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Workout/weight lifting thread


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yesterday legs day


warm up jog 5-10 minutes



Free Squats - 225 x 12 x 3

Hack Squat - 205 x 30 x 3

Free Squats - 275 x 8 x 1

Hack Squat - 205 x 30 x 1

Free Squat - 295 X 6 x 1

Hack Squat - 205 x 30 x 1

Free squat 315 x 2 x 1

Hack Squart - 205 x 30 x 1


Then Step on the stair mill -

3 minutes max level 20

Walking lunges 50 ft with 60 lbs (2 30lb kettles)

Repeat with essentially no rest for 3 sets

The double step stairs on the mill level 10 focus on push

No weight lunges 75 ft

Repeat for 3 sets essentially no rest


Sumo dead lift on rack lowest pin


225 x 10 x 2

245 x 8 x 2

265 x 6 x 2


Super set

Calve extensions -

21 reps, 7 half bottom, 7 full , 7 squeeze at the top

Hamstring curls

90 x 12 x 3


Then for good measure I pedaled on my trainer at home after for 45 minutes...


I slept great.

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One thing I do to keep weight off (when it's not freezing outside) is walk for 30-45 minutes in the morning on a empty stomach. Very low intensity. You can't eat for another 30 minutes after you've stopped.


There is not a whole lot of science behind it, but from what I gather is it burns off the sugar that your body stored during the night. You know, the sugar you would need if a saber tooth tiger surprised you in your cave and you need some energy to fight it off.


Seems to help for me. I dropped from from 222.4 to 197.8 in six weeks for a weight loss competition just before the holidays.


I've always been against any sort of working out before eating. Your body is rpactically starving after being asleep for 8+ hours. You'll end up buring more muscle than you will fat by working out first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.


It might help some people, but it's not any better than doing it after you eat.




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I've always been against any sort of working out before eating. Your body is rpactically starving after being asleep for 8+ hours. You'll end up buring more muscle than you will fat by working out first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.


It might help some people, but it's not any better than doing it after you eat.





this is one of the articles i read about it...




here's another




looks like everyone agrees that high intensity cardio on an empty stomach is not a good idea. but, i was suggesting was very low cardio in the morning helps me, and may help others.

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Felt weak today: legs: squats

135x10, 185x10, 225x8, ass to the grass, 275x6, 315x2-fail,1-fail, parallel, 225x6, 185x6, 135x6

Dropped weight to work on/correct form.

Leg press: 5x10 superset w/ calf extensions x25

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Hopefully the newbies don't come until Monday. I definitely encourage people to come, but this time of year it is TERRIBLE with gym etiquette. Hoping I can get 2-3 more decent lifts in before the wave hits (IE: wave starts Monday instead of today).
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hopefully everyone's resolutions/workouts didn't die with this thread lol.

Hit back yesterday, mostly concentrating on strict dead lift form, so I didn't go real heavy.


135x8, 225x8, 275x8, 315x6, 365x6,5,3,3

315x6, 275x6,6

Pull ups superset with underhand rows165, both to failure. 3 sets

Chin ups superset with upright rows, 3 sets

Machine circuit burnouts

cable rows, supported t-bar, lat pulls

3sets to failure

Good fatigue, slight lower back pump, but good intense workout.


Shoulders today

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well my goals for the year is to be in the best shape of my life again at 35

get to 190+ at 8% bodyfat

dunk at 5'8"

run a 5k

Total 1600+ raw at 181 on my next powerlifting meet (3/22/14) with some where with a 600+ squat, 400+ bench (rehabbing a shoulder injury right now) 650+ deadlift

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well my goals for the year is to be in the best shape of my life again at 35

get to 190+ at 8% bodyfat

dunk at 5'8"

run a 5k

Total 1600+ raw at 181 on my next powerlifting meet (3/22/14) with some where with a 600+ squat, 400+ bench (rehabbing a shoulder injury right now) 650+ deadlift


Dat manlet strength. plus dunking? You're like a swoll White spud webb.

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well my goals for the year is to be in the best shape of my life again at 35

get to 190+ at 8% bodyfat

dunk at 5'8"

run a 5k

Total 1600+ raw at 181 on my next powerlifting meet (3/22/14) with some where with a 600+ squat, 400+ bench (rehabbing a shoulder injury right now) 650+ deadlift


Damn, impressive numbers. Dunking at 5'8 might be harder than the 600 squat! Lol

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