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For those who pray. Keep me in your prayers. Medical


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Woke up Wednesday Morning with my right leg bugging me. By Thursday afternoon I had to leave work early due to light headedness and aching in both legs. Grady ER dismissed it as simple back pain. Friday I couldn't walk, couldnt hardly stand, had trouble speaking without my words breaking up, and hadn't been able to urinate in 24 hours.


So to riverside we went. They immediately realized something was wrong and started tests. After an MRI of my brain and lower spine they came back with devastating news.


I have inflammation/lesions on my lower spine and brain. They immediately admitted me and are beginning to treat and test me for MS.


So any of you all that pray or have family that pray please have them say a prayer for my family and myself as we go through this trying time. I'll be hear for at least 5 days

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Try to keep your chin up. If there is anything positive out of this is that you are getting the right tests and subsequent treatment. I know it took docs 2 yrs to diagnose my dad (another disease) and it almost cost him his life.


Sending positive vibes your way.

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Thanks for all the wishes and prayers everyone. Been really blessed today. No insurance so when the billing department came in they got some info and then told us they were going to cover our stay so that'll get rid of a good part of the hospital bill. My uncles church took up a collection unbeknownst to us an gave us several hundred dollars to cover bills at home
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Thanks for all the wishes and prayers everyone. Been really blessed today. No insurance so when the billing department came in they got some info and then told us they were going to cover our stay so that'll get rid of a good part of the hospital bill. My uncles church took up a collection unbeknownst to us an gave us several hundred dollars to cover bills at home


Good to know there are some good people out there that care about you. My best wishes to getting this under control.

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