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CR, let's help one of our own in need


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This thread is to redirect and make it easy for CR to help a fellow member's family in need.


Here's the detailed thread:



Facts are this; we have a proud member trying to deal with an overwhelming situation. Medical issues the family are going through, have exhausted the family's means, to include their savings.


This link below was set up by a family member for people to donate.




CR, let's pull together and show our support for a fellow car guy and great family man.

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I don't have a lot, but gave what I can right now. I'll definitely give again when I'm able. I wish the best for him and his family.

It also makes me feel pretty good about this group of people when I see how generous they can be. Props to the two guys above me who get it done when needed, and all others who come together.

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IN - Jason is a stand up guy.


His family/situation is EXACTLY what government programs were designed for. Too bad the stigma placed on them by thousands of freeloaders has kept him from accepting a hand up to get back on track.


I hope a little help from many along with some government aid will get him and his family through this tough time and get them back into a more stable financial situation.

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IN - Jason is a stand up guy.




Will help. I know what it's like to be proud and I know what it's like to have others help.


Jason, when I donate it will not be out of pity, but out of the kindness of my heart and, as I told you my buddy made me promise in the other thread, "blessing someone else."


All I ask in return is that you continue being a good father and husband and enjoy your time with your family and when (not if) you land on your feet all I want for you to do is help someone else in need.


My prayers are with you all as well. God bless and here's to a great 2014.

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If anyone would like to set up a fundraiser locally I will donate my dance studio for an evening on a weekend and will provide beverages or wine or something. Maybe do a raffle, silent auction ( different members here are business owners that could donate) and maybe do a potluck style dinner. I'll be out of Columbus jan3-12 but will help out anytime after that. I'll have my cell and email while I am gone so I can still help set it up.
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