what they are further asking for?


White males love to shy away from racism.


Not sure where Racism comes into play here. Haven't seen it in this thread yet.

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I was hoping watching the first video would maybe reduce the blatant bullshit that is posted about America's poor painting every poor person and a low life lazy piece of shit. From that video you should be able to take away that there are people struggling and working very hard to try to get out of poverty. So many derogatory posts about the poor here lumping them all together. Happens all the time here. I was hoping that CR could look at that video and take away that sometimes it's not that person's fault they're in poverty, sometimes you are born into it. Just like you can be born into wealth. It's a hell of a lot harder to be born into poverty, so shouldn't they get some more help? Nope here people on welfare (scraps) are not even human.


Keep making this thread about me. I hope it makes you feel better to ignore the larger problem in this country, social and economic inequality. White males love to shy away from racism.


I get that you're pissed...clearly you're using a lot of profanity. FYI, 100% guarantee you sway NO ONE to your side by showing your anger.


However, if you want to help, DO SOMETHING aside from forwarding a Mother Jones/CNN-produced article. You have as much chance of making a dent in the wealth disparity/debt problem in this country.


I hope you think about your family (AWD DAD) and do more to raise them properly. Keep yourself in positive environments, and make the places you function in be positive as well. I'm not naive to think happy thoughts will solve poverty, but it's better than posting a video and then forgetting about it a week later.


Buildings aren't named after Facebook Warriors; do something awesome with what you have first.

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Not sure where Racism comes into play here. Haven't seen it in this thread yet.


I'm guessing you and many others have not watched or read the first link in the thread.. SMH


You know the actual reason for the thread.


Click the first link, the CNN video and article, you are speaking about the second video I posted to show the nation as a whole is getting to the point of that Louisiana Town in the first video. "The most economic unequal place on earth." Then tell me race has nothing to do with it Tim.

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It's a crime to make money in the US, thus those who make too much must be severely penalized.





i don't have enough time to read the whole thread because i am fucking WORKING. working to support all the freeloaders. i pay enough in taxes to support at least 10 households in the US for a year. if someone claims they work just as hard as me, then why is it fair i have to pay a disproportionate percentage of my income to support people who are repeatedly rewarded for making horrible decisions in life?

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How is having 8 kids with a father who gets shot and killed "born into"?


I'm pretty sure making 20k a year with 8 kids, means she receives a lot of help. I know a chick who has 3 kids and received 800 a month in food stamps. She worked and made probably 20k. Plus she got cash assistants and Medicaid.

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How is having 8 kids with a father who gets shot and killed "born into"?


I'm pretty sure making 20k a year with 8 kids, means she receives a lot of help. I know a chick who has 3 kids and received 800 a month in food stamps. She worked and made probably 20k. Plus she got cash assistants and Medicaid.


Does it look like the woman with 8 kids is living high on the hog off the government in that video? Is that what you saw in the video?

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I'm guessing you and many others have not watched or read the first link in the thread.. SMH


You know the actual reason for the thread.


Click the first link, the CNN video and article, you are speaking about the second video I posted to show the nation as a whole is getting to the point of that Louisiana Town in the first video. "The most economic unequal place on earth." Then tell me race has nothing to do with it Tim.


Tell that to white people who live in poverty.

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Does it look like the woman with 8 kids is living high on the hog off the government in that video? Is that what you saw in the video?


No, but she said she would not buy cleaning supplys or underwear to make sure every one is fed. My post simply implied that food was most likely covered.

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