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Lost 160 Lbs. this past year. . . want to get into serious weightlifting


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Hey all. . . some of you may know this past year I have been focusing on heavy weight loss. Well I was able to achieve this and through extremely hard work and eating properly . . . I lost 160 pounds. I have also been building muscle through free weights at home but would really like to get into serious proper (form and otherwise) weightlifting. I'm wondering if I should get a trainer or just keep following youtube videos??


Is there anyone on here who could train me or who would want to workout with me? I'm going into 2014 with a strong 2013 finish and still have a strong motivation to become the best version of myself!


Side-by-side action: Brings tears to my eyes looking at the old me and how unhappy I was. . . it was all I had in me to actually go to the beach with my family . . . social anxiety fiesta. . . this year I am actually looking FORWARD to it!


Rock on fine people. . . I hope you meet/exceed your 2014 goals!



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It seems you are driven enough to go it alone but I have found it more rewarding to work with a trainer. I go to Northern Performance near the intersection of 23 and Powell road. It is a small gym with a couple of really good trainers and quality equipment. At 41 I am in the best shape of my life.


Congrats by the way, that is a monumental achievement!

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Dude, this is incredible. I wasn't nearly that heavy, but I remember how unhappy I was when I was overweight. Losing 50 lbs literally changed my life.


Where and when do you work out? I'd be happy to lift with you a few times. I'm not big, not extremely strong, but I 100% focus on technique and have worked out with some pretty wicked people to hammer out my routine.

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First, AWESOME job and congrats on having the self-discipline to do what you did....


Second, if you want to get serious there are couple ways you can go about this.


1) I was a personal trainer for almost 2 years, and if you find a good one they can be a HUGE motivator and keep you accountable for your continued success. With that being said, they can also add up and be quite expensive....I'm not saying it's not worth it..it is...just be weary that it can add up quickly...


2) If you have been self-disciplined to lose that much weight, I am sure you can be just as disciplined in the gym....however, you have to KNOW how to push yourself in the gym and if you have never been a 'gym rat' before it may be hard to know if you are pushing yourself hard enough or not.....plus it's easy to just say, I'll go tomorrow...because no one is holding you accountable, except yourself.....


3) If it were me, I would find a friend/lifting partner to do this. Not only will a lifting partner hold you accountable, but he will also help push you. When you are on your last set on the bench and want to get those last couple reps in until 'failure' you NEED someone there to not only spot you, but push you and encourage you to get there...also, if you lift with a friend, it can be fun and you can bullshit with each other in between sets, and it's not an absolute bore in between sets or waiting for equipment.....lastly, a lifting partner is FREE :)


When you workout with a lifting partner, and then get in your car to drive home at the end of your workout and can barely turn the steering wheel on your car, or push the clutch pedal you KNOW you've had a good workout, and most of the time it's hard to get that without someone there to spot you and lift with.....


Hope that helps....


Congrats again, and good luck in 2014!

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Thanks guys for all the kind words. Means a lot! As far as diet goes I just cut out all the garbage. I dont eat processed foods, or a lot of sugar aside from whole fruit. I am following a mostly paleo lifestyle really. Lots of meats/veggies/fruits and feel more energetic and healthier than I ever have! I coupled eating properly with daily cardio and the rest is history.


I am definitely leaning towards a lifting buddy. Maybe a couple trainer sessions to make sure I dont injure myself?


Thanks again all!!

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Congrats on all your success. Sounds like you and I are on the same plan, I follow a mostly paleo diet mixed in with lifting and cardo. I myself lost 40 lbs last year. I have a buddy that is trainer at Fitness 19 in Westerville. He is the one that told me about the diet and writes my workouts. He comes from a power lifting background and is now certified trainer. At first, I met with him a couple times a week to go over the new workout. He took that time at first to teach my wife and I the correct form.


After we got the hang of the work out, we went on our own. Now I meet up with him every 6-8 weeks for him to change up our work out. As others have said, a work out buddy is the best to help push you and also to watch your form as you progress with more weight.


Good luck with your success and let me know if you want the contact information for the trainer I use.

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Congrats on all your success. Sounds like you and I are on the same plan, I follow a mostly paleo diet mixed in with lifting and cardo. I myself lost 40 lbs last year. I have a buddy that is trainer at Fitness 19 in Westerville. He is the one that told me about the diet and writes my workouts. He comes from a power lifting background and is now certified trainer. At first, I met with him a couple times a week to go over the new workout. He took that time at first to teach my wife and I the correct form.


After we got the hang of the work out, we went on our own. Now I meet up with him every 6-8 weeks for him to change up our work out. As others have said, a work out buddy is the best to help push you and also to watch your form as you progress with more weight.


Good luck with your success and let me know if you want the contact information for the trainer I use.


This is a great route to take, I recommend a similar plan, if it's in the budget.....

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Are you planning on getting a gym membership or looking for people to workout in your house with you?


I am running out of weights at my home so was looking to maybe meet up at someone else's home or get a gym membership. I think I need to be out of my house to really push myself with it. Too easy to take it easy in your domain.

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