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CR, let's help one of our own in need


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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks again guys. My wife starts chemo on tuesday. I am amazed at the cost of the chemo treatments. She will be on an initial 5 month regiment undergoing treatment including 7 different drugs. One drug alone is $10k per dose. One drug $10k, I couldnt even believe it when they said that number. Between all the drugs and visits each week i believe they said the fees were close to $15-20k every 21 days. I can tell you my wife and i have had some of the toughest conversations talking about what if all of this doesnt work. We have been together at this point more years than we havent. To hear her tell me she is afraid of not being here and seeing the kids live their lives was about all i could take. Unfortunately the statistics are a 35% chance of making it another 5 years. Edited by wnaplay
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