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Ouch, 6'8" and Crossfit don't usually mix. Good luck to ya.


All the best seem to be sub-5'11


It's got its disadvantages, but I really do enjoy it. I just have a crazy long range of motion for all the lifts. I'm used to it though, not like I can change it :)

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I go to the climbing gym about 5 days a week. I started about 4 months ago. I'm trying to break into 5.12 climbing before spring.


Could you elaborate? Never heard of a climbing gym, or a 5.12. Lol. Unless you mean you are actually out climbing which would make sense lol.

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Could you elaborate? Never heard of a climbing gym, or a 5.12. Lol. Unless you mean you are actually out climbing which would make sense lol.


Indoor climbing wall. 5.12 is a climbing rating which is 'very difficult' on the scale of things.


I was right around 5.10b/c before I stopped climbing daily, and not sure I could really get myself back to that point without being completely dedicated again. The core, leg, arm and finger strength it takes to accomplish something like that is immense.


Ryan, shoot me a PM, I'd love to have a climbing partner I can go with regularly. Assuming you're up at Vertical adventures?

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I hate you guys right now. Had to have my right biceps tendon, at the elbow, re-attached in August. Went through 3 months of PT and not lifting more than 5lbs with that arm. Got back to the gym started slowly and must have pushed it too hard in the 3 weeks that I was back and now have an issue with the tendons that attach the forearm muscles to the bone and have to wait another 2-3 weeks before lifting. So, I haven't lifted heavy since the end of July. Killing me!
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2012 going into 2013 was the most successful weightloss of my life. Went from 308 to 258 and plateaued. This was doing Title Boxing Club 3-5 times a week (depending on my motivation). I then hit a rough patch emotionally and said fuck it for a while. As a result, I have gained about half of the weight back.


I signed up at Metro Fitness through work a couple of weeks ago, haven't gone yet for the simple reason that I am supposed to have 2 personal training sessions first, and the dude hasn't called me yet. I'll reach out to someone after the first of the year goes by.


My goals this time around are to get past my previous 258 plateau, and learn WTF I am doing (never been in or taught how to use a "regular gym" in my entire life, grew up in a fat family). May be unrealistic, but I would really like to see 200lbs or less for the first time in my adult life.


Never played sports past grade school due to being flat footed and being in constant pain if I had to run, and I had the same problem when I was a Title. You start out running laps before each session, and I always had to stop after just a couple of minutes. Not due to being out of breath or whatever, but from the pain my feet were in, and this is even after getting custom fit shoes. I am hoping to do less impactful stuff at this new gym.

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2012 going into 2013 was the most successful weightloss of my life. Went from 308 to 258 and plateaued. This was doing Title Boxing Club 3-5 times a week (depending on my motivation). I then hit a rough patch emotionally and said fuck it for a while. As a result, I have gained about half of the weight back.


I signed up at Metro Fitness through work a couple of weeks ago, haven't gone yet for the simple reason that I am supposed to have 2 personal training sessions first, and the dude hasn't called me yet. I'll reach out to someone after the first of the year goes by.


My goals this time around are to get past my previous 258 plateau, and learn WTF I am doing (never been in or taught how to use a "regular gym" in my entire life, grew up in a fat family). May be unrealistic, but I would really like to see 200lbs or less for the first time in my adult life.


Never played sports past grade school due to being flat footed and being in constant pain if I had to run, and I had the same problem when I was a Title. You start out running laps before each session, and I always had to stop after just a couple of minutes. Not due to being out of breath or whatever, but from the pain my feet were in, and this is even after getting custom fit shoes. I am hoping to do less impactful stuff at this new gym.


Ever try the elliptical?

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Ever try the elliptical?


Yep, an elliptical and DDP Yoga were actually where I got my start when I was at my highest weight. I bought an expensive and good quality one from Sports Authority, and I have been getting back on it slowly since my motivation has returned. I do last a lot longer on an elliptical, but I can't seem to find a setup on there that is completely comfortable for my short legs (my dad was the same way - short legs, long torso). I also still start to hurt after a while, but it is usually something I can tough out compared to straight running.

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I hate you guys right now. Had to have my right biceps tendon, at the elbow, re-attached in August. Went through 3 months of PT and not lifting more than 5lbs with that arm. Got back to the gym started slowly and must have pushed it too hard in the 3 weeks that I was back and now have an issue with the tendons that attach the forearm muscles to the bone and have to wait another 2-3 weeks before lifting. So, I haven't lifted heavy since the end of July. Killing me!


