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MTG Cards, where to sell locally?


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Might be wrong place to ask but I have a box of rares from the onslaught/judgement era and some mixed editions as well. Does anyone on here play or know where I could sell them?? A few cards that come to mind are unplayed Polluted Deltas, flooded strand and foil burning wishes.
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Do you have any OG shit, like Revised (circa 1994) or previous?


I wish man. . . them beta black lotuses go for like 10K. WILD TIMES


I got rid of all the alpha/beta stuff years ago for far far less than they are worth today.


Crazy to see them still hold value though, very cool.

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Yeah. I had a mixed collection of mostly Ice Age and Mirage block that I looked to sell a few years ago. I didn't find a store that bought cards and comparative pricing on Ebay wasn't worth the time and effort to package them and ship. I think that era is too old to be desirable but not old enough to be valuable for rarity.
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Uhh Mana Drain ONLY came in legends set and is $200 bucks in mint condition :)


and yes I'm a nerd you need to know about mtg value let me know have a few friends that play pretty competitively as in placed top 8 in some big events.


In Cbus you have soldiery, guard tower?, comic town, and ravenstone?


If you have collections you're trying to offload for some cash I can take some time to sift through them and let you know whats valuable and what's bulk junk or can work with my friends to get you offers on the entire collections.

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Ended up selling the whole lot for 350 bucks. Granted the polluted deltas were worth about 100 or so each and flooded strand 50 and burning wish foil 50ish. . . most of the rares were nothing special, but enough 10-15 dollar ones to make him happy. I gave a player a good deal I think.
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