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Workout/weight lifting thread


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Today was back day, but I woke up with a bit of a stiff neck/shoulder so I lightened up the weight and went for higher reps/heart rate:

Deads 135x10,10. 225x10,10

275x10,10,10 superset with 10 wide grip pullups

Supported rows. 135x12,10,10 superset with pulldowns 135x10,10,10

Upright rows 110x12,12,10

Called it when my neck started tightening up, shoulders tomorrow.

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I'm kinda the opposite... If I can move myself and some weight and I don't have fat rolls around my gut, I could care less about looking big. To each their own, though.


If I lifted like the number you posted I would probably feel that way too. I still lift heavy. But id rather put on 25lbs than add 25lbs to a 500lb squat.

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Back in the day max chest 285 -3 for 5 sets...squat 465-5 1 set..dead lift 225-10 3 sets...bent over rows 225 -8 3 sets...biceps 70-5 3 sets...triceps..skull crushers 100-10 3 sets...

Those were my big things there were dumb bell bench,cable flyes,cable curls...you get it too much to mention..I was 6'4ish and 245 with 6% body fat (test with calipers) in my 30s,


After a few mc accidents and blowing my right shoulder out on an incline bench and f'ing my knees I do the old man work out at 60.


Bench 35-45-60 lbs 25 reps each

Single arm rows the same weights usually the 1st 2 I can get 25 each the last 15-20.

Then a ton of cable work high and wide..incline flyes,pull downs, decline bench, more back and chest from an upper position..then move the cable low/wide more chest and back then some push ups and sissy pullups (feet on the floor and a smith machine bar).

I don't squat or dead lift any longer my knees won't put up with it so I do a bunch of free leg stuff and some machines.

Abs 2-3 days a week and cardio 20 min bike or just got back to the elliptical.

I 've had 3 surgeries on my right shoulder and 1 on my left..also 1 on each knee


I have leaned out at 207 but have shrink to about 6'2ish.

Anyway thats it..you can have a laugh at what I call the old man lift.


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Im a Caucasian, male 6`2, 280, have a viking beard, perfect hair, smoke cigars, drink single malt scotch, eat meatloaf and climbed Mt. Elbert 16mo ago... And I haven't lifted in 11mo :(. I want to get back in the gym but I, like everyone, hate the new years crowd.
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Back in the day max chest 285 -3 for 5 sets...squat 465-5 1 set..dead lift 225-10 3 sets...bent over rows 225 -8 3 sets...biceps 70-5 3 sets...triceps..skull crushers 100-10 3 sets...

Those were my big things there were dumb bell bench,cable flyes,cable curls...you get it too much to mention..I was 6'4ish and 245 with 6% body fat (test with calipers) in my 30s,


After a few mc accidents and blowing my right shoulder out on an incline bench and f'ing my knees I do the old man work out at 60.


Bench 35-45-60 lbs 25 reps each

Single arm rows the same weights usually the 1st 2 I can get 25 each the last 15-20.

Then a ton of cable work high and wide..incline flyes,pull downs, decline bench, more back and chest from an upper position..then move the cable low/wide more chest and back then some push ups and sissy pullups (feet on the floor and a smith machine bar).

I don't squat or dead lift any longer my knees won't put up with it so I do a bunch of free leg stuff and some machines.

Abs 2-3 days a week and cardio 20 min bike or just got back to the elliptical.

I 've had 3 surgeries on my right shoulder and 1 on my left..also 1 on each knee


I have leaned out at 207 but have shrink to about 6'2ish.

Anyway thats it..you can have a laugh at what I call the old man lift.



I don't mean to question your lifting stats, but I feel like at 6'4 240 and only 6% BF you'd be benching well into the 300s at least...probably into the 400s. 6% BF is insane, that's what professional bodybuilders are at (IFBB pros).

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I don't mean to question your lifting stats, but I feel like at 6'4 240 and only 6% BF you'd be benching well into the 300s at least...probably into the 400s. 6% BF is insane, that's what professional bodybuilders are at (IFBB pros).


