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Rich drunk driving kid kills 4, gets probation.


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Just wtf. How is shit like this still going on?






Yup, you read that. This guy loses his family and the kid gets probation.


B-but maybe the kid was real remorseful.. Nope.






Kid with prior history drink drives, kills 4

Judge lets him off

Says it's not his fault, it's because he's rich.

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Reminds me of a girl from Cape Cod. Shortly after getting her license, she went head-on into the opposite lane and killed someone. Her license was revoked for 10 years. People said she should lose it entirely, but the argument was made that her life shouldnt' be ruined for one mistake. (No mention of the lives she ruined)


10 years later, her license was reinstated. Shortly after that she went head-on into the opposite lane again, killing two.


I *hate* that having a license in this country is treated like a right. It's a fucking privledge.

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Reminds me of a girl from Cape Cod. Shortly after getting her license, she went head-on into the opposite lane and killed someone. Her license was revoked for 10 years. People said she should lose it entirely, but the argument was made that her life shouldnt' be ruined for one mistake. (No mention of the lives she ruined)


10 years later, her license was reinstated. Shortly after that she went head-on into the opposite lane again, killing two.


I *hate* that having a license in this country is treated like a right. It's a fucking privledge.


There are no rights, on;y privileges, period. Any of your "right's" can be revoked at any time, making them privileges.

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from the bottom of the article:


"Even if he'd gotten the maximum of 20 years in Wednesday's decision, his attorney says he likely would've served two years or less since he's a minor...if Couch violates any terms of his probation (10 years), he'll be re-sentenced for up to 10 years in prison."


so its not like hes exactly walking.

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from the bottom of the article:


"Even if he'd gotten the maximum of 20 years in Wednesday's decision, his attorney says he likely would've served two years or less since he's a minor...if Couch violates any terms of his probation (10 years), he'll be re-sentenced for up to 10 years in prison."


so its not like hes exactly walking.


He is on probabation, he has rich parents, he will be well taken care of and still living and breathing. He is walking.

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Authorities said the teen and friends were seen on surveillance video stealing two cases of beer from a store. He had seven passengers in his Ford F-350, was speeding and had a blood-alcohol level three times the legal limit, according to trial testimony. His truck slammed into the four pedestrians, killing Brian Jennings, 43, Breanna Mitchell, 24, Shelby Boyles, 21, and her mother, Hollie Boyles, 52.
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I read in another article that the judge ordered the victim families to pay for the damage to his truck. I'm not sure if that article is true.


Absolutely not. It's obvious that the clown caused the accident, so there is no way that is true. Jeebus I hope not anyway.

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Just fyi, legal limit in Cali for under age is .01%. So three times is .03 and legal limit for someone over 21 is .08%.

Not saying the kid should get off, just saying press is doing what they can to make it a story by leaving that information out.

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Just fyi, legal limit in Cali for under age is .01%. So three times is .03 and legal limit for someone over 21 is .08%.

Not saying the kid should get off, just saying press is doing what they can to make it a story by leaving that information out.


The drinking doesn't even matter considering he mowed down 4 people. I'd expect a sober person who mowed down 4 ppl to get life in prison let alone some stupid ass kid who was drinking and did it

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