Sorry to hear that, but give it time to recover, most important.

In the mean time, Build those legs!!

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Yep, an elliptical and DDP Yoga were actually where I got my start when I was at my highest weight. I bought an expensive and good quality one from Sports Authority, and I have been getting back on it slowly since my motivation has returned. I do last a lot longer on an elliptical, but I can't seem to find a setup on there that is completely comfortable for my short legs (my dad was the same way - short legs, long torso). I also still start to hurt after a while, but it is usually something I can tough out compared to straight running.


Elliptical is much easier on the body. If feet are your issue, have you tried a rowing machine for cardio? It takes a bit to get comfortable, but is full body work that will blow running/walking out of the water.

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Arm day is like a vacation day!

Quick warm up: curls,extensions

Close grip: 95x10, 115x10, 135x10, 155x8, 175x8, 185x6

All Superset, 2 sets close grip/ 1 set 10 chin ups

3 sets superset: 15 ez curl/cable extension 8 overhand/8 underhand

Neck extension front/back


First time working neck, going to try to include it 2-3 times a week.

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Sorry to hear that, but give it time to recover, most important.

In the mean time, Build those legs!!


Well, I can't lift heavy right now due to my stupid neck after the car accident I was in. I will be heading back as soon as I can to start running again. Fun times.

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Well, I can't lift heavy right now due to my stupid neck after the car accident I was in. I will be heading back as soon as I can to start running again. Fun times.


I just read a few interesting articles about neck inury and the importance of training it. I have had some neck strain/stiffness that I have wondered if I can attribute to a lack of strengthening the neck. I recently added it to my weekly routine.

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Anyone in the Grove City area need a weightlifting partner? I haven't lifted in a decade on any serious level but wanted to get back into it. I've lost a shit ton of weight this year and moving into 2014 I want to get into heavy weightlifting!


Was thinking of getting a membership at the Y in Circleville or Grove City and working 4-5 times a week at it.


Let me know if any of you would like to join me!


Current Stats-

Height 6'4"

Weight: 260




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Could you elaborate? Never heard of a climbing gym, or a 5.12. Lol. Unless you mean you are actually out climbing which would make sense lol.


Climbing ratings go from 5.5 to 5.15.


I do climb outside regularly when the weather allows. There is Red River Gorge and New River Gorge within a 4 hour drive and some of the best sport climbing in North America is in these two places. I currently have a 10 day trip planned to start in Chattanooga, TN and work my way North through Tennessee in April.


The climbing gym is a good place to get started in climbing and work on whatever you need to so you can progress outside.


You'll find some muscles groups you don't work out in any sort of gym environment.


I need to start utilizing the weight rooms to help promote muscle growth in some areas. Soon I'll be climbing with a weight vest but I want to let my tendons in my fingers get stronger first so I don't hurt myself before the warm season.

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Today's workout was a short one.



1:00m work, :30 rest

Alternate between jump rope, sit-ups, air squats, and walking lunges.



5 rounds for time


7 thrusters (front squat into overhead push press, one movement) 115lbs

9 toes to bar

11 Kettlebell overhead swings 70lbs


Finished in 11:58

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Today's workout was a short one.



1:00m work, :30 rest

Alternate between jump rope, sit-ups, air squats, and walking lunges.



5 rounds for time


7 thrusters (front squat into overhead push press, one movement) 115lbs

9 toes to bar

11 Kettlebell overhead swings 70lbs


Finished in 11:58


Do you have a box at home or do you go to one?

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One thing I do to keep weight off (when it's not freezing outside) is walk for 30-45 minutes in the morning on a empty stomach. Very low intensity. You can't eat for another 30 minutes after you've stopped.


There is not a whole lot of science behind it, but from what I gather is it burns off the sugar that your body stored during the night. You know, the sugar you would need if a saber tooth tiger surprised you in your cave and you need some energy to fight it off.


Seems to help for me. I dropped from from 222.4 to 197.8 in six weeks for a weight loss competition just before the holidays.

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Crossfit Grandview. I would never be able to keep up intensity if I wasn't in a group environment. No garage/basement gyms for me.


Crossfit Polaris would be the only other gym I would consider going to.


Nice. I go to Friendship Crossfit in Dublin. Love the place.

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