I'm guessing that if his previous stats were correct (not questioning that), the injuries were preventing heavier weight.

6% is insane, and almost impossible to sustain.

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I'm guessing that if his previous stats were correct (not questioning that), the injuries were preventing heavier weight.

6% is insane, and almost impossible to sustain.


I think he was saying that was his size and stats before his injuries? But I'm not positive

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Yes that is what i did in my 30s before the shoulder wentin '88.

Whats weird is my bench never went over 350. Now when we talk about lifting it was a strict lift, bar all the way down and wiat for the "lift" command.

I would have 3 eggs, 2 pieces of bacon 2 pieces of toast and milk for breakfast

then I'd pack my lunch with whatever i had in the fridge (i was single ) and for dinner 5 days a week I'd have 3 cans of tuna, 1 cup of rice a can of some veggie, I did a ton of protein .


I think the lifting both helped and hurt my body BUT I am sure the accidents and mis-fire on the incline really f'ed me up.

O yea the 6% i havent seen that in a hundred years..lol


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23 years old (24 in January), lift 5 days a week at Metro Fitness in Pickerington during lunch, sometimes hit the Hilliard one if I miss a day during the work week.


6 Foot, started at 220, leaned down to 167 and started to look sickly, so I have intentionally gained up to 185. I am definitely getting stronger, but still relatively weak.


I do lift with a 44 year old power lifter every day now, he reps 315 on chest and is 5'6" and again, 44 haha. I did hit my 2013 goal of a flat bench rep at 185 clean, no help. Probably could have done 2 but my spotter moved the bar in.


Awesome to see so many people in here who lift and exercise. It's become a major part of my life since I was 220 and severely depressed.


Btw, we do:


Monday: Chest

Tuesday: Legs

Wednesday: Back

Thursday: Arms

Friday: Shoulders/Shrugs


I was able to do 3 sets of 5 at 255 on squats, pretty happy about that. Could barely do 155 when I started.

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23 years old (24 in January), lift 5 days a week at Metro Fitness in Pickerington during lunch, sometimes hit the Hilliard one if I miss a day during the work week.


6 Foot, started at 220, leaned down to 167 and started to look sickly, so I have intentionally gained up to 185. I am definitely getting stronger, but still relatively weak.


I do lift with a 44 year old power lifter every day now, he reps 315 on chest and is 5'6" and again, 44 haha. I did hit my 2013 goal of a flat bench rep at 185 clean, no help. Probably could have done 2 but my spotter moved the bar in.


Awesome to see so many people in here who lift and exercise. It's become a major part of my life since I was 220 and severely depressed.


Btw, we do:


Monday: Chest

Tuesday: Legs

Wednesday: Back

Thursday: Arms

Friday: Shoulders/Shrugs


I was able to do 3 sets of 5 at 255 on squats, pretty happy about that. Could barely do 155 when I started.


Good work, that's quite a weight loss. Glad to hear he's got you squatting, stick with em and the muscle will start packing on.

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max bench 315

max dead lift 404

max squat 350

bf% = ??? like 7%


My workouts consists of pushes or pulls. Typically 4 sets of 6-8 reps per exercise with supersets. Mainly go for figure and body shape rather than numbers because that's what gets you hurt. Also keep in mind people that is 70% diet and 30% routines.




Key tips - Hit your daily macros

Change your workouts regularly

Go to a good gym (not planet fitness)

Never miss leg day or cardio (I know it sucks lol)

Watch YouTube videos, there are some cool motivational vids, and some good informational tips for fitness.

this + tons of water


You are crazy lean! Awesome numbers, you must know what you're doing. 99.9% people get hurt with poor form on cross fit routines.


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Try and work out at least 4 days a week b/c I have a tight bust schedule but Ive taken the past month off. Start back at it today.


Buddy and I do one area a day.





and legs we do 2 exercises each day.


Every month we switch up our reps, etc.


Heavy 5x5

Moderate 3x10

Light 3x20


then whatever else we wanna try/do


My goal was to max bench 405 before I got married this year in July but I was 10 lbs short of hitting it. Schedule was getting in the way


And screw lifting heavy all the time. Body hurts, joints hurt. Goal is to still max out 405 and do at least 2 clean reps and be able to do 3x10 at 325 lbs without help.

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is there anything I can do for better arm strength? There are times when I try to loosen a bolt and have to get the big guy to do it. Its embarrassing at times..




also what gets rid of manboobs?


As for arms, work your arms lol. Honestly things like loosening a bolt require more core strength, so work your back, chest, abs a little more. Really you should just try to bring your whole body up. Compound movements like squat, bench, and deadlift work everything.

Keep a small cheater bar handy, break any bolt loose!!


As for moobs, diet and cardio are it, gotta burn that fat. I actually carry a lot of fat in my chest to, first place I notice it.

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i have been cutting back on the "grazing", at autozone the dollar tree was a few stores down the shopping strip. So I was constantly down there eating candy and junk. Since starting at sears I have lost about 25 pounds. That and I'm doing physical labor.
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Weight - 170-185 (right now Im as heavy as I have ever been consistently 185)

Max Bench Press - 365 llbs , although I do not go for max weight efforts often, I prefer using bands and chains for 2-3 rep max effort pushes...

Max Dead Lift - 315, I just go into dead lifts, I see SO MANY with poor form it irritates me. I use a method of both overhand, no belt, and hinge at the hips, and I take the weight back down in a controlled manner. I know I could do a fair amount more with a over under grip and a drop, however I have no interest in heavy deadl ifting, I purely like it for control.

Max Squat - Free weight 315, Hack squat around 450 or so IRRC. Again I never go for max reps here either, I will use bands and chains and do 2-3 rep maximum efforts with a lower weight. Squatting is a huge natural movement so I focus my chicken legs on absolute form over absolute "grunt".(I also have "chicken legs")


Any more I have switched a lot of my weightlifting work outs around my plans to race my MTB this summer in a Ohio series. Example lots and lots of squats then I step on to the stairmaster do 3 minutes no rest back to squatting, take 1 minute repeat. Same with deadlifts ect, I keep my heart rate up and simulate pedaling motions and building strength and endurance. Maximum strength helps me none in racing.


I pretty much do circuit exercises with the other body parts every other week, and or do some focus lifts, then a circuit to finish out.


Goals now are for once a diet plan in February, NEVER have dieted other then gorging. I would like to be 175-180 racing weight, dont need to carry around more mass then necessary.


Here is me in Hawaii in July...Drinking of course. Hadnt worked out for 3 weeks...Opps.

(Note I normally dont take much time off, however we were there for 2 weeks and the week prior I slacked)


Oh and if you want to "look BIG" get a tan, fuck I am pale, a few guys I train with who try and get me to do a show do that rub on tanner, they go from average looking to like a bauce in 20 minutes...Pretty crazy what some shading does.


If any one wants to train some time, i train at metro fitness I always like giving my two cents and of course seeing other methods.


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Warm-up 10 mins. Row, plank holds, and air squats.


Skill: Snatch

15 minutes to find a good working weight for the WOD




10 rounds for time


1 snatch (I used 135lbs)

5 pull-ups

10 chest to deck push-ups

15 air squats


Finished in a little over 13 minutes.

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Some good info in ths thread.


I'm in a bad spot with what I can and can't do at the gym. I have some knee issues that keep me from doing much of anything with my legs.


Right now I have started to look for a program that I can do with weight loss as a main goal. I have no need to get big or be shredded anymore, I would rather be healthy.


Diet is also a bit of a struggle with all the damn options, ideas, and "my way is the best way" stuff out there.


I have stopped drinking for the most part, that has just made me feel better in general.

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is there anything I can do for better arm strength? There are times when I try to loosen a bolt and have to get the big guy to do it. Its embarrassing at times..




also what gets rid of manboobs?


i have been cutting back on the "grazing", at autozone the dollar tree was a few stores down the shopping strip. So I was constantly down there eating candy and junk. Since starting at sears I have lost about 25 pounds. That and I'm doing physical labor.